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Captains Of Industry Expect RBZ To Reduce Interest Rates

2 years agoTue, 24 Jan 2023 05:34:44 GMT
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Captains Of Industry Expect RBZ To Reduce Interest Rates

Captains of industry and commerce have urged the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) to lower its bank policy interest rates downwards to between 80 and 100 per cent from 200 per cent.

They say this will enable businesses to have access to affordable financing.

Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) chief executive officer Christopher Mugaga said companies are now being forced to borrow in United States dollars due to high-interest rates, which he said threatens their viability. Said Mugaga:

In the upcoming monetary policy statement, we expect interest rates to be reviewed downwards to margins between 80 and 100 percent this is because as private sector we understand that the rate of inflation is still a threat to the overall macro-economic stability, but having it come down to those levels will at least give us a breathing space.

Right now, most of the companies are borrowing in US dollars and it’s not sustainable at all.

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RBZ governor John Mangudya is expected to present this year’s monetary policy statement next month.

In its third quarter of 2022 business and economic intelligence report, the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) said:

… an interest rate of 200 percent compounded monthly effectively eliminated ZWL$ borrowing, as businesses could not afford such high borrowing costs.

While speculative borrowing was reduced (which also helped contain the growth of money supply), the policy virtually eliminated borrowing in local currency as a way of finance and reduced industry expansion prospects.

Persistence Gwanyanya, a member of the RBZ Monetary Policy Committee said:

Certainly, the forthcoming monetary policy will be presented before the end of next month but a date has not been set as yet.

One of the expectations from industry and commerce is the downward review of interest rates from the current levels.

In December, as the MPC we postponed the review of the interest rates on account that there should be sustained currency and inflation stability, if sustained stability is there by the time the monetary policy statement is presented, the interest rates will be reviewed downwards.

| The Herald



cde chipopi · 2 years ago
hakuna chinhu chinonzi captain of industry munyika isina ma industries
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Hapana zvinozivikanwa apa
vepano pano · 2 years ago
well you have same malaise I can see it
sancho · 2 years ago
john panonetsa rbz mangudya
vepano pano · 2 years ago
The reduction of interest rates to the level proffer by industry will also be inflationary in the long run because the cost of money will still be factored into cost structures before actually increasing prices to get a profit and return on investment so this is going to be a vicious cycle so I do not see gvt acceding to the requests of business before elections they are most likely to keep a tight leash on money supply by keeping the rates at 200%
Vekuye kuye · 2 years ago
Affordable interest rate ye80-100% pa here?
vepano pano · 2 years ago
I'm glad because the stakeholders affected by the 200% interest rate have proffered this

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