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United States President Joe Biden Extends Sanctions On Zimbabwe

2 years agoWed, 01 Mar 2023 18:29:11 GMT
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United States President Joe Biden Extends Sanctions On Zimbabwe

The United States of America has extended the sanctions that it imposed on Zimbabwe in 2003.

In a statement released by the White this Wednesday, 01 March 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden said the restrictive measures initially promulgated through Executive Order 13288 shall continue in effect beyond March 6, 2023. Reads the statement:

Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Zimbabwe

On March 6, 2003, by Executive Order 13288, the President declared a national emergency and blocked the property of certain persons, pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706), to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s democratic processes or institutions.

These actions and policies had contributed to the deliberate breakdown in the rule of law in Zimbabwe, to politically motivated violence and intimidation in that country, and to political and economic instability in the southern African region.

On November 22, 2005, the President issued Executive Order 13391 to take additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13288 by ordering the blocking of property of additional persons undermining democratic processes or institutions in Zimbabwe.

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On July 25, 2008, the President issued Executive Order 13469, which expanded the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13288 and authorized the blocking of property of additional persons undermining democratic processes or institutions in Zimbabwe.

The actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s democratic processes or institutions continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United States.

For this reason, the national emergency declared on March 6, 2003, and the measures adopted on that date, on November 22, 2005, and on July 25, 2008, to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond March 6, 2023.

Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13288.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

