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Govt Threatens To Fire School Heads, Deregister Pvt Schools Hiking Fees

2 years agoFri, 13 Jan 2023 15:16:44 GMT
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Govt Threatens To Fire School Heads, Deregister Pvt Schools Hiking Fees

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MOPSE) has threatened to fire heads of government schools who hike fees in defiance of laid down guidelines.

Private schools, on the other hand, risk being deregistered for the same offence, The Herald reported citing the ministry’s spokesperson, Mr Taungana Ndoro. He is quoted as saying:

Heads of public schools who defy the directive would have defied the Permanent Secretary and that is an act of misconduct, so they will be charged. The penalties they face might include dismissal. 

Non-Government schools who do not follow the laid down procedure risk being deregistered.

The government said any fee hike outside the stipulated regulations, which include parents’ consent and approval by the Permanent Secretary in the MOPSE, is illegal.

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The warning comes after it had been noted that some schools were charging fees or levies exclusively in United States dollars which is at variance with the country’s monetary regulations which allow a multi-currency system.

Meanwhile, some parents feel disappointed as the government keeps on postponing rolling out the free education policy which was initially announced in 2018.

The government has over the years continued to postpone the implementation of the policy prompting critics to say the declaration is a mere political strategy to attract votes for the ruling party in the 2023 elections. 

Finance minister, Professor Mthuli Ncube said free education would take time to implement apparently hinting that the government would not implement the programme in January 2023 as was expected.

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henry chinzou · 2 years ago
magovement schools arikudemander fees in Us dollars check maheadmaster ngaende Ayo
Muama Gaddafi 🇲🇾 · 2 years ago
the government must come to our rescue especially on the issue yema extra lesson ummm this is a serious issue wich needs special attention.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Parents are always being duped by schools When they want to increase levies they call parents for 'extra-ordinary or emergency meetings' and make them sign 'registers of attendance' The school then sends those registers to the ministry saying the parents who signed were in agreement to a fee hike and the ministry approves
· 2 years ago
The government only knows how to threaten people, not to solve the economic problems that they created in the country.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
The government must know that citizens are sick and tired of it. People now need a change of government.
Icho · 2 years ago
Manchester united irikutamba rinhi
Bhoso s · 2 years ago
VYBZ KARTEL · 2 years ago
Manchester Utd ichasvasvanga Manchester City 4-0
skhumba · 2 years ago
@vybz in ur dreams, just keep on dreaming big guy 😄
.. · 2 years ago
Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Government should also look closer at the Landlords, they put up rent every month while bills also go up every month. ITS TOTALLY BULL SHI T...
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kkkkk zviroto hazvina kuipa @VYBZ Kartel Muka ubike doro
· 2 years ago
jah munochengeta mukwende wemabvudzi muchiroja huyai ndkupei stand

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