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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Load Shedding Affecting Voter Registration - ZEC

2 years agoTue, 14 Mar 2023 12:52:47 GMT
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Load Shedding Affecting Voter Registration - ZEC

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) says recurring unscheduled power cuts are negatively affecting the ongoing final mobile voter registration blitz at some centres.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, ZEC said the situation has been worsened by the cloudy weather conditions prevailing in some parts of the country.

ZEC, however, assured citizens that all people who are eligible and willing will be registered for the upcoming harmonised elections. ZEC said:

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) hereby notifies the public that it is currently experiencing technical difficulties at some of its registration centres.

This is due to shortages of electricity affecting the charging of the BVR kits.

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The situation is also worsened by the cloudy weather, which affects the solar-powered BVR kits.

ZEC assures the public that every eligible citizen will be registered.

More: Pindula News



zozo · 2 years ago
cy tichi voter ne pen pa paper
Jaison Ndlovu · 2 years ago
Everyone now knows about load shedding. Everyone is using backup power from other sources, why would ZEC want to trust the National Grid on this exercise. Let ZEC be realistic.
Uchafa chete · 2 years ago
Huya kuno ndikupe purazi.unotaura chokwadi kumbwa idzii!!!
gNepo nepo · 2 years ago
ngavashandise ma Generator magetsi haana kutanga kuenda nhasi Aya busy kutenga mota musinga funge back up power
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 2 years ago
Nguva yose iyi vanhu vainzi huyai huyai muise mazita enyu mubhuku resarudzo ,vakangwara vakamhanyisana nenguva nokuti vaiziva kuti chimwe nechimwe chine nguva yacho.Nhasi tozivepi ouya nekabadza nembeu achida kudyara chibage muchando mavakuti Musikavanhu anodarireiko vanhu kusanaisa mvura.Zvimwe zvinhu vanhu ngavangorongeka kuregister kwatanga rinhi vamwe kutofambirwa kudzimba,waona vanofamba wovhara gonhi hamuoniwo kuti uku kuita kwechembere iri pachiteshi inozoda kupinda muchimbuzi bhazi ravakusumuka.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Also affecting b/certificates and national ID printing and processing. Imagine boarding a bus and travel more than 100 km to get ID and told that hakuna magetsi haaa guys be serious
??? · 2 years ago
kkk Zambia yavhara magetsi, plus, February and March not paid
??? · 2 years ago
Saka varikutidza kuti tiite sei, just sort things out, Bob was bad but hataiudzwa such things, why deploying people without power back up imi muchiziva kuti makadya Mari yeZambia yemagetsi, zvino mava kunyimwa,,,,,, kwachu kwachu PF ndaikonewa
Miss Jessica · 2 years ago
yaa with the isue of over loadshading yakatanga iyi haa panonetsa do something people needs to vote for Nelson Chamisa register as many people as possible Nero should win resoundingly
coni · 2 years ago
what do you expect from a zanu lead government a disgrace to the nation they can't do things properly shame on you...this year iwe chigumba usazobatsira zanu kurigga we need leadership renewal
nxaaa · 2 years ago
mediocre everytime nothing works in this country
· 2 years ago
Poor excuse by ZEC. They are a disgrace.

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