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Minister Mavima Speaks On Civil Servants Salary Negotiations

2 years agoMon, 13 Mar 2023 17:49:17 GMT
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Minister Mavima Speaks On Civil Servants Salary Negotiations

Public workers and the government have agreed on a new salary package but the parties still have differences that need to be ironed out.

On Friday, the government and representatives of civil servants met under the auspices of the National Joint Negotiating Council (NJNC).

Speaking to New Ziana, Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister, Paul Mavima said the salary negotiations will continue on Thursday this week. He said:

Negotiations are continuing. There are a few sticking points that can be resolved. They will sit again on Thursday to continue with the negotiations.

[However] we are not going to disclose what we offered. But the fact that they went back to the negotiating table means there was a variation. We would not go back without a variation.

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Secretary general of the Zimbabwe Confederation of Public Sector Workers Unions, David Dzatsunga, said:

The Government did come up with a substantially reviewed offer, which was a fairly reasonable response to our demands.

The offer, though it was speaking to our counteroffer, there were some sticking points of equality where we felt that all workers should be treated equally.

Within their offer, there were some measures that we felt would, in a way, divide the workers.

We are saying that the reviewed salaries should be backdated to January while the Government offer is from April 1st.

We are going to have to persuade them to backdate the offer.

Civil servants are demanding US$840 for the lowest-paid worker but the government has rejected the demands citing budgetary constraints.

