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"The World Demands A Lot From Men" Nigel 'Nijo Slick' Maritinyu

2 years agoFri, 27 Jan 2023 10:30:11 GMT
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"The World Demands A Lot From Men" Nigel 'Nijo Slick' Maritinyu

Zimbabwean comedian and motivational speaker, Nigel “Tha Slick Pastor” Maritinyu, says the world demands a lot from men, but they keep the pain to themselves.

Bamunini Nijo, a role he played in one of his skits, said women are not the only ones who need emotional support, but men also need it. In a post seen by Pindula News, Nijo said many men were depressed to the extent that some contemplated abusing drugs or even suicide. He said:

Not taking anything away from the ladies, but I feel like men go through a lot, especially young men who are navigating the “building” stage of their lives.

It’s either you have a lot of time for your family and no money to support them or you are busy making ends meet which ends up taking a lot of your time hence depriving your family of your presence.

The world demands a lot from the man. The wife needs attention, love, understanding and also provisions. The world requires your labour and service in exchange for a means to sustain your livelihood.

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The man is constantly in competition , either with other men or circumstances of nature. At almost every turn and instance, the head of the family is constantly thinking and plotting, devising and scheming ways to survive and meet his family’s expectations.

But he’s human too. Sometimes he just wants to feel what it’s like to sit and enjoy TV like everyone else without a the threat of bills intruding his mind. Everyday, men are faced with situations that challenge their sufficiency. Will I make enough this month, am I satisfying my partner, will I retain my job in this recession, is my health alright with all the stress I’m constantly under?? So many questions, very few answers many a time.

Of all the things I have listed, I feel that the biggest burden is not even these problems but the greatest pain for the man is going through these challenges and feeling no one UNDERSTANDS you, they only expect from you.

While I do not approve, justify or condone the following I tend to UNDERSTAND how many end turning to:

1. Alcoholism 2. Pornography and womanizing 3. Drug and substance abuse 4. Absenteeism 5. Fits of rage 6. Suicide

Most times these behaviors and patterns begin as an escape channel, trying to avoid facing the beckoning reality with each passing second. I repeat, those are not solutions but I think I get how people end up trapped in such.

Do you know it’s very normal for a man to want to just sit there and be quiet for 8 hours straight because life is tiring man and even talking becomes such a task. This is why some came up with the idea of a “man cave”, that room at home you can just retreat to and be yourself and enjoy your own company but kuno unoita man cave ipi uchiroja mu two rooms.

May God help all men. May God help all families.

Trust in Jesus.

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PVC · 2 years ago
Jessica don't change the topic of zanu of what what. You have just redirected people's good commenting to politics. zvimwe so I think I need your address
Midlands Drilling & Boreholes · 2 years ago
Pane wandatuka here?
Anonymous · 2 years ago
If it wasn't for weed (ganja) I could have died long back, but weed keeps me going. I go for my weed 30 mins before going home after hustle, I will be meditating all night at home
Anonymous · 2 years ago
My humble request to Pindula, can you please give us option to edit our comments after uploading them. Our phones usually suggest words for us then you will only realise that wrong word was uploaded
Midlands Drilling & Boreholes · 2 years ago
Rather change the auto prediction from your phone
eish · 2 years ago
quick to be exhausted by the learned
skhumba · 2 years ago
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
Haaa varume tiri pama1 and kutoitiswa nevamwe varume especially varume veZANUPF are destroying the men of this country. Imagine 2 weeks vanhu vachiforera basa reZESA, daily muzuva paCHIREDZI apo rimwe dhara reZESA rongosvika nelist yevanhu veuko kure uko kuti vanhu vangu ava ndatouya navo ndavapinde basa pano (vanhu vacho vasitoripo) zvotovharwa and contracts otosainwa 10-12midnyt...ah zvaikozvino zvakatoitika yesterday and vanhu vakangoungana panze kuti tichaitisa pick cards YES or NO semazuva ese. MaGettho youths haaa agwadziwa...ZANUPF CHIPARTY CHAPARADZA MUSHA,,,ManUnderAttack.
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
I meant dhara reZANUPF rongouya nelist kuZESA.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
This is Zimbabwe which they claim that they brought it by blood shed. So until such a time when we are ready to shed our own blood it will remain as it is.
Jessica · 2 years ago
Nyaya yako iyi zviri pa2, iwewe if you'd been a known member wapindawo paList manje so unobatsirika sei. Zvisinei haina hayo umbowo
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
Jessica- humbowo huripo, undisputable. The ZANUPF dhara came maskati machena tese tiripo with ED regalia muGD6 and also some grieved senior men at ZESA said it out zvanhasa chaizvo in the presence of many of us. Because watorwadziwao kuti vana ava hatngavasiyi vachifuraiwa nezuva vachimirira kuti HR achabuda to recruit iwo macontracts akatoendwa. It was unofficial announcement but ukadzifambira nyaya dzacho nemazita acho ari kutobuda zvaikozvino. Kana kuwana basa munyika kwava on partisanship ndokuti ZANUPF mauraya nyika. Inio, how do you know that l did not support ZANUPF up to this point? Free and fair things as usual. Chiredzi ZESA was one of the last places ekuti waienda woforera contract work ukashaya unoenda with no hardfeelings because zvaiitwa pajekerere...enter ZANUPF zvatosiyana.
Führer · 2 years ago
Wauya me ngano dza tsuro na gudo. Kutanga rinhi zesa ifhita political entity ye politics? Musataura kwamusina kuswera bamnini
Midlands Drilling & Boreholes · 2 years ago
Taura hako.
Bhoso s · 2 years ago
@fuhrer asiuri weGokwe kani usingazivi kuti mapoka ese ehurumende zanu inoitazvainoda immo
Jessica · 2 years ago
Nijo is right, but asiirira pekuti anenge achida peace auye Ku zanu pf bato kwaro. Kunze kwebato ndookune maPressure ese aya
m · 2 years ago
murume · 2 years ago
ndizvo takanzi varume, thts why tichikurumidza kufa
Musa · 2 years ago
💥💥💥💥💥waka ipaa
nm · 2 years ago
nhy ichokwadi hre yandanzwa Kuti pindula yanechart
Firelady · 2 years ago
Iti idi naume
nm · 2 years ago
ndangonzwawo zvechitaurwa hmeno kuti ichokwadi hre
Jeremiah Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
everyone treats you well when ur constantly bringing food on the table but when you retire or hit hard times... noone treats you the same anymore... you are ,suddenly ,constantly an annoyance to everyone... every body loves a winner
Soul -Ghum. · 2 years ago
U suppose to be our President Bmnn Nijo...
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Well said Bamnn. Man are living under pressure. No peace of mind at all
Sure · 2 years ago
Apa mareva chokwadi bamnini Nijo
lebza263 · 2 years ago
that's why the man dies be4 the wife becauseof milage
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 2 years ago
Men should utilizing Counseling and Therapy, it doesn't show that you are weak when you go to see a counsellor. You will be helping yourself and your loved ones.
I love my Country · 2 years ago
It's true, pamwe patinopinda sevarume pakaoma 🤣🤣🤣
Jeremiah Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
Tru dat. I feel like I'm carrying the whole world ony shoulders. not all relate...

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