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"Our Position Now Stands At About US$840 For The Lowest-paid Worker" - Union

2 years agoThu, 09 Feb 2023 11:42:34 GMT
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"Our Position Now Stands At About US$840 For The Lowest-paid Worker" - Union

Workers’ unions yesterday reiterated their call for salaries in United States Dollars (USD) with one union saying the lowest-paid worker should get US$840. 

They said United States dollar salaries were the only way to cushion workers from the inflationary economy. 

Zimbabwe Confederation of Public Sector Unions secretary David Dzatsunga said they were now demanding US$840 for the least-paid civil servant. NewsDay cites him as saying:

It is the only way we can cushion workers from the rampant Zimbabwe dollar inflation. I believe that our position now stands at about US$840 for the lowest-paid worker if we are going to obtain a food basket. In our next round of meetings, we are going to press on for US$ salaries.

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions’ secretary-general Japhet Moyo said employees now deserved to be paid in foreign currency to make ends meet. He said:

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The economy has dollarised but workers are not getting US dollar salaries.

During the last round of negotiations which took place in December, government acknowledged that the economy was dollarising, hence agreeing to US$150 for the lowest-paid worker.

The talks ended in a deadlock as to how the US$ salaries should be implemented. The option was either government introduces a statutory instrument or the money is paid in the local currency, but equivalent to US$. Employers preferred the latter and this is where we are.

The Zimbabwe dollar which was re-introduced in February 2019, after being ditched for a decade, has been continuously shedding value against other currencies, particularly the USD.

The depreciation of the local currency has promoted the use of foreign currency.

Public sector workers have over the years asked the government to restore their pre-October 2018 salaries that werearound US$540 on average. The government has said it does not have enough forex to pay them that amount.

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munyaradzi p mugunde · 2 years ago
t think mvura yose ikunaya ikupunda mudemhe yakutofashukira , cz i don't think munhu anepfungwa angataura tosh yoyo
Big Boy · 2 years ago
Munhu unopihwa mari inoenderana naye, iwe haungati uri teacher woda kupihwa mari yakafanana neyaEngineer. Kana waiona kuti maUS$850 ndoaunoda dai wakapassa chikoro
mafira kureva · 2 years ago
iwe Chimboti Pizza uite mushe akakuudza kuti kuita Teacher means you failed kuchikoro ndiani...ndiwe **** nxaaa....vamwe they have a passion yeTeaching iyoyo yet vakatopasa kudarika engineer
Zuze · 2 years ago
For once I agree with you @Chimodho. Totanga news. Iwewe tikakupa 50kg yemugaiwa ne bhagighi rembeva ndizvo zvinoenderana newe.
rtgs · 2 years ago
vanhu havasiri kuda mari ine mbiri aiwa they need money inovapa kuraramavachimuka vachiyenda kubasa Mari iri kushaya.value nyika haina bhizimisi richimo nemitemo yebhanga guru renyika ndakarava nyaya yecompany yecement iri kutotengeswa kuti vatute vayende vane Mari dzakawanda varikubuda mustock exchange saka zvinhu zvinodhura zvinobva kunze kwenyika kunova ndokuri kutizira vanhu vachitevera mucherechedzo uri pedo tarisayi Zambia zvaimboyitika nezvava kuyitika
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 2 years ago
ZANUPF haichina chimuko nyika yedu chava chiseko
rtgs · 2 years ago
zanu hapana chaichaitira vanhu Economy will never adhere to politics ndoichapa kuti povho ibvise zanu pachigaro. kana kuti. mofa muchitambura semarombe upfumi haungati. uku vamwe vanomora kuba ukuwo munoshanda munyida igokwana hayikwane . Right now vanhu vairima cotton kumas**** uko marombe asi vakashanda zvinepundutso yekuti vana ingadayi vachiyenda kumaboarding school but vana vembavha are now enjoying their profits mbavha dzakaitwa catch and release kumavotes ndiye candidate yenyu iyeyo Zimbabwe wake up
Zuze · 2 years ago
Rambai makadzvanya tione kuti ZANU inoita sei. Apa iri kuda vote. Gore rino!
Anonymous · 2 years ago
The unions are right because the US is loosing value $540 is no longer enough
Anonymous · 2 years ago
540 is no longer enough varikuiwana Hauwoni kuti hazvina musoro here izvi
chikiti.. musavengana · 2 years ago
Thats total madness you need medicene
· 2 years ago
@chikiti it's medicine not medicene
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kkkkk Don't blame kana kuseka @chikiti Kana wagumbuka zviperengo zvinombotiza
Kimmy · 2 years ago
Unions are forwarding an asking figure , that's very normal in bargaining. You don't have to start low. They know very well what they're doing. These guys are seasoned baigainers I don't think they need to be lectured by fools like Servant. ZCTU has professors , highly educated people.
**** · 2 years ago
kana uurirovha hauona kurwadza kwazvo,ma**** nyararai
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I totally agree with the above sentiments These guys have been clamouring for an average of 540USD per month and the government has told them outright that they can't afford to pay workers that kind of money Somebody just wakes up and says they have upped their demand to a minimum of USD840 for the lowest paid worker We are now wandering whether you are now politicians'whom we know always lie to people with straight faces' Come on guys don't toy around with people Tangai mawana USD540 then you take it up from there
Romnive investments · 2 years ago
Kudhara ikoko
servant · 2 years ago
dzatsunga don't day dream u failed to get usd540 or at least usd350 wohukura kuti mave kuda usd840 unoipiwa nani kwana ramba uri pausd540 ukapiwa Usd840 first pay yangu unozotora yose ndopika navaED ini
Zuze · 2 years ago
Hey, it's an election year. Zvinhu zviyedzwa. Matanda makuru mazungunutswa, unosiya nerakaora. Who knows, they could win. because ZANU is desperate for votes.
Muzondi Maposvo · 2 years ago
These trade unions are the ones causing the suffering of ordinary workers. How can somebody who is mentally stable pegging the lowest paid employee @840 USD in this country? So apa murikuda kupedza two years muchinetsana ne figure yamunonaysoziva kuti hamufe mapiiwa Mari iyoyo
Fo di pipo · 2 years ago
I got a testimony someone came to tongaat under trade union affiliated to zanu initiated strikes advocated for people to stay at home advising they will be paid fully on striking days , it continued for a month and salaries being pegged were unrealistic like the above kkk at the end of the month the payslip came indicating zero $ some even at -$ then they just disappeared without reaching an agreement for works it was back to that salary
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Even if the least paid workers get $1000US it will not be enough, the more you get paid the higher the prices of goods and services. We are indeed a nation of mentally ill people. Noone can explain why prices are going up in US$. The US$ is losing value like the Zim$
Fo di pipo · 2 years ago
You got a point it's useless to get more while prices reponsively soar
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 2 years ago
@ Maparamuro apa wataura zvinonzwisisika uye zvine musoro

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