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comrade · 2 years ago
stomach politics ndeye ma**** asingadi zvekutambura vopedzisira vachitengesa miviri yavo
comrade · 2 years ago
stomach politc ndeye mature asingadi panonetsa vopedzisira vavakuzvitengesa
comrade · 2 years ago
nyika takarwa toga tikazvisunungura toga without US or British kana Eu support sakasakavaivepi Smith muzukuru wavo achitiponda nhasi voita fan ikehino ndivo human rights champion s haa imi tibvirei pano infant We taught the West the so called democracy ziva Africa pepuka uzvitonge
comrade · 2 years ago
The writing is on the wall Regime change is the age from the West but why The Land issue Prop up a puppet and grab back the land they it in Congo remember Patrice Lumunba manje varidiki hamuzive
comrade · 2 years ago
To align yourself with a known sellout ,apuppst and a stooge is the worst thing a liberated African can ever do The blood that was spilled the suffering the torture that the masses went through haaa don't cross the line
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Heyo biden zvausina kukwana nhaiwe
Smoking Gun · 2 years ago
US sanctions encourages the povo to hate CCC.Pass this message to mdara Biden and chimbwasungata chake Chamisa,the village boy
Paul Piki · 2 years ago
Ko zvitsva here zvemasanctions. Isu tatindivara nao. Dai aigona aiimisa mvura kunaya muZimb
comrade mawrongwrong · 2 years ago
Since 1980 we were wrong dining with the West our true friends is the Eastern block They were always with us moraly and spiritually when we needed support to wage the armed struggle so the West is very right they are pushing us to our proper family Thanx West
Sauro mwana waTsembeni · 2 years ago
📻📻📻Dula kadula lakadula. MaSanction haawanikwe paStation, i dont have another Explanation for my lovely nation. Muri kuda Defination ivo marhymn angu ari kuramba achiita go thru Multiplication after every Addition. MaSanction anotongoda kuti munhu a tongo enda paFace the Nation. Hauite Hauite Hauite📻📻📻 Rip Soul jah Love. By Aj
fanuel · 2 years ago
vanhu ndaona kuti vamwe hatifunge sure iyo America yacho hasi ndoomwari chiii chinonzi sanctions go to hell u puppets zim inotongwa nevene vayo iyo ccc yadii kundoita campaign ku America kwacho
Mombe · 2 years ago
Yeko yeko ne Zim muchitadza Russia kunoda kupa nyika nhano masanction pamwedzi who are u **** u mhani iwe totorama nawo madiki kupa Israel ma sanction m hata dzenyu ne EU yenyu Zim will rise sanc or no sanc ****en ****
Mombe · 2 years ago
Yeko yeko ne Zim muchitadza Russia kunoda kupa nyika nhano masanction pamwedzi who are u **** u mhani iwe totorama nawo madiki kupa Israel ma sanction m hata dzenyu ne EU yenyu Zim will rise sanc or no sanc ****en ****
CIO · 2 years ago
Ma sanctions avo ahana kana basa those guys havanei nesu Plus futi from 2003 upto now MOTA dzirikuwanda n vamwe varikuvaka zvakangodaro Isu taneta naye USA ameno chaanoda Pamwe nhume dzavo dzinouya ku zanu of kuzosimbisana wotoshaya kuti nei vasingazobvisi ma sanctions Plu
Taurayi Moyo · 2 years ago
ivavo vakano kumbira ma sanctions vachaifunga kuti vachatonga zimbabwe hamusi kuzoitonga muchatonga kunana sekuru venyu ku U SA.
Epworth Resident · 2 years ago
Taneta neporitiki zanu yadya, tichimama nenhamo
Dzingai N · 2 years ago
giving Zanupf leverage, as long as those sanctions on Zimbabwe are in place Zanu will find a way to stay in power. this bullying will not work ,kune ma all_weather friends eZimbabwe
bvoo · 2 years ago
ini ndanga ndichimboda CCC apa handichada kuiwo ndave muZANU PF
Truth · 2 years ago
zvakuda Mugabe izvi, obva ati "so biden keep your America and i keep my Zimbabwe" rip baba gushungo
Patriot · 2 years ago
ndopanorasika USA ipapo. CCC haihwine ne izvozvo
majii · 2 years ago
Ivhu hatidzosere zvedu totongorima mapotato vaBiden
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 2 years ago
sanction kuuraya vanhu vasina mhaka effect ye sanction kunana ED nderei kungourayisa PoVo chete
Sir Zimbabwe · 2 years ago
Sir Bidden, please tighten ZEDERA sanction aagain. Zanu and his coward supporters didn't respect the rule of law ☹
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
hatizvidi ngazviende zvigoenda zvigoenda
interested · 2 years ago
at dhara munhu mkuru can I have your last 3 cellphone number dzako pane zvandikuda kwauri ndipe 3 chete dzekupedzesera
. · 2 years ago
Mwanasikana · 2 years ago
Pane akambozviona here kuti this US that gives us sunctions also loves kutipa US dhola ravo They could just stop and say zvamukuita as Zim leaders hatisi kufara but no Ooooh Zimbabwean child,uchamuka ringhi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Biden ukutorovawo guka hako iwe sanction rako iroro rauri kungo simbirira rakaba tsirei since 2003???dzatove 20yrs ufunge bcoz now it's 2023.takato zvijaira iri zvema sanction ako iwayo ende utori mubatsiri kumbavha dziriku bira nyika nekut unonzwa dzimwe dzacho dzichihwanda nema sanction ako iwayo kut ndiwo ariku konzera kut munyika zvisafambe.ko zvamuno vhurira ziso ma human Rights abuses ekuno ku Zimbabwe Africa thousands of kilometers away from there ko ikoko wani tinongonzwa kuti racism against amunoti ma African American imi muchizviti ma American iri rife????so kuno rudo stereki here nhai joeboy????
