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ZANU PF Gets 15 Out Of 22 Parliamentary Portfolio Committees

1 year agoSat, 14 Oct 2023 06:36:36 GMT
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ZANU PF Gets 15 Out Of 22 Parliamentary Portfolio Committees

ZANU PF, the ruling party in Zimbabwe, has secured control over 15 out of the 22 parliamentary portfolio committees. Several former ministers or deputies from the party have taken on the role of chairpersons for these committees.

The chairpersons of parliamentary committees in Zimbabwe are chosen through a process involving consultations and negotiations within political parties. The ruling party holds significant influence, and the Speaker of Parliament plays a role in the appointment process. The final decision is made through a vote in parliament. 

1. Justice, Legal & Parliamentary Affairs: Hon. E. Mutodi (ZANU-PF)

2. Local Government, Public Works & National Housing: Hon. S. Mandiwanzira (ZANU-PF)

3. Mines & Mining Development: Hon. T. Matangira (ZANU-PF)

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4. Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water & Rural Development: Hon. S. Maburutse (ZANU-PF)

5. Public Service, Labour & Social Welfare: Hon. D. Mashonganyika (ZANU-PF)

6. Foreign Affairs & International Trade: Hon. W Shamu (ZANU-PF)

7. Defence, Home Affairs, Veterans of Liberation Struggle and Security: Hon. A. Nguluvhe (ZANU-PF)

8. Budget, Finance & Investment Promotion: Hon. C. Chiduwa (ZANU-PF)

9. Women Affairs, Community, Small & Medium Enterprises Development: Hon. G. Mutandi (ZANU-PF)

10. Transport & Infrastructure Development: Hon. K. Kaitano (ZANU-PF)

11. Primary & Secondary Education: Hon. O. Murambiwa (ZANU-P)

12. Sports, Recreation, Arts & Culture: Hon. R. Chiwanza (ZANU-PF)

13. Industry & Commerce: Hon. N. Mudekunye (ZANU-PF)

14. Youth Empowerment, Development & Vocational Training: Hon. M. Ziyambi (ZANU-PF)

15. Parliamentary Legal Committee (PLC): Hon. I. Ndudzo (ZANU-PF)

16. Public Accounts: Hon. C. Hwende (CCC)

17. Environment, Climate, Wildlife, Tourism & Hospitality: Hon. J. Mamombe (CCC)

18. Health & Childcare: Hon. Molokela (CCC)

19. Information, Publicity & Broadcasting Services: Hon. A. Gumbo (CCC)

20. Higher Education, Science & Technology Development: Hon. F. Mahere (CCC)

21. Information, Communication & Technology: Hon. D. Chigumbu (CCC)

22. Energy & Power Development: Hon. Engineer L Mhangwa (CCC)

Parliamentary committees are crucial in the legislative process and democratic governance. They scrutinise proposed laws, government policies, and actions. They ensure effectiveness, legality, and adherence to constitutional principles, holding officials accountable. Committees conduct research, consult stakeholders, and develop policy recommendations. They investigate matters of public interest, gather evidence, and make recommendations. Public participation is encouraged through public hearings, allowing diverse perspectives. Committees consist of experts in specific policy areas, bringing informed decision-making. Cross-party collaboration promotes consensus and cooperation. 

The composition of parliamentary committees is important as clashes may arise if actions conflict with party interests. For instance, when Tendai Biti chaired the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), he faced obstacles when trying to bring Kuda Tagwirei, the CEO of Sakunda Holdings Group, before the committee. ZANU PF officials, who were committee members, blocked Biti’s efforts. Biti believed Tagwirei received a contract for the Dema diesel electricity generation plant without due process and wanted him to explain. 

