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Thomas Mapfumo Says Protests, And Not Elections, Will Remove ZANU PF From Power

1 year agoSun, 19 Mar 2023 11:03:57 GMT
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Thomas Mapfumo Says Protests, And Not Elections, Will Remove ZANU PF From Power

Self-exiled musician Thomas Mapfumo reportedly said Zimbabweans cannot change the government through elections but should resort to peaceful protests to change the current political status quo.

Mapfumo said President Emmerson Mnangagwa took power in an unconstitutional manner and therefore will never surrender power through elections. The Standard quoted Mapfumo as saying:

Zimbabweans must understand who they are really dealing with, [President Emmerson] Mnangagwa took over power from (Robert) Mugabe in an unconstitutional manner and he will never let go of that power simply through a ballot box.

People in Zimbabwe must wake up and smell the coffee, forget about elections, and go out in the streets.

We have seen this happen in other countries such as Egypt and that’s the only way you can remove this leadership, which has dragged the country into poverty.

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Mapfumo accused the ZANU PF government led by the late former President Robert Mugabe of corruption, adding that Mnangagwa’s administration is perpetuating graft. He said:

US$15 billion just disappeared during the Mugabe era, no one was held accountable for that money.

Imagine what that money was going to do to the health care, education, food security and jobs in the country but we have a few people enjoying such a big loot with their families.

Mnangagwa is doing the same, he is looting the country with his family and few friends whilst Zimbabweans are dying because there is no health care and no food on the table.

Something must be done to remove this oppressive government and that can only be through going out into the streets and defending your right.

Zimbabwe is set to hold general elections in July or August this year.

