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Winky D's Eureka: Deputy Minister Makes U-Turn, Says "Let Us Not Fight Artists"

2 years agoSat, 14 Jan 2023 09:02:07 GMT
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Winky D's Eureka: Deputy Minister Makes U-Turn, Says "Let Us Not Fight Artists"

The Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport, Art and Recreation, Tinoda Machakaire has made a u-turn urging Zimbabweans not to fight artistes.

Machakaire who is ZANU PF’s secretary for youth affairs, initially criticised Zimdancehall chanter, Wallace Chirumiko, better known as Winky D, following the release of Eureka Eureka which some individuals and groups described as political.

In a video that went viral on social media recently, Machakaire said Winky D’s music was causing “unnecessary chaos.”

Machakaire later posted on his social media accounts calling for a tone down of criticism against Winky D also known as the Gaffa. Wrote Machakaire:

I have seen with growing concern the video circulating on social media.

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It is quite unfortunate that the video wasn’t shared in its entirety.

However, all I am saying is let us not fight artists (Winky D).

Let us respect their art and respect their opinions so long it’s within their constitutional rights.

President ED Mnangagwa is saying no to violence, yes to peace. Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo and tisu vene vayo.

I know most young people are unemployed and this is a bone of contention with most of our youth.

In Harare alone, for example, roads in most of our residential locations have deteriorated, City of Harare is failing to provide clean and safe water, traffic lights are not working, stadiums are down, failure to develop working spaces e.g. Coca Cola.

We have identified the problems and we need solutions to these problems, which is why I am saying, come let us talk.

I know we have a lot of brilliant minds in our nation and if we put our heads together, we can come up with creative and innovative solutions to our problems.

The moment we start fighting each other, it distracts from our purpose and instead of moving forward, we are stuck fighting each other where we could expend that energy and creativity into solving our grievances. That is all I am saying.

Winky D launched Eureka Eureka on 31 December 2022 at the Harare International Conference Centre (HICC).

Some of the songs on the album portray Zimbabwe as a crime scene where corruption is rampant.

He also addresses issues of leadership failure which he said had resulted in the deterioration of living standards.

On Dzimba Dzemabwe, featuring soulful Shingai Shoniwa, the artistes cry out for what Zimbabwe, the motherland, has become. Shingai, best known as the vocalist and bassist for the English indie rock band Noisettes, sings:

is this the land we cried for, we died for, musadaro (please don’t do that).

Following the launch, the Economic Empowerment Group (EEG) led by Mike Chimombe called on the government to ban Winky D from performing in Zimbabwe accusing him of promoting hate speech through his songs.

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Jeremiah Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
I hope you mean what you say... Do not victimise Winky D by violently disrupting his shows like you did in Kwekwe when he released Jecha .. we know your ways
dee~tales · 2 years ago
Where is Holy 10
Howard Ndaruza · 2 years ago
Bright · 2 years ago
Pa media kana uchidarika kugara po nguva refu ka haa usashore gafa na chamisa
Morfat · 2 years ago
m**** mwaona kuti none is supporting you
mwenewazvo · 2 years ago
maitsvaga kunyongosha Gafa,mukaona kuti harivhundutswe nezvisina basa.makatoona kuti side ramuinaro harisi kushandaka.#SHANDISAI SIDE RAMUINARO
Jeremiah Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
It's not often that we hear a Zanu PF cadre admitting publicly that he was wrong. You are a new breed Hon. Machakaire. Hats off to you. I hope u have also realized that violence and blood letting is also wrong. let peace prevail in Jesus' name
Ribvungu · 2 years ago
This shows that Tino Machakaire does not make his own indipendent decisions on his portfolio, he is just being a puppet which dances according to the tune of it's master.
Ngondi · 2 years ago
Machakaire shld apologise publicly to the youths yu crossed your line Machakaire.
Sorojena · 2 years ago
That shows the level of confusion amongst the ranks and files of Zanu Pf. This paranoid status displayed even amongst their own will lead to their downfall
cde hondo · 2 years ago
Gafa rine support kupfuura iwe machakaire na mnanganwa wako uzvizive.an attack on gafa is an attack on ghetto youths and elders. Gafa is not cheap like those musicians you give tuma$5000 pama album launch avo......viva Gafa.the mass is 100% behind you kusara kwembavha dze ZANU
The journalist who came with this so called analysis of the Eureka album, should be told also. the true kuti arenge kuzviita anogona kuge ndiye ane brain than others...
the u turn is mainly becoz they realized that Gafa has a huge following and this can affect them some how somewhere coz mnay youths are behind Winky D music. just thinking out loud
· 2 years ago
@aporoticary you can say that again,vakatoona kuti yatova imwe hondo yavakatanga nema youths paGafa.vakati regai tikasire tadzimura moto bcz hazvisi kuita
Teez · 2 years ago
Tinokuzivay mukaona zvaramba munoitasegurwe mozviwisira mumoto dzikama Gaffa iGaffa kusvkira rafa
. · 2 years ago
fake smile, they want to lure him close
Anonymous · 2 years ago
This was not a fight Hon. It was a blatant attack on the musician and I think you crossed the line I hope the toning down of your attack on the musician is sincere An outright apology would have been more appropriate

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