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"Impoverished" Nurses Are Barred From Leaving Zimbabwe

2 years agoMon, 06 Feb 2023 07:11:35 GMT
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"Impoverished" Nurses Are Barred From Leaving Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean nurses desperate to leave the country for greener pastures are finding it difficult to emigrate as authorities refuse to provide key documents.

Nurses working in Zimbabwe’s public hospitals earn the equivalent of less than $200 a month, which has forced some of them to consider migrating to countries like Canada and Britain where there are better opportunities.

Speaking to The Globe and Mail, Agnes Masarira said she cannot afford to buy lunch at a government hospital in Masvingo where she works. She said:

It’s like I’m a slave. I have no house, no car and not enough to eat, yet I’m considered employed.

I live with my brother. I can only afford second-hand clothes. My child has to watch me struggle every day.

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Masarira said for years she has visited Health Ministry offices to request the documents but each time she was told that the officials who must sign the documents were unavailable.

She said one official asked for a bribe of US$200 to arrange her diploma, but she could not afford it.

Last year the Zimbabwean government doubled the application fee for verification letters to US$300 from US$150, making it even more difficult for nurses to emigrate.

The letters have become almost impossible to obtain anyway, even when nurses are able to pay the fee.

Setfree Mafukidze, a Zimbabwean nurse who emigrated to Britain in 2020 when the restrictions were not as tight, said:

It’s a human-rights abuse against the suffering nurses. People are being tied down by the government. It leads to corruption. Some officials are cashing in on bribes from desperate nurses.

The danger is that we’re going to have a group of very disgruntled nurses in hospitals and clinics, which is very dangerous for patients.

Mateline Dube, a 34-year-old nurse at a government hospital in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, said:

I’m just living from hand to mouth. Often I have to walk to work, about four kilometres, because I don’t have money for transport.

Sometimes, with my nursing uniform on, I have to beg for transport from motorists, but that’s dehumanizing and embarrassing for me. That’s why I want to leave this country.

Nelisiwe Sibanda, a 36-year-old nurse in a government hospital in Harare told The Globe and Mail that she paid US$300 for a verification letter last year but never received the letter.

She said one official told her that she would never get the documents. Sibanda said:

I’ve become a burden to my friends and relatives since I’m asking them for financial help every month. I’m tired of this now.

I’m very angry at the authorities for blocking my dream to leave this country.

Zimbabwe has experienced a massive brain drain in the health sector in the past few years.

More than 4 000 health workers, including about 2 600 nurses, left the country in 2021 and 2022.



rass · 2 years ago
the truth is, nurses are earning better now,we don't know what will happen after elections but at the current time it's better coz $400 .our economy is not steady it needs much understanding and work with what we have.ngezake usuthiswe yikudla kwemalayinini jayela indlala yenu
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
they are professionals they should get profesional salaries not to depend on side hustles Why didn't you tell your Zanu ministers to engage in side hustles instead of giving each other $500k each
Anonymous · 2 years ago
How can someone earning less than 200 be expected to pay 300
Black Adam ⚡ · 2 years ago
Hustling man, multiple income sources. in zim u can't stick to one source of income
Black Adam ⚡ · 2 years ago
**** I meant u can't rely on one source of Income***
Don · 2 years ago
Those in the Min of Health workers are handsomely paid guys than any other Min in Govt,, they get dat $200 plus above Zwl 200 000 whilst other civil servants are getting less than Zwl 65 000 plus $200.
Nurse · 2 years ago
You are not a nurse gentleman dont speak like their working conditions are good man
Doug · 2 years ago
Let those from other ministries speak for themselves, and let us not make ministries compete. Here we have been presented an issue to do with nurses.
Black Adam ⚡ · 2 years ago
We cant brush aside @Don's point. There are people earning less than nurses and they have side hustles. In Zim u can't rely on source of income, i know teacher who have side hustles, they earn less than nurses but they are buying stands and importing cars without duty. How are Hwindi's surviving and janitors. Side hustles that 200usd u can start something and other rtgs
Don · 2 years ago
Those in the Min of Health workers are handsomely paid guys than any other Min in Govt,, they get dat $200 plus above Zwl 200 000 whilst other civil servants are getting less than Zwl 65 000 plus $200.
Doug · 2 years ago
The reason I suggested that those who are fortunate enough to have cars at this time in their lives to help nurses by not making them pay for giving them a lift is that is that, if you, your family, relatives and friends go to public hospitals for treatment you only pay a fraction of what the services you get cost, which could be the reason why the nurses are not being paid enough to afford transport charges.
Black Adam⚡ · 2 years ago
That's the current government' style, they force it on you. Heartless poeple, if they want the nurses to stay they should increase their salaries simple but vakaomera. Imagine its only when we get closer to elections is when we see the government giving them bonuses hahahaah. Iye zvino vanhu vangwara hahahaha
Doug · 2 years ago
To all those of us who a fortunate enough to own cars, please give lifts to the nurses, both male and female, and do not make them pay. If you take it that these nurses are going to and coming from serving your friends and relatives in addition to others, you will not feel it as a loss if you carry passengers for a charge.
Car owner · 2 years ago
mind u hatisisu takauraya nyika
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 2 years ago
@Doug Its a noble idea man. As for the mushikashika guys like @Car owner vakaoma musoro they want their money. Only those who have a good life will be able to do that
Anonymous · 2 years ago
@ Car owner. Even ma nurses acho haamo munyaya yamataura.
Car owner · 2 years ago
Gyz we musn't come up with ideas ekushingirira nhamo, let's unite and attack the epicenter of our problems
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 2 years ago
@Car owner I take back my words hausisiri Musoro Bhangu wane musoro uri good, thats a good idea
Why should Zimbabwe government deny *impoverished* nurses documents which enable them to migrate to wherever they feel like going to work ? Zimbabwe government is doing a disservice to itself and the general public because that nurse shall never render professional service at her/his workplace. [ IF ZANU PF IS TIRED OF RULING, IT SHOULD PAVE WAY FOR OTHERS ]. [ APA CCC POLITICAL PARTY NGAIGADZIRIRE KUPINDA PA NYANGA PAMA HARMONISED ELECTIONS APA ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
The Truth · 2 years ago
Ijipita ijipita ijipita ijipita bye bye ndaku kanda nhanho Canaan ndipinde ndipinde.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Even dogs and other scavengers want to run away from this ED run country. We are all just waiting or pushing for an opportunity to leave Zim

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