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Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Kumwe wo it's an unfair legislative practise especially the youthful mps of the Cs lots, after such compaign trails, they emerge winners and for the first time destined to a lovely new parly building, to conduct their freshies brains and a feel of that new environment outside hustles and bustles of Harare CBD , that feel, was a great honour to even witness Presidents address, remember you were all first timers to be in that building, the new Zimbabwe on the horizon, guess what you opted, you chose to dance to your old tuner President instead and abscond, that essence vanished and the picturesque of your experiences to give to us your electorate to celebrate your crown achievement plus all disappears in thin lights You will never get that occurances again We all celebrate first times, it give sights to the blind But your Nero is just Talibanic He shouts, jump you ask how, instead of, what for That's just the level of weakness the Cs masses got
🐴 · 1 year ago
Nehanda · 1 year ago
go fill your tummies · 1 year ago
go and eat you trees and leaves you z a n o i d s for 4 years and 11 months, then 2028 you may get free chicken and coke kkkk
. · 1 year ago
Maybe by then they would have been upgraded to Nando's & Minute Maid. .. and instead of DDK bread, they MAY just get Proton bread or Jumbo buns.🤣🤣🤣
Anonymous · 1 year ago
And CCC supporters will also wait the same period to get air pie promises and false hopes from Chamisa. Kwai na Chamisa ita byebye ku bond paper musiwa 24 August ndinenge ndaribvisa ndapinda panyanga. Chamisa is not a presidential type of a person. Akafitwa nekunoita modelling. Uko ku modelling anopinda ka 1.
· 1 year ago
Tnongomuda akadero iwewe Ida ED wako
Ma**** Mahere · 1 year ago
Budazvee muParliament zvawakaudzwa nechikomba chako chamamiswa
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 let me tell you something for free.contrary to your warped belief we afford chicken meat on a daily basis.ini hangu personally Coke handibate but ma 100%fruit juice.izvo zvekudya mashizha emiti izvo totozvinzwira kumbudzi dzedu kumusha.
Foresight · 1 year ago
I await the day our political players elevate to an intellectual wavelength where national rather than party interests dominate parliamentary deliberations. Until then... Opponents are treated as enemies as national progressive & development remains stagnant. Pity me...
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Politics mahumbwe, Supa Mandiwanzira akatozongo kudzokera ku Zanu. He is still the same person uya ayi shandira Mugabe
Tateguru · 1 year ago
think fights should end at the ballot box. After inauguration MPs should switch full throttle to business. Zanu (PF) should see to the well being of Zimbabwe. CCC should see to the well being of Zimbabwe. An African proverb says, Examine what is said, and never who said it".
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
.. Should I keep quiet if the opponent hits me below the belt.
Tateguru · 1 year ago
I think fights should end at the ballot box. After inauguration MPs should switch full throttle to business. Zanu (PF) should see to the well being of Zimbabwe. CCC should see to the well being of Zimbabwe. An African proverb says, CE amine what is said, and never who said it".
FBI boss · 1 year ago
For this to be a success, as citizens we don't expect political fights there... Represent people and not your party's interests. Work together as 1.
Maseko · 1 year ago
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
I still do not believe in these Parliamentary Committees because ZANU PF will still have the majority in each committee and can use their numbers to block whatever doesn't agree with their party policy. CCC is chairing portfolios of less significance. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
simple · 1 year ago
15 comittes with no accountability
Just yesterday CCC officially declared that they had disengaged / withdrawn from parliament for 14 days until Tshabangu's recalls are reversed. But, they are already participating in PPC Committees selections. You see. That's the danger of "Double Speak". Saying what you don't mean, and meaning what you don't say. Parlimentary Portfolio Committees (PPCs) are the most useless organs of the Zimbabwean legislature. All they do is allocate more allowances to Committee Members and give higher salaries to Committee Chairpersons. The only Committee that was feared by Ministers was the PPC Finance and Public Accounts Committee chaired by Hon. Tendai Luxton Biti. Biti who is adept at Public Finance & Economics would expose corruption after corruption until Mtuli Ncube & Guvamatanga started avoiding the PPC whenever Biti summoned them . Even the likes of Wicknell Chivhayo, Tagwirei, Obert Mpofu, Chinamasa etc. etc. defied PPCs with impunity. In any case, CCC took over the weakest PPCs. Nowadays, ED just uses the Presidential Powers Temporary Measures Act to circumvent Parliament & PPCs. So, the PPCs only serve a decorative function.

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