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Hwange Thermal Power Station Unit 7 Now 99% Complete - Soda

2 years agoMon, 13 Feb 2023 12:49:13 GMT
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Hwange Thermal Power Station Unit 7 Now 99% Complete - Soda

Energy and Power Development Minister Zhemu Soda has said the expansion of the Hwange Thermal Power Station’s Unit 7 is 99 percent complete, with only the synchronisation of the whole system set to be done.

The Unit is expected to add 300MW to the national grid upon completion.

Addressing journalists in Harare, Soda said the synchronisation will be completed anytime this month. The Herald quoted Soda as saying:

Hwange Unit 7 has actually progressed with all other systems having undergone commissioning tests and they were successful.

One of the critical stages in the commissioning of a power station is the achievement of certain revolutions of the turbine and that was achieved.

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We are only left with the synchronisation of the whole system starting from where the coal is burnt, steam is produced, turbines are turned and causes the generator to produce electricity which is evacuated into the grid.

We expect that anytime from now given that the whole system is 99 percent complete; we are only left with one percent which is the synchronisation of the whole system.

Work on the project started in August 2018 using an initial $199 million from China Eximbank but its completion was delayed by the outbreak of the coronavirus in late 2019.

According to the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) website, on Monday, 13 February, Hwange Thermal Power Station was generating 378MW.



soda · 2 years ago
hapana chozikanwa..kuti 99% ndokuti chi ikoko..hanzi kwasara abcde blah blah blah..dont know why this guy is still there..he is probably one the most useless person in a high rank in Zimbabwe..haana kana clue besides kudya mari..vamwe vanhu I dont know how they sleep at nyt..
X · 2 years ago
Ma engineer, ma economist, nema ******* epa pindula zvimwe munozozvinyanya, you are too toxic, maybe its because munenge muripa den no skills no plan no zesa ha ma 1 a ED, na Nthuli
No skills · 2 years ago
I may not have skills, but I am much better than @X who doesn't have brains.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Unit 7 should be up by now we should be concerned about progress of unit 8 or doing some refurbishment of other units unfortunately we're trying to buy votes using **** procedures. Well ue have won 70% of Zimbos will fall for it. They akways do cause there are **** enough to be easily brain washed using 5KGs of rice or maize seed after to have been received it 5 yrs back. This is 21st century lets stop this nonsense and reason like people with brains lets not allow silly stunts fool us. Lets nt look like f.o.o.l.s
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Unit 7 should be up by now we should be concerned about progress of unit 8 or doing some refurbishment of other units unfortunately we're trying to buy votes using **** procedures. Well ue have won 70% of Zimbos will fall for it. They akways do cause there are **** enough to be easily brain washed using 5KGs of rice or maize seed after to have been received it 5 yrs back. This is 21st century lets stop this nonsense and reason like people with brains lets not allow silly stunts fool us. Lets nt look like f.o.o.l.s
worried citizen · 2 years ago
soda zhemu zhing is a bloody lia,last year dec you said by the end of jan unit7 will be working on the nationak grid nd soon b4 the first quarter unit 8 will be again be on the national grid bt now none of the units are working we are in feb abt to end again nothing materialised,Lord have mercy on us umm hkuna kwstirikuenda
pvc · 2 years ago
pane kwatiri kimirira manje manje so
Anonymous · 2 years ago
1 % yasara iyi for over 4months ingori 1% yasara. This Soda guy is caustic
truda · 2 years ago
1% yacho yasara inoda 5years
Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Caustic Soda 😀 yah maZimba mine pamuromo
Anonymous · 2 years ago
In almost 43 years of independence no new power plant has been established in zimbabwe considering the population growth, nw they parade the new units 7 n 8 as if there game changers but they forget the other units at hwange have passed there expected life span n continously breakdown and also there is need for a green revolution were clean sustainable energy is needed to fight climate change not more fosil fuel
X · 2 years ago
Hwange was commissioned in 1983 silly
Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
@X, it may have been COMMISSIONED in 1983, but when was it planned and constructed? Certainly BEFORE INDEPENDENCE. It is you who is SILLY.
Black Adam ⚡ · 2 years ago
We want results coz this doesn't change anything, tiri kuda kuona magetsi achiswera aripo 24/7. Plus hehehe kuda kutaimira maElections mozoti hezvooo magetsi haachaendi saka vote for us hahaha, vanhu ve Zim vakangwara they won't be fooled
007 · 2 years ago
ZANU inofanirwa kuziva kuti generation yekunyeperwa ma fake promises yakadarika, vakazviitira ma parents edu, kwete ISU uuu
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ur ryt zesa promised to supply power from unit 7 since December . I nolonger trust wat they say
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I hope 'Caustic' Soda Zhemu knows what he is talking about If one reads through that article there doesn't seem to be any time frame He says any time this month Let's wait and see
Zuze · 2 years ago
It has been 99% complete for the last 2½years according to this government. In December they said it would be on stream by January 2023, now its February and all we are getting are excuses after excuses.
· 2 years ago
This soda is producing lots of co2 out of his mouth. Half way through February and still 16 to 20 hrs of loadshedding everyday. A curse apon the people. We need new leaders in both zanupf and zesa.

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