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"Zimbabwean Children Denied Schooling In South Africa"

2 years agoWed, 18 Jan 2023 16:30:21 GMT
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"Zimbabwean Children Denied Schooling In South Africa"

The Zimbabwe Exemption Permit Holders Association (ZEPHA), a South African-based organisation that seeks to protect the rights of Zimbabweans in the neighbouring country, says Zimbabwean children are being denied their right to education.

ZEPHA is asking the Gauteng High Court to set aside what it considers an SA government decision to refuse to enroll children of ZEP holders.

It cited the ministers and directors-general of Basic Education and Home Affairs as respondents.

One of the applicants alleges that he was unable to register his daughter at Rand Park High in Johannesburg in what is supposed to be her matric year.

He claimed the school cited the uncertainty of his legal status in SA as the reason for its decision.

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In a statement, ZEPHA said this is just one of several such instances of children of Zimbabweans being denied enrolment in South African schools. It said:

This is a cruel, inhuman, and unconstitutional punishment of Zimbabwean children’s right to complete their education.

The decision by SA Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi to end the ZEP system by 30 June this year is the subject of three separate challenges.

The three groups are ZEPHA, the Helen Suzman Foundation and the Zimbabwe Immigration Federation.

All the groups are challenging Home Affairs’ decision to end the ZEP system, which was introduced more than a decade ago.

ZEPHA is arguing that ZEP holders have a legitimate expectation of being granted permanent residence in SA, as most are working, paying taxes, and raising their children in the neighbouring. | Moneyweb



SWEDEN WIZARD · 2 years ago
Dzokai kumuzi guys hwana hwenyu huyende kuzvikoro zvakachipa uye tohupinza muBhimu ,kwete kuita kunge hameno hamno ,
PT · 2 years ago
guys please try to use English on comments some of us we don't understand Shona plzzzzzz
ch0ngotera · 2 years ago
vamwe vakunyara kudzoka nekuti vaidadira vehukama kkkkkkkk
@ chOngotera · 2 years ago
Zvakatiendesa kuSouth Africa inhamo yakawunzva neZanu Pf. Gugurawundi, Op Muramba**** amongst many govt policies is the cause of all the suffering of Zim citizens in South Africa. Emzansi sahanjiswa yikuhlupheka okwabangelwa yiZanu Pf, igukurahundi le murambaswuna ngokunye okwenza amaHlabezulu lamaShona kugcwale kweleMzansi
Mbwirembwire · 2 years ago
Huyai tiite CALA vanangu
i · 2 years ago
kuno kumusha zvikoro zvizere anhu woye
Trymorechiwamba · 2 years ago
guys you know what murikongonzi dzokaiyi muise vote than kana maisa pasiripo munenge ma.mama Zimbabwe yakuita kunge kuruzevha kwekuti mwana kana akura anotiza achiti ndakuyenda kutown look to everyone aita chine musoro arii muzimbabwe anotowona kuti abuda muno ndokuti aite chine musoro. yes inyika yakadzikinurwa neropa but hurumende iri kudzimbira madzimbabwe midzimu yenyika nehanda kaguvi chitepo nevamwe vakawanda varipasa. chiro zvikanzi zanu PF ndiyo yoga inotonga Zimbabwe azvina kuipa asi utongi ngaubve wese papindewo vamwe varungu vaidei muno minda zvicherwa kuratidza kuti tine hupfumi asi varikumbera vanemakaro avarangarire varipasi takati atichakudai mootiii rova moti uraya. mazimbabweans takuita kunge nherera isina baba namai . 2023 uno ngatitewo zvine musoro zvikoro tinazvo mabasa ndoitiri ku.urayirwa mamine achipihwa machine
Enkulu · 2 years ago
Ku nerimwe rekusouth Africa rinogara pastreet rekwangu ndoda kumboribvunza passport kana rikasayibuditsa chete tombowomeserana madhiri coz havangararame zvavanoda muno uko vachidzingirira vamwe vedu sh!t
.mazimba · 2 years ago
vana vekusouth havadzidze kune dzimwe nyika here varambidzwewo
Mhondoro · 2 years ago
Imi murikutoita nharo kuda kudzidzisa vana venyu kunext door imi mune kumba kwenyu. Dzokai mugadzirise musha wenyu vana vadzidze muno.
Umkhonto kazulu · 2 years ago
Only umthwakazi kazulu can fix our country.
🤣🤣 · 2 years ago
Muama Gaddafi 🇲🇾 · 2 years ago
vana ngavauye vadzidze kumusha
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Yesss you nailed it
Sorojena · 2 years ago
At times we wonder where this info is coming from, perhaps some shuldrens are being denied admittance at schools but quite a number of Zim' s unregistered diaspora's shuldrens are attending South African schools... what counts is your money.

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