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Black Africans In Tunisia Face Racist Attacks, Stabbings, Evictions

2 years agoMon, 06 Mar 2023 18:39:08 GMT
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Black Africans In Tunisia Face Racist Attacks, Stabbings, Evictions

Black Africans in Tunisia are facing racist attacks, stabbings and evictions after the president made some incendiary remarks. On social media, some Tunisians call sub-Saharan African migrants invaders, criminals and rapists who eat their cats.

There are 20,000 “Sub-Saharan Africans” in Tunisia compared to a population of 12 million so they’re not taking over.

President Kais Saied’s comments echo The Great Replacement Theory that’s popular in right-wing European and North American circles. He’s being accused of racism.

Some African counties including Guinea and Gabon are repatriating their citizens following the attacks, CNN correspondent, Larry Madowo, reported.

Some, however, say they won’t leave the country since there is nothing to go to in their home countries. Watch the video below for more: 

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Speaking at the country’s National Security Council on February 21, President Saied said migration from sub-Saharan Africa aimed to change Tunisia’s national identity. He said:

The undeclared goal of the successive waves of illegal immigration is to consider Tunisia a purely African country that has no affiliation to the Arab and Islamic nations.

The African Union called the president’s remarks racist and shocking, according to Al Jazeera.

The African Union also postponed a conference that was scheduled for Tunisia next week. The AU Chairperson previously strongly condemned the “racial statements on fellow Africans in Tunisia”

Saed defended his remarks denying that he was inciting racist attacks on black Africans in Tunisia. Tunisia rejects that it is racist, and reminded it was one of the founders of the Organization of African Unity. Said Tunisia in a statement:

It is an honor for Tunisia to be an African state. Africans are our brothers.

Thousands of people from sub-Saharan Africa travel to Tunisia for work in Tunisia or to use the North African country as a springboard to travel to Europe.

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Anonymous · 2 years ago
Do u know their strategy is more than what you think. Ma jews akangwara wank more than what you think about them. Check this Did you know how they attacked and destroyed Libya How they distroyed the African Leaders and their leadership for them to be called heroes. They have done a lot. When they kill people they call it a way to convince and control. But when others do its terrorism. Check out the background of the world's most influential people uone ndevapi. They lable Arabs as devil but their Government is having government owned Cinemas, wrestling grounds, football grounds in Arabian countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ummmmm xuwa here zvekuti America ndiyo honzeri???ummmm America yapindira papi apa???asingazive kuti those moziremuzi vanozviona superior over non moziremuzi ndiani?vanoda kuzviona sekunge varipedyo pedyo na Mwari chaizvo ivo vachiita basa rekurara nembudzi nehama dzavo kuita incest.
Full name · 2 years ago
America is the one who is influencing these nations to cause war among their selves u will see that in future. The jews are thereto course war against Christians and Moslems and they are getting into it bit by bit
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
same as South Africans and us Zimbabweans if people had good life and the life being affordable I don't think there will any migration but bcoz of poor governance people are suffering like zimboz and the countries neighbouring Tunisia...that's why we call for leadership renewal these tyrants have failed
Black Adam⚡ · 2 years ago
So we have South Africans being Xenophobic and then now the Tunisians are being Racist. It used to be Sudan were Arab Sudanese based in the north saw themselves superior to the black Sudanese based in the south who are mostly Christians. Sudan got divided by that. There is no African Unity in Tunisia, the African Union should remove Tunisia and South Africa. And South Africa should actually leave SADC.
cid · 2 years ago
*20 000 black Africans not Arabs*
cid · 2 years ago
Chirungu chandinzvenga,,,so kuti president ati they are only 20 000Arabs versus a total population of 12million ndozvakuita vaurayiwe here or pane imwe nyaya yandinzvenga
myself · 2 years ago
hanzi they r criminals ,rapists and vakudya kiti dzavo kkkkkk
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I'm yet to see a black person.who is black?do you know black?and who is white?do you know white?if yes then how can those colors be associated with human beings??? handizive nezvako iwewe but ini I'm brown and uyo anozviti white aiwa ndewe pink like a pig.ayoo ma Arab terrorists ayo should relocate to the middle East bcoz Africa is for Africans.
Bishu · 2 years ago
We are there who are black chaiyo and we are not ashamed
gabon_viper · 2 years ago
but wy force cannot force a donkey to drink water...they are very correct the color black is associated with corruption and poverty...
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Black Africans should unite then invade Tunisia, make them an African colony by force, pay tribute to the blacks
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 2 years ago
Arabs in Africa do not regard themselves as Africans i remember Moroccan football team at the just ended WC denying they are Africans
herode · 2 years ago
Achaparara gore rino

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