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Israel’s Ambassador To Zambia And Zimbabwe Robbed On Street In Front Of Her Bodyguards

2 years agoSun, 05 Feb 2023 13:17:47 GMT
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Israel’s Ambassador To Zambia And Zimbabwe Robbed On Street In Front Of Her Bodyguards

Israel’s ambassador to Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana was mugged on a street in Lusaka last week, with the robbers getting away with her diplomatic passport, her cellphone, and some cash that was in her bag.

Ambassador Ofra Farhi was crossing a street in Lusaka on Friday when she was mugged, according to Ynet, as cited by The Times of Israel.

A car pulled up alongside her and the occupants grabbed her bag and dragged her resulting in her sustaining some minor injuries.

Farhi’s bodyguards, who were with her at the time, did not manage to prevent the crime.

She was treated at a local clinic and continued on to her scheduled meetings with local officials.

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Zambian Foreign Minister Stanley Kakubo and a presidential adviser both called Farhi to offer their support.

Farhi is a roving ambassador who lives in Israel and makes diplomatic visits to the countries she serves.



Bright · 2 years ago
Haaa dzimwe mbavha zvekuti ku tracker adzinei nazvo zviya adzibatwe asi mbavha dzemu Africa ma one dzekuchitungwiza dzakambobira muimbi weku Jamaica fone mu aquatic rimwe gore so
stallion · 2 years ago
havayiite dzungu navo vanoziva kuti vanobatwa chete foni yavakatora ichavanyudza there is a lot of technology in these gadgets
Donald Trump · 2 years ago
Where was the mossad secrete service?
Nyoka Longo · 2 years ago
If your lies are to be believed, the case in Zambia where the ambassador was hustled. You would have us believe that Zambian security were watching while an ambassador was being harassed? Dzimwe nhema ita shoma
🌶️🌶️🌶️ · 2 years ago
haa iwe kwana, read the story mushe . That ambassador represent Israel in three countries, she do visits in those countries wc means she doesn't stay full tym in those countries so anofamba ne security yake
Nyoka Longo · 2 years ago
Don't lie. Security by host country is only given to visiting state and gvt officials from other countries. Ambassadors in this country have their own security and in the event that the ambassador wants to travel 40 km out of Harare, he needs to notify Foreign Affairs of where he wants to go so that they are in the know. Ambassadors are not provided with gvt security 24/7, i once saw US ambassador McGee some years back when he was out of Harare, he had nothing you are talking about. They have their own from their embassies.
Mhanduwe · 2 years ago
Anopiwa team ye security ne hosting country. Hazvinei ne Mossad.
Nyoka Longo · 2 years ago
If the bodyguards are from the famed Mossad Israeli secret service this is a new low to their otherwise established high repute in intelligence gathering and thwarting suicide,terrorist bombings and assassination missions. There in Zambia they had to contend with a different scenario, kubatwa nkunzi kwemunhu, Mossad showed it's impotence as other intelligence agencies constantly show that they are much ado about nothing. Kupihwa mbiri pasina zvinoitwa
Israel ndokuno turenwa vakomana vemuno · 2 years ago
Chete zvinhu zvinongoitikawo
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 2 years ago
Yeeeyi Zambia inembavha dzine maGuts wena. Vakazvitemba big time. Thank God she is Alive
??? · 2 years ago
muchanzwa vaakuti ma foreigners🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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