More: Pindula News



🆔️'DAILY SP⚽️RTS BLITZ' · 1 year ago
time flies guys
🆔️'DAILY SP⚽️RTS BLITZ' · 1 year ago
ooooo yeaaaa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zvakapera nguva yehondo zveku sv🤣ira mahara this time tinoibvisa zanu haisi chinhu but tese tichafa ndokunakidza Kwazvo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
huyai 🐒 mutiratidze zvamuri kureva · 1 year ago
romance haina mwana huyai muende mberi muratidze zimbabwe zvirikureva ziparagh ramanyora iro. ndakazvitarisa isu tirimunyika ino nhasi tisu vanhu vakashinga chose chero gehena haticharipindi nekuti Wedenga akatotiranga pakutipa hupenyu hunorema kunge jambwa hamenowo kuti chii ichochi chinenge ngozi. huyai Gandangaguru muratidze ruzhinji rwepasi rose kuti murikurevei. brick by brick ehezve mkanya ndokuti inovakwa nevene vayo.
Mr True · 1 year ago
Isu hatichashandiswe zvakapusa kudaro Mr Thomas Mapfumo unoda kuti uraisa kuno iwe wakahwanda kuAmerica dzokai Mukanya mutungamire from the front kwete kuda kuwuraisa vanhu ikozvino Mr Job Sikhala vari muprison nenhau dzeprotest Zimbos you die for nothing
Citizen 4 life · 1 year ago
Come over Rasta and lead us protest if you have the guts,do you want people to get killed.Did you register to vote if I may ask Mr Gandanga?More action less talk and maybe we might listen to you coward wakatiza kumusha kwako wagarika it wamakesto wakutaurisa dai vakakudzosa kuno swine
Patriot · 1 year ago
Wel mapfumo you are right ;then you must come back and lead the protest
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Even if Zanu is declared winner by whatever means, and continues for the next 5 years,, hardships will send every Tom and Jerry on the streets by impulse.
laugh emoji1
Busongo · 1 year ago
Hanzi tikadzosera minda kuvarungu zvinhu zvinoita bhoo chero hurumende irikutonga ikaramba iripo. Kurikunzwi futi chero pakauya hurumende itsva hapana chichachinja kana tisina kudzosera minda yatakatorera vachena nechisimba. Hameno mamboinzwawo here nhau iyi
🆔️'DAILY SP⚽️RTS BLITZ' · 1 year ago
Loud and clear comrade then it means Zimbabwe is better off without a President.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Huyai Mukanya muite v one,v one neAk 47,murimo mum's street,tione zvinobuda.
MuSabatha · 1 year ago
Its a lie kuti maprotests haashande. Protests by their nature are very legal and are necessary in as far as politics and governance is concerned. We urgently need to organize them as soon as possible and any outcome which may result will be the story of another day but our message wud have been sent. We the people have got the power and if we are united and with one goal, no man can stant in our way......musanyeperwe nezvimbwasungata zve zanupf. The power is in us the people. We only need to be organized and execute our struggle for independence as one force...if we all participate, zimbabwe will be free again...
🆔️'DAILY SP⚽️RTS BLITZ' · 1 year ago
True that🙌 comrade
MuSabatha · 1 year ago
Its a lie kuti maprotests haashande. Protests by their nature are very legal and are necessary in as far as politics and governance is concerned. We urgently need to organize them as soon as possible and any outcome which may result will be the story of another day but our message wud have been sent. We the people have got the power and if we are united and with one goal, no man can stant in our way......musanyeperwe nezvimbwasungata zve zanupf. The power is in us the people. We only need to be organized and execute our struggle for independence as one force...if we all participate, zimbabwe will be free again...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mr Thomas zvemuma streets izvo ma1 rega timboona tumoro kut ana malema pane zvinobuda here but muno munyika yechipikirwa ummmmmm wega unongogaya pachako kut naana Saddam varikutonga ava zvinopera mushe here.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
manga makura zvakanaka mukanya chisirai pwere,dzokai kumusha Gandanga,musanyengete vana Mai vako vakafa ukatadza kuvaviga wakazoona guva ED ATI huya nyika inovakwa nevene vayo 🧱 upon 🧱🇿🇼✊💤
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Just for the record Thomas Mapfumo was caught at a police road block in possession of mbanje, and he was also found in possession of a stolen car that's the reason why he ran away from Zimbabwe.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Just for the record Thomas Mapfumo was caught at a police road block, and he was also found in possession of a stolen car that's the reason why he ran away from Zimbabwe.
Pombiyadonha · 1 year ago
Nice move Mkanya.Asi regai ndikuudzei gudo guru.Kana matumwa nechembere yamuri kugeza ikoko ,ivudzei kuti muuye mose,mozoigezera kuno muchirwisana naED.Fair deal mukanya
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkkkk suctions ndachema hangu!!!!
ZANU · 1 year ago
You can't blame the government for Zim situation bcz it's being bullied by Americans who put us on illegal suctions.So what is ZANU supposed to do bcz you have noone to sell our resources to,we can't important technology and a lot of measures they implemented to make sure we don't succeed as Africans.Ama 2000 kids won't understand this because they think from the stomach not from the brain.There divide and rule strategy is pulling us down as Africans.So Chamisa is just a puppet who is being paid these so called Europeans
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@ZANU until you learn to spell the word 'sanctions' I won't believe a single word you say
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Brain washed kkkk . Sanctions my foot. Import technology? Sell resources? Grow up and remove the curtains from you face @ ZANU
Lolo · 1 year ago
That is why you will die poor and bear children who will also die poor with nothing because of that **** head of yours filled with sewage.
Paul Piki · 1 year ago
Iro idama rakanaka gandanga guru. Moita muchiuya kumusha tibatirane pamwe semhuri.
Zanu pf nigga · 1 year ago
Apna nyika yandakaona yakabvisa rulling party by force ikazoenda mberi co ma puppets enyu amunoda anonetsa example what happened in Iraq .Lybia.saka what I see mazim ngatiiete pfungwa Ed anonzwisisa if we came up together as a nation apana munhu anotivakira nyika buut isu tega mazim ngatiiete moyo ine zvekuti nhingi achazodai kana akutonga azvishande coz we will be growing old look at what girls and boys have turn into **** lovers drug abuse vachiti tichachinja kana chamisa akutonga but wen will that happen .BMW and BENZ were build buy the Germans...sisonke
Ccc · 1 year ago
Ha a iwewe inorwara wanzwa ka waukuda kuti a proteste ndiani plus waukuda kuisa panyanga after Ed ndiani holly **** ukwane wanzwa ukama munhu ano protester muzim ahana basa ne family yake m hata yako wanzwa we don't need western puppets to rule Zim ****
Nelson Chamisa · 1 year ago
But anenge ainebasa nenizve, Go protest ndiite president
Peace maker · 1 year ago
Nhai mukanya makamirirei mugomo reEverest huyai imi makatiza noupenyu hwenyuka imi makakosha
citizen · 1 year ago
yes I agree with most comments that only in a democracy can citizens demonstrate without fear and its a constitutional right. Alas, not in banana republic like ours, NEVER ,EVER.
mlambo naume · 1 year ago
chingoziva chte wakapiwa land kulimpp opo
inini · 1 year ago
iwe muchenjeri pastates
Tongombeya Ngowani · 1 year ago
munoda kuuraisa vanhu. imi makatizei Mukanya
. · 1 year ago
vakomana mumba mune disaster 🎻🎹🎸🥁🪕🪘🎷
jz · 1 year ago
asi mukanya vaakuda kuuya kuno kuzimba kani vanobva vanyengedza vanhu kuto ratidzirai,,,,ivo ngavauye vaite izvozvo pamwe vangavhunduka kuti protest