
Pastors For ED Is An Abomination, Says Tom Deuschle

Pastors For ED Is An Abomination, Says Tom Deuschle

Celebration Church Ministries International leader, Tom Deuschle, has said the ZANU PF-affiliated group of pastors, Pastors for Economic Development (Pastors4ED) is an abomination because it supports an oppressive system that abhors righteousness.

In a recent sermon at his church in Borrowdale, Deuschle criticised what he considers the seduction of the church by politicians. He said:

We call ourselves a Christian nation. I saw a report the other day that we are supposedly 85 percent Christian and yet we allow a flood, and I mean a literal flood, of non-christian activity to seduce the church, to seduce the nation.

Politics; we are seeing today pastors being manipulated by the state to support political ideologies that often speak and do things contrary to the word of God.

This pastors for ED is an abomination I dare to say it out loud. It is ridiculous. You cannot be a pastor 4ED.

He argued that it is wrong for pastors to identify themselves with political ideologies instead of wholly following Jesus Christ. Said Deuschle:

You can only be a pastor for our great shepherd Jesus Christ. I am not a pastor and I will not be a pastor for a political party.

Political parties may govern. There was an article that says Christians are supposed to obey the governing authority, yes until the governing authority violates their governing authority which is almighty God and the word of God.

The year 2022 witnessed the proliferation of several ZANU PF affiliates claiming to be championing economic development (ED) for the attainment of Vision 2030.

These organisations include Pastors4ED, Vapostori4ED, and Teachers4ED among others.

Pastors4ED national chairperson Idiraishe Dongo said the initiative is aimed at grooming pastors who love their country. |
