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20% Of Zimbabwean Primary School Pupils Can't Read And Write

2 years agoSat, 28 Jan 2023 16:51:56 GMT
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20% Of Zimbabwean Primary School Pupils Can't Read And Write

More than 20 per cent of primary school children in Zimbabwe reaching Grade 4 are not able to read, write and solve simple mathematical problems.

This was said by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Tumisang Thabela during a Child Budgeting meeting in Harare.

She said 20 percent of children were regressing while some are losing the literacy they would have attained at early learning by the time they reach Grade 4. Thabela said:

The literacy and numeracy levels in our country need to be improved. The results from the ZELA (our foundational learning level internal national Assessment) revealed that there is 75 percent literacy among our Grade 2 learners who were sampled and 72 percent numeracy levels among the same sample.

In both cases, it was clear that we were shy of the target by more than 20 percent. This meant that more than 20 percent of learners who went into Grade 3 and in Grade 4 this year were not ready in terms of literacy and numeracy foundational skills.

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Literacy is defined as the ability to understand, critically analyze, and create a variety of forms of communication, including oral, written, visual, digital, and multimedia, to accomplish one’s goals.

Numeracy is defined as the ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts, processes, and skills to solve problems and make decisions in a variety of situations, including real-life scenarios.

Meanwhile, Thabela said there is a need to collectively invest in foundational learning to ensure that learners perform better in upper grades. She said:

20 percent of children in class are actually regressing as learning becomes more and more difficult.

They become regressive and they end up losing even the literacy that they had by Grade 2, which is why I always say when we complain that a child has failed at Grade 7, we are complaining a bit late. We should have complained in Grade 2.

These grades will ensure that a child poor performs poorly in upper grades and beyond because as the stuff they are exposed to becomes more difficult, their gaps widen.

To us, foundational learning is the most fundamental key to any learning g success in our system and in our schools.

We need to collectively invest in this as learners and stakeholders in the education sector.

| Health Times



Jeremiah Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
it isn't fair or just for govt to neglect civil servants by awarding poor salaries & working conditions. resultantly teachers are DEMANDING $10 tuition fee for extra lessons from parents. The surprise is even students at ECDB level are said to be having extra lessons. OH!! PLEASE! there has been a defeaning silence about this development from the govt, the Ministry of Education nor the ,Teachers' Unions. Turning a blind eye to such blackmail is indicative of how Zimbabwe has turned into a mafia state. A comment & plan from the relevant authorities would be welcome although I will not be surprised if they ignore these suggestions & keep quiet. It's a frigging circus and guess who's the fathermucking 🤡?
Ini · 2 years ago
iyemi munopa macomments ndimi madofi article is quoting permanent secretary for education research of 20% pupils currently in grade 3 and 4 who cannot read or write iwe woti minister vati 20% zvabvepi wai****ra pa comprehension iwe dhongi
lovemore Zhuwao · 2 years ago
ah macala ayo busy kuita macala evana mukadzi achi......
Dubs · 2 years ago
Macala ndiwo ari kuwedzera kuponda dzidzo. That's the problem of adopting some rubbish in any system to please donors.
Mudzidzisi · 2 years ago
99.999% of Government Ministers are inefficient
Secondary Teacher · 2 years ago
Pavanosvika secondary toonerera. Can't copy notes written on the board
Only One · 2 years ago
Bwize · 2 years ago
vana havachadzidze mateacher nema head acho ave after money kuno kubocha hakuna ma extra lesson asi chavanoita kudzinga vana kuda mari yetu mabussines tusingapere pa school zvisiri zve government
Pk · 2 years ago
Vznodyei, vape 540 yavo
Chiwenga · 2 years ago
Ko Ini vice president wenyu ndakatanga kugona kuverenga after hondo
Anonymous · 2 years ago
pa manyepa generari muchiri kutodzidzira imi kuverenga
joy boy · 2 years ago
The govt must pay trs their requested salaries not only forcing them to improve working efficiency Ivo vasinq Mari dzekudzirzisawo vana vavo patonosvika 2030 vanenge vatova more than50% vasingagone kuverenga vacho
LKJ · 2 years ago
pay teachers , vana vedu vadzidze zvakanaka.
Rudo💅 · 2 years ago
Firehumani · 2 years ago
Aah nyaya yevana ikutondirwadza
Silas Gwatipedza · 2 years ago
Minister is lying, more than 50% can't read and write at grade 2
😁😁😁😁 · 2 years ago
our education is killed coz the kilers have children vanodzidzamuno
Bhuru · 2 years ago
Im in Tsholotsho, more than 50-60% of grades 6 & 7 can't write their names, not even talking of reading
pɐɥosnʎ bɐɟl∀ · 2 years ago
a child shld learn to speak , read and then write . if they cant write their own names b4 they can read them I see nothing wrong wth Tsholotsho kids coz a skill was omitted there . teach them to read their names b4 they write them . simple
Masapus · 2 years ago
80% Of Zimbabwean Primary School Teachers Can't Teach
· 2 years ago
new curriculum yakaoma veduwee, ukaomera Mari yema extra lessons mwana anosara zvachose, ini ndobhadhara ma eke my son is now in grade 2,he can read fluently,
Machemedze Mashara · 2 years ago
ECD iri kutoita ma extra lessons vabereki vari kubhadhara $ 3 dollars per week
chips · 2 years ago
𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑎 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑠𝑖 𝑘𝑢𝑑𝑧𝑖𝑑𝑧𝑖𝑠𝑤𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝐸𝑘𝑒 𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑎 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑎
Pk · 2 years ago
Vape 540 yavo or vote wisely..
Teacher · 2 years ago
Hanzi 20% yevana varikuramba kuverenga kuchikoro. Ndomanzwiro andaita
Teachers for ED · 2 years ago
Teachers for ED are the cause. Vakutoda kuitisa ma extra lessons kuma ECD

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