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MPs Push For Adolescents’ Access To Sexual Health Services

2 years agoThu, 02 Mar 2023 15:50:57 GMT
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MPs Push For Adolescents’ Access To Sexual Health Services

Members of Parliament are pushing for the proposed Medical Services Amendment Bill to make provision for adolescents to access sexual reproductive health care services independent of their parents and guardians, reported CITE.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), adolescence is the phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to 19.

Lawmakers say some young people succumb to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) because they fear approaching their parents and asking them to accompany them to health facilities for treatment.

Health and Child Care Parliamentary Portfolio Committee chairperson, Dr. Ruth Labode, said the Bill should include a clause that allows adolescent girls to access contraceptives. She said:

The issue of access to health services for adolescents has become like a broken record in which the Ministry of Health seems to be helpless. They cannot help it.

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We know that our teenagers are indulging in drugs and drugs lead to you losing your capacity to control your body. This is where you hear vuzu parties, multiple partner sex.

I am saying we hear of vuzu parties where young people ages 13 to 14 are having multiple client sex, being infected and getting pregnant.

It is almost like we live in two worlds. The Ministry of Health and Child Care lives in some heaven of some kind and we live with these things every day.

We read them, they are in the press and yet we fail to do one thing, that is to handle Section 35 of the Public Health Act which restricts the child, a 15-year old, from going to get health services – yet we know because of the life they are leading, they end up with STIs and you expect a parent to take a child to the hospital and say my child has been infected with an STI, please attend to him.

Dr. Labode said while they conducted public hearings on the Bill, adolescents demanded free medical care saying as children, they do not have money. She said:

It is really sad. If you look at the numbers, the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education said 10 000 pupils did not come back because of teenage pregnancies.

What are we waiting for? What exactly do you want? You want them to come and demonstrate at Kaguvi Building so that you see that the children are getting pregnant?

MP from Matabeleland North under the Proportional Representation, Lwazi Sibanda, said young people get should be given contraceptives to prevent pregnancies otherwise they will end up going for backyard abortion. She said:

There is no one who can say children should abort or that children should bear their own children.

A child should go to the hospital on her/his own to get help, be it she wants tablets to prevent pregnancy.

Madam Speaker Ma’am, what more the street kids, do you not see that these children now are getting pregnant because the Minister is saying children should not go on their own to the hospital?.

If we say children should not go to the hospital on their own –  what are we saying? Some of them are now going for backyard abortions and dying and for some of them, their wombs are getting damaged.

