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Form One Pupil Commits Suicide In The Presence Of Sister (8)

2 years agoTue, 14 Mar 2023 07:42:15 GMT
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Form One Pupil Commits Suicide In The Presence Of Sister (8)

A Form One pupil at a private school in Luveve suburb, Bulawayo, committed suicide by hanging on Sunday evening.

The girl reportedly hanged herself in her bedroom at around 7 PM in the presence of her 8-year-old sister.

Her 19-year-old brother told the Chronicle that she did not leave a suicide note or tell anyone if she had any challenges. He said:

My sister was a very quiet person but she was always smiling. She had gone out and met my father by the corner and asked him where he was going.

My father told her he was going to buy some relish. When she arrived at the house, there was my little sister.

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She took some plastic-like rope and hung herself from the roof truss in her bedroom. She didn’t leave any message nor did she say anything to my younger sister.

When my younger sister went to tell the people who lodge in the house at the back, it was already too late as she had died. This is painful.

The late girl’s uncle said they were informed about the tragic incident on Sunday. He said:

The girl’s mother died last year in January in South Africa, and what pained us was that the father refused for the children to go and bury their mother at our village in the Gwamba area in Nkayi.

This suicide is troubling to us and we’re forced to think about many things. We suspect that maybe the girl was being abused and just suffered in silence because there’s no other way to explain this painful incident.

I just arrived and I’m waiting for the father to arrive so that we can talk but I’m not happy with the disrespect he has shown to our family.

A pastor’s wife from the nearby Baptist Church who preferred anonymity said they had been supporting the children together with neighbours in the area after both parents left the children for South Africa. She said;

I’m pained by this and I wish she could wake up but I know it can’t happen. She was a member of our church but didn’t attend church on Sunday after a relative visited them.

In life iminwe ayilingani but we supported them wherever we could. The father was working hard to provide for them but it was difficult.

The children stayed for a long time by themselves when their parents were in South Africa and the father only returned sometime last year and we were assisting them.

Bulawayo Provincial ZRP spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the suicide to the Chronicle, saying investigations into the case are ongoing.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ummmm nhau iyi inorwadza vamwe tikutoshaya ma babe wonzwa kut babe rasarudza kuita resource wasting kutambisa zviro before expiring date haikona mhani
xxxx · 2 years ago
kufira mjolo uko ama 2000 inonetsa iyi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Don't trust these politicians, vakangofanana vanhu ava haiwa let's focus pakut toita sei kut tirarame munyka ine uhori, umbavha ne vatungamiri vanongozvifunga pachavo
Anonymous · 2 years ago
True ndoda kutoenda Ku zanu zvangu
Rita · 2 years ago
chamisa munomuda shuwa sorry to the 8 year old gel
Tateguru · 2 years ago
I don't think the father is involved as the uncle would like us to think. The deceased mother was according to our customs supposed to be buried at her own home burial place, not at her parents'. This said uncle was abusive himself
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
we are sorry for the loss my God comfort you in this perilous times Nelson CHAMISA
myself · 2 years ago
mwana mwanana uyu mhani. Mwari rangariraiwo vanhu venyu
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 2 years ago
Zvazonyanya izvi, this breaks my heart. I have to pray more for the youths and teenagers in Zim and around the world. People who are so young and haven't lived here... A form one student, God help us
Mona · 2 years ago
So zveshuwa Bvum bvu une moyo unobatikana nhai, u have changed
ma¹ · 2 years ago
Zim life has become so unbearable so much that teenage girls are committing suicide everyday. Register to vote all youths
coni · 2 years ago
vote Nelson Chamisa this suicidal issues will be the thing of the past
Coni 2 · 2 years ago
I think zvakutoda munamato izvi tese seNyika kuti Jehovha Mwari vatibatsire bhudhii weCCc
Junior 4ANC · 2 years ago
Suicide is now a stress relief way .Coz everyday yangove Suicide this suicide that. Asi akakanganisa kuzviuraira Pamberi belittle sisi yake .Nekuti paachakura zvinogona kumunetsa. Kusi Bigiie Sisi vake vakafa akatarisa haana kana kubvudza kana kuita something .Very soon . Mwari dai atibatsira .

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