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Culpable Homicide Charges For Killer Dog Owners

2 years agoSun, 12 Feb 2023 11:44:13 GMT
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Culpable Homicide Charges For Killer Dog Owners

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has said dog attacks have become a “serious matter”, with some owners of killer dogs having been charged with culpable homicide.

Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi told The Sunday Mail that some residents are now breeding dangerous dogs, and in some cases, the pets are left unattended. He said:

Some of the dog owners have been charged with culpable homicide.

This has become a serious matter. People are breeding dangerous dogs and instead of exercising maximum caution, they actually leave these dogs unattended, while others do not have the security needed for one to have dogs on their premises.

It is now common for households to own breeds such as the pitbull, boerboel, doberman, bullmastiff, rottweiler and German shepherd.

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A community in Southview Park, Harare, is now living in fear of vicious dogs belonging to a family that recently moved into the neighbourhood.

One of the residents claimed they now spend most of the day in their houses for fear of the dogs. Said the resident:

They (the new family) have two big dogs and several puppies, which are making them even more aggressive. The dogs have attacked us on several occasions.

Talking to the owners is not helping, as they have only encouraged us to befriend the dogs to avoid being attacked.

We now spend most of the day in the house, while getting home late at night is now risky.

There is a real possibility of being mauled to death.

Dr. Regis Murwira, a general practitioner, said that there has been an increase in the number of patients being treated for dog bites. He said:

In the past, we would attend to an average of two or three cases per month, but in the last half of 2022, cases spiked to at least seven.

To attend to dog attack cases, the patient should have a police report. We administer rabies injections before attending to the wounds.

For a rabies jab, one should part with at least US$25, excluding the consultation fee.

In 2022, a six-year-old girl was killed by two vicious boerboel dogs while playing in Goromonzi.

Before that, a 70-year-old man died after being severely attacked by stray dogs in Ardbennie, Harare, on his way home.

In 2021, a Grade Five learner died in Chegutu after she was mauled by three dogs on her way to school.



Zimfacts · 2 years ago
Pitbulls are not dangerous its just the way people use them eg in SA they are used in violence so they get used to it in Zimbabwe hatina case yekunzi munhu aurayihwa nepitbull ....pitbull inoda munhu ane mari kwete ana pombi yadonha plus inoda munhu anoiTrainer
HomeTrackOrg · 2 years ago
it's to put protective measure such as securing the premise where dogs are kept. However, what is prompting people to keep dogs is the issue of unlawful entry by intruders. Therefore vane vana vana vavo mbavha ngavabatenimbwa dzavo kwozoti vanochengeta imbwa ngavabate nekudzidzisa imbwa dzavo dzirege kuruma vasina mhaka
supporter · 2 years ago
isu vezanu tinoziva kuti political ground should not be level nokuti ccc tikairegera ichita marally tinodyiwa izvozvo tinozviziva Saka state security organs should work hard so see to it in kuti ccc hahiiti rally particularly kumusha uko
BVANYANGU · 2 years ago
best way forward is to kill the owners of the dogs after putting the dogs to sleep.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Yoyoyo · 2 years ago
😂😂😂😂*Yabva yasimudzwa zvehasha kombi ndisati ndagara paseat ndobva ndaruma pie yemunhu ka four ne mistake ,but haasi kuda kundinzwisisa* 😹😹😹
unknown · 2 years ago
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Mbavha dzawandisa. Plus veZANU vanotimbunyikidza kuenda kumisangano yavo ndivo vandakatengera Pitbull
· 2 years ago
manje ucharumisawo isu vamwe vako veccc
· 2 years ago
Hakuna munhu weCCC anoenda kwaasina kukokwa
Ola Andy · 2 years ago
history yenyika(n****ondo)
kalusha · 2 years ago
unoona munhu anogara pa200 square metre stand achida kuchengeta pitbull
eheka · 2 years ago
chamisa naBiti vanoda kutonga ED ngavatange vaita mushe
muzimba 🇿🇼 · 2 years ago
ko ano banner ma ccc rally mutongo wake how far?
@muzimba · 2 years ago
ano Banna ma CCC rally ngaapromotwe nekugona basa
pk · 2 years ago
ari kugonesa, ino haisati yave nguva yekuita campaign

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