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Kalamba · 2 years ago
Madhara ivai nematyira siyanai nemakoso edu mvana nema**** zviriko pliz kurai
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Vaka kwirana ma under age pachavo hapana mhosva.chisiri kudiwa ndechekuti iwe uno laina mwana iwe uri pachavo vanokwanisa kupanana mimba ne zvirwere nokudaro dhokotera vari in the right lane.
kg 16 · 2 years ago
macontraceptives kuvana
Diaborosi · 2 years ago
Dr Labode asvuta mbanje chete how can she say vana should access contraceptives yet mutemo unoti munhu ari below 18 yrs haarorwe kana kuroora imhosva haarare nemurume kana mkadzi. Saka an under 18 anoda contraception yeii mutemo usingamubvumire kuita bonde. Labode ngaendeswe ku Ingutsheni aongororwe brain
spyz · 2 years ago
check pamarights evana zviripo,,they have the right to ****
Peace maker · 2 years ago
Musade kuvharisa mikoto yedu tikuvarapa,kutemineta nhumbu wani murokesheni please siyai so infact anenge ambozviitirei
tribe mkosho · 2 years ago
with or without ****s vafana varikungo rovava zvinhu muzvikoro unu.. better vapuwe pamwe tingasara nevamwe vashoma
Peshie 💕 · 2 years ago
Hie guyzz. I am new here. What's happening in comment section?
MkDon · 2 years ago
Hesi Pee 😉. Handi hauzi mu underage? Ndovatiri kutaura
Chimbudzana · 2 years ago
Pakashata ivo vakuru ivava ndivo vari kurova zvinhu nenyaya dzemari
Compromised life · 2 years ago
Yoyoyo · 2 years ago
Oh dear serious aaah saka kunamata kwacho kunenge kuri kwe fake then
MkDon · 2 years ago
Giving them ****s is actually encouraging the behaviour❗❗❗ . Its like saying there's too much crime so let's give people guns 🔫. Children should be children.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Finally someone with a brain
Smokin on top5 · 2 years ago
Saka voitasei ivo vasinga goni kuti contoller
Yoyoyo · 2 years ago
@MkDon u are right coz vanasikana vanozokuvadzwa nemaPadza anaBadza mumaClassroom. The Churches need to do more youth camps to help the kids, enough with the over use of the prosperity gospel, they need more spiritual frowth to have self control
Smokin on top5 · 2 years ago
Haaa maYouth camp ma1 kunorohwa bota big time . Especially eAFM izvi ndakazvionera ndega
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Haa izvi zvvebonde mateenagers ese aingozviita izvi,ama2K irikungobatwa pacamera chete asi dai taivanawo maphone emavideo maitoona kuty kudhara kwaikwiriwa munhu semunhu Why is birth rate decreasing World Wide if this is true
Anon · 2 years ago
This is true. It's not new. Vekare vaizviitawo izvi. Ma 2000 haisi problem yavo chete. If some of you here were to ask your parents kuti makazvarwa vaine makore mangani, you will be shocked. At least today we have ma preventive measures to help stop pregnancies and STI's.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Junior 4ANC · 2 years ago
Nhai maPindulans asi pindula yatibvisira option yekunyora Username raunoda or it's my phone.
Smokin on top5 · 2 years ago
Its your phone ko imi munoitirei maUsername akawanda
Black Adam⚡ · 2 years ago
From what I see these kids have easy access to por.nograph.y ndiyo iri kuvakuvadza. They want to do what they see in the videos coz vanoita Iri ****. They don't fear STis, they learn about S.Tis in primary school and early on in high school vanenge vakutoziva but peer pressure and videos dzavanotumirana iweeee they will be motivated to go and do it LIVE. They need prayers
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Worse nemafree wifi ino downloadiwa ****o kusvika yapera .ndini mumwe wacho .Pliz mundinamatirewo.But ini sometimes ndopedzera shungu paKUBONY-O•RA.. coz unopedzisira nemaburi akawanda .
Black Adam⚡ · 2 years ago
@Anonymous the best way to beat Po.rno addiction is to substitute with something u like to see like Sports highlights, action movies or a tv series dziya dzemaSeason akawanda anonakidza. Slowly u will begin to commit to them and po.rno won't bother u much. Plus before u go to sleep read a few Bible verses and pray in the name of Jesus. Plus u also have to build control over rather than for u to be controlled by it. Ndiweunofanira kuita master not the slave.
Junior 4ANC · 2 years ago
Thanks a lot
Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
tsano Anonymous tsvagai **** bonyora rinouraya tsinga wangu
VaBhomba · 2 years ago
Uyu wouyu anonzi Jah Tsvarie handifunge kuti akakura mumba mune structure. This is a serious issue Anonymous is a youth ka uyu ari kupihwa advice yakanaka naBlack Adam.Asi iwewe so hautonyari kuto dzorera munhu kumas****. Sara uri wega nemweya ye**** inokufurira kutambisa mbeu
@ · 2 years ago
All what the minister is saying is contrary to the age of consent as per marriage act.. It's like legalizing teenager ****.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
sss · 2 years ago
i think giving these adolescents access to these health services can actually reduce the number of teenagers getting pregnant and lessons also.As teenagers opening to parents about such things is not eeasyy.....parents nowadays do not fully engage with their children..........
@ · 2 years ago
All what the minister is saying is contrary to the age of consent as per marriage act.. It's like legalizing teenager ****.
Collins zw · 2 years ago
iwe mhani, age of consent unoziva kuti zvorevei, it is wen pane an adult be it male or female, which age is the youngest inotarisirwa kuti ****ual partner yake ive, kwete kuti vana vakakwirana pane mhosva constitutionally
@Collin zw · 2 years ago
Shamwari ziva kuti vakomana ve 17yrs vepaBindura, veku impregnate mwana ari below the age of consent vari pa bail izvozvi. Even ivo vakomana vacho vari below the legal age
Junior 4ANC · 2 years ago
Kutaura chokwadi .Vana vakurovana chaizvo yeke yeke.
VaBhomba · 2 years ago
Manje nezuro takazonzwa mumwe mupfana achiti yakaputika during se.x. Saka the elders are admitting kuti they have failed the ama2000 generation nekuti it loves a.ex too much. Times have changed indeed, teenagers are going to be having so much se.x now mumaToil.ets and boarding school hostels. Virgin.ity pride will be a thing of the past just like in SA and America.
parent · 2 years ago
so you mean vana varikurovana yekedero
Führer · 2 years ago
Vana vopihwa ma jhombo Inga nyika yaparara
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
Doctor Labode is making valid arguments & she is speaking from experience. Health workers are the ones who end up giving medical treatment to STI infected teenagers on a daily basis. Unwanted pregnancies can be prevented, if young adults are allowed access to contraceptives & health services in the first place. **** is a call of nature. The early stages of Adolescent ****ual & reproductive development are compulsory for every growing human being. The ****ual reproductive hormones take over & no amount of wishwful thinking or religiosity will change things. Science is the answer. Contraceptives are a scientific solution to a problem emanating from human Biology.
Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Worzell Gummidge I know you are a CCC pervet you just want to commit ****ual acts with underage girls it's high time you grow up and stop your ****ually deviant behaviour

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