More: Pindula News



chiurai · 2 years ago
Kana pasina ma figures hadzisati dzaa news. Apa hamuna zvamataura.
Tululu Pululu Shululu 😁 · 2 years ago
A good government will take care of it's civil servants coz ndivo vanorstidza kuti nyika yakamira sei. So CCC ndiyo ingato zvigona
Belief · 2 years ago
Thank you Government representatives for packing your datess closer it seems you are also doing your party in good faith. Just accept unoion representatives' request. Pay employees as from January. Look employer like Tongaat Hullet is still negotiating wages for July 2022. Just imagine how employees are living in this case.
Mhanduwe · 2 years ago
Salary iyoyo inokwana asingade Ngaaende kumba kwake Full Stop.
ok · 2 years ago
yave macivil servants 4ed
e d · 2 years ago
e d haafarise zvekupa mushandi mari inotenga
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ngoma Ndiyo ndiyo akomana tsvagai ma basa politics hamudzikwanise inini ndakuzibva pekutambira. Boidzi dze Ccc ndimi munenaro stereki manje muchandzwa butter gore rino hamusati maganga it's better mu joine ma rally e pato re Zanu Pf kana muchida zvekubatisa tumbu kana musadaro muchafa ne zhara apa boidzi dza mdara dzichiguta hufu yemahara, cooking oil, ma program e nurse aid zvese zvese free pa Zanu Pf even free Wifi hotsports kuma Cbd. Masoja arikuuuuya ikoko kuzokudashura kana mune nharo. Team ra Nero hamupinde pachigaro garai mazibva pekutambira nyika ino inotongwa ne pato re Zanu kuswika maenda kubundu maita serious training and then moenda kuno rwira nyika ye 3rd Sourthern Rhodesia. E.d habve pachigaro zvekumanya. Ma Ccc hapana bapana hamuwineeee endai munouuuudza Chikomana kuti makuda kumgadza pachigaro cheuuuu **** kana asingade ku recruita masoldier ake. Ma Ccc munofanira kutrainer for about 10 yrs kuti murwise pato re Zanu pf #2030 Zanu Pf is here to stay #Zanu Pf is Zimbabwe #Zimbabwe is Zanu Pf #One party state #We all suffer hapana mabasa #Zanu Pf yatishungurudza #Tafa ne zhara #Boidzi dza Nero tokumbirawo mutauuuireeee nechikomana chenyiuuuuu chinondzi Nero kuti Chisunungure nyika Ye 3rd Southern Rhodesia kana musadaro it means kuti amudi change then muchatongwa ne Zanu for the next 10yrs kusvika Vision 2030 #Boidzi dza Chamson itai plan kana musingade then it means macitizens e Southern Rhodesia achafa ne Zhara #Nero nga batidze moto Nero nga recruiteeeee masoldiers kana achida nezvekusunungura Nyika ino Ye Southern Rhodesia also Known as Zanu Pf #Zimbabwe is Zimbabwe #Zimbabwe a product of Zanu Pf
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
at bvuu urisei usangokwiraka usingano rejista kuvhota wakarejista here kana usina enda uno rejista uvhotere chamisa chete chete
Aj · 2 years ago
@Miss Jessica weFake une bech.e rakawora rinonhuhwa fish yemu Bin
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 2 years ago
✈I will vote for the party I haven't seen ruling kuti ndimboona kuti inonakisa Zim here and that's CCC yaChamisa. Ndiye so far wandaona kuti angaita something. #RESPECT!!!
coni · 2 years ago
coni unoti endai munorejista kuvhota muvhorere chamisa
cid · 2 years ago
Things are tough for civil servants,,,today I saw police yema bhasikoro vachiita roadblock mu detour musango rakavhurwa muChivhu just after OK mart,,, imagine murume mukuru achidzingirira Honda fit ye mshika shika ne bhasikoro knowing haazoshayi 5dollaz,,,pliz pay ma civil servants Mari inotenga ini makapanana ma 500 000 nema 90k
at anonymous uri dzetse · 2 years ago
pfungwa dzisingashande nhamo yezanu yakuvhiringidza pfungwa what a shame
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Let me remind you all of what's the job of Zimbabwean army. 1.2017 it removed the late R.G Mugabe out of the white house. 2. Army killed 6 citizens back in year 2018. #The army is in charge
Patriot · 2 years ago
Gvt ya ED husa inaro heavy musaityira zvenyu. Mthuli na Mangudya are very good at sourcing money those gyz
Dred · 2 years ago
Sticking point is backdating the increase to January instead of April
xxxx · 2 years ago
iwe hauna basa here enda unodzura nyimo kumunda ☝️☝️☝️☝️
Anonymous · 2 years ago
An i.d.i.o.t person like you are born to suffer failing to think of positive ideas in life.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Chamisa clearly shows that he can't handle this business. Using pen and paper won't free -up Job. 1. Chamisa is banned to visit Job @Chikurubi, 2.Mnangagwa refused to respond your request, now you are telling the public, do you think your Ccc supporters are going to stand up and help you to fight for Job's release. 3.As for you Chamisa keep on entertaining your supporters on tweeter. Ccc supporters stop being cowards are you scared of Zanu Pf, most of you are good in commenting but your comments are not good enough to free-up you all from the reign of Zanu Pf. CCC youth supporters if you volunteer to be soldiers of CCC that's is when the reign of Zanu Pf will notice your presence and begin to rebuild Zimbabwe by opening all closed industries, building more hospitals, construct roads, bridges, offer free education, built more schools and other business sectors. Zanu Pf is alive but it only needs someone who is very serious, Stubbon,almost cruel as Adolf Hitler himself to take over the operation. If there are opposition leaders who are serious of taking the throan away from Zanu Pf must escape Zimbabwe and be able to broadcast his or her statement on international Tv Channels for the recruiting of his or her Soldiers in progression of fighting for the Independence of Sourthern Rhodesia for the second time this time the millitary will be brought up to remove Zanu Pf from the throan the statement must be broadcasted on television such as Aljezeera, France 24, Bcc any leader who will make take this advise surely will be brave enough to take down Zanu Pf once and for all. I trully believe that ibotso song by Winky D tells a lot. If Gaffa is intending to form his political party he should adapt to this fighting formation in order to take the throan from the reign of Zanu Pf. The well known popular slogan of Zanu Pf goes like this "Sons and daughters of Zanu Pf A.K.A Zimbabwe fought the whites, for the country which many call it Zimbabwe as for me i call it Zanu Pf so in other words Zanu Pf is Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe is Zanu Pf.
Lukoo · 2 years ago
We never quit our oncoming president bcz of yo nonsense ****weee
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Wasting your precious time uchinyora nonsense nxaaa iwe ndiwe unoda zanu ini handiide......kugona kana kutadza kwaNero isu kuno tinomudisa chaizvo.Nonsense!!
Anonymous · 2 years ago
@Anonymous quite a long piece which has got no meaning at all A big yawn if you ask me
GudoGuru · 2 years ago
Saka watogarira pasu kuti unyore ma 2 zvi aya ingaaaaaa
Hombre · 2 years ago
Since you notice that we're all cowards, just form your own army. You will definitely win with your great ideas. You can easily become the next president of Zimbabwe. Take up your own challenge. Don't push Chamisa to live your dream.
Mombe · 2 years ago
Ukama uchida kuita noice nerulling party ahuna kukwana .akuna mari food kana weapons bit you wanna people to sacrifice their lives for the sake of chamisa kumhta kwenyu Enda wega feseki madhodha Kanda lakho

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