Sir Zimbabwe · 2 years ago
He's right 100%
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Thank you Mr Biden sanctions are working dear
jz · 2 years ago
Imi asi hamuchina zvekuita kani kumaoffice enyu kuAmerica,,,since 2003,,muchingorinyuwa masanctions enyu pane amakambonzwa kt akafa nawo here,,,,kuno tatojaira kuraramira mumasanctions,,,tsvagai zvimwe kwete izvi hazvichashamisi,,,,kubva zvamakaaisa Zanu Pf yakambobva pachigaro here munotopengawo imi vaBiden nevamwe venyu Chamisa wamunoda haatongi Zimbabwe,,,vamwe vana vakatozvarirwamo nekukuriramo mumasanctions enyu aya
Sir Zimbabwe · 2 years ago
So kana asina basa didn't cry KKK, we need more sanction
Ashley Scott · 2 years ago
my cousin Scott is coming to Zim can't wait to see him America thank you for continuing with the sanctions we welcome that move thank you we must suffer all together kwete kuti vamwe vadye vamwe vachikwangwaya wedzerai futi vamwe pama sanction list
Bob · 2 years ago
To hell with your sanctions little Sam.Tatindivara nawo masanctions ako awo.Tava kutoziva kuti torarama sei under your sanctions.Cubans have survived under your sanctions since 1963 but the ruling party still hold the powers.Funga imwe strategy mudhara or else unobva ukasiya Ed achingotonga.lchooooo
Mwanasikana · 2 years ago
Kupuwa mutemo pamhuri Yako nemutorwa How did we get here,on what grounds does Biden and the US have kuudzira Zim or any African country, kutiita carrot on stick like tirimadonkeys This will never affect corrupt politicians,vanaED nana Tagwireyi vakutosemesa nehupfumi whilst vamwe ndege chaiyo havasati vakwira Musi upi watakabvuma kuudzira nethis African hating selfish nation called US That's why African men vakamira kufunga nekuti they wait for this mtorwa to act,false hope dzega Nyaya dzedu ndedsedu,ngatigareyi pasi tibatanidze msoro tidzigadzirise US and friends panosara tsoka dzavo ndakupaziva,kusiya Hondo nezvakaipa kwega since history,claiming to help,that's y ndisingaifarire
@Mwanasikana · 2 years ago
U can't say US hates Africa.hw many countries of here are under sanctions..Zanu pf must reform fullstop.. corruption,money laundering, persecution of opposition members without trial, killing opposition members the list is endless..maybe u Don't live in Zimbabwe,the rule of law is nowhere here.Chamisa can't hold meetings or rallies bcz all state organs have been captured.. Zimbabwe must be sanctioned even by fellow African's a disgrace to everyone..It's citizens are scattered around the globe like rats,it's not bcz of sanctions bt pure misgovernence.. ZIMBABWE YESE TIRI NHERERA HATINA BABA except jus a few connected individuals
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kupa Zanu pf zveku campaigner nazvo nxaaaaaa🚮🚮
lawyer · 2 years ago
yes Ed has accumulated enough wealth protected by the constitution so has nothing to lose he be will negotiate behind the scene his terms former presidents by law if not removed by military will live pretty well with parachute package for the rest of their lives asi iwe unorarama nemafufu sa biblical Lazarus ndiwe unhamo.
Mutsa Washe · 2 years ago
usanyepe kana ane pfuma ari kutsvagirei basa. team riye harina chunhu. panosiya munhu basa ndopaunoona kuti haana chaainacho mhaka dzava kumutevera. unless vangofunga kumusiya hake. kaddafi the richest president mu africa takazoona kuti aiva asina chinhu abviswa. mobhutu seseseko mari dzake dzaive mari dzenyika. but hazvo zviriko. kana uri leader mu africa zvese zvirimo nevanhu vacho ndezvako. no wonder why vasingazode kusiya.
Mr Stigman · 2 years ago
Mukoma Biden you like my Country weak and corrupt right ?
modicai · 2 years ago
zanupf will religuish power once bitten Ed will command soldiers to respect the constitution and move forward full stop
Okay · 2 years ago
Ngaarambe akadzwanya ipapo Biden panonaka ipapo
. · 2 years ago
. · 2 years ago
Thank you, Mr President continue to tighten screw 😃
Felistars Manyeruke · 2 years ago
Kkkkk haa zvakaoma vduwee
Haihwine match CCC · 2 years ago
CCC havaitonge nyangwe vahwine because of section 212 of the Constitution Tankers must be deployed if CCC wins and a state of emergency declared and ZANU PF must then rule by decree until the people understand that it is sacrilegious for ZANU PF to lose an election The Presidential Election must never be won by the opposition Chamisa is crying for an,"it can't" which will never be a "can"
S · 2 years ago
Uchadya section 212 iyoyo mafana,
👹🤣Haihwine match CCC · 2 years ago
Ngaapinde hake mukomana zanu dzangova nharo chete.....#fake pressure #
· 2 years ago
You are the cause of all the suffering in this country.
Rtv · 2 years ago
S**** kwako iwe
Mutsa Washe · 2 years ago
rega timbozviite tese tivhotere chamisa tione zvauri kutaura kuti zvinogoneka here. stop comparing zim ne russia or iraq. Some nations are are strong enough to stand on their own. declaring one party state has bigger consequences kkķ.
Truth · 2 years ago
blaz uyo haasi akuzvinyanya here
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kuvhotera mazivanhu vari under the sanctions list ndokuzvinyanya shefu

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