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Public Service Commission Announces New Pay Structure For Civil Servants

2 years agoSun, 08 Jan 2023 20:05:23 GMT
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Public Service Commission Announces New Pay Structure For Civil Servants

The Public Service Commission has announced a new pay structure for civil servants noting that they will be paid according to their academic qualifications, experience and seniority starting this month.

The government is apparently reactivating a policy that promotes the advancement of public workers which was abandoned in 2012.

The advancement policy will start to be operational this month, The Sunday News reported citing a statement issued on Friday, by Public Service Commission (PSC) Secretary Dr Tsitsi Choruma. Reads the statement:

Following engagements in the context of the National Joint Negotiating Council, Government resolved to reactivate the advancement of all civil servants in terms of the applicable advancement procedures. Accordingly, the Public Service Commission embarked on and finalised the placement of all civil servants in their respective grades by the end of December 2022. All civil servants will, therefore, be paid the salaries that reflect their advancement and placement within their grades with effect from January 2023.

In pursuit of the foregoing, all the Heads of Line Ministries are implored to submit all relevant higher qualifications obtained by civil servants under their ministries and departments to the Public Service Commission to facilitate the completion of the advancement exercise by 31st March 2023.

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Zimbabwe Teachers Association (Zimta) president Mr Richard Gundani said the exercise is an issue of fundamental rights enshrined in the conditions of service.

Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) president Dr Takavafira Zhou said the review of grades would see civil servants getting what they deserved. He said:

If one is a headmaster, deputy or senior teacher, one should have something to show for that. What we only urge the Government is to walk the talk.

He said that while the intention is good, they usually disagree with the government on the implementation plan. He said the new police must be clear among the stakeholders.

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Locadia · 2 years ago
80 years hadzisi dzokutamba nadzo chero ukaramba wazvinzwa
5 · 2 years ago
@ patriot the gadget you are using to spew zanu pf nonsense is an imperialist means of communication, why using it? Madii mangoshandisa ngoma ndezvimwe zvakadaro zvisiri zvevauyi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Tricks after tricks whilst suppressing workers rights. Verification or no verification diaspora tinotenda. Imagine stress yemari irikutadza kukwana nestress yekushaiwa zvekushandisa kubasa.
Patriot · 2 years ago
There is no messiah in African politics . The issue of Imperialism is the one at stake and who ever tries to please the imperialists things will look good during his tenure of office and failure to do so everything will go hire wire for them. As long as Africa relies on other people technology she will never be indipendent.
Patrào · 2 years ago
Retirement age in this country is 55 to 60 years. Some gullible man of this country campaign for an 80 year old man to work until he is 85. Yhe country has been failed by the same man who has been there from 1980. He is just a fly. When you see him playing near food know it he will leave it rotten. Vote the young who have new ideas, energy and people at heart. The old must be on pension enjoying what they worked for. Ukawona uchisvika 80 years uchiri kumukira kubasa zvoreva kusarongeka. VOTE CCC
john wicky · 2 years ago
all civil servants can retire at 65
great wonders academy · 2 years ago
ko the uneducated it's rough you should have taken school serious look now
zanu nemauto · 2 years ago
zanu nemauto ndoovega vane kodzero yekudya vachiguta uye kuba nekuponda,vamwe vese hanzi ifai nenzara
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Mauto, I suggest should be sent to Ukraine to assist our all-weather friend Poo-tin where they'll be rewarded handsomely.
Teacher · 2 years ago
Hapana Mari yawedzerwaba apa.Re-read..No joy for civil servants no salary increase.
stallion · 2 years ago
yes uri very correct Mari hapana zvachose yataurwa apa ndezvekuwedzera dzidzo chete
Fairchild · 2 years ago
suffer continue!
Tenga Vote. · 2 years ago
Asvika maelections Civil Servants makunyengerwa vote yenyu. Pretend to support Zanu Pf kana mari mawedzerwa zuva reku vota asvika bhora musango
King · 2 years ago
Munhu wese ngativhoterei mkoma ambo turner matables, nokuti mbavha idzi dzakwegura ngadzichienda pamudya ndigere
Dzingai N · 2 years ago
the world 🌍🌍 over Government is the least paying emploer
Dzingai N · 2 years ago
....least paying employer
Divert civil servants attention · 2 years ago
Education has not changed these fools in any way. The gvt will continue to manipulate them for the next 12 months. Wht happned to school fees 4 Teachers children. Vote this rubbish out
psych nurse · 2 years ago
MaRMN Hoyee!!!!
Sorojena · 2 years ago
It's not a new pay structure but a revival of of the best practice used to be done long back. There must be a difference between seniors and juniors salaries. Again they have to reinstate some of the allowances used to be earned, because civil servant salary is just peanuts without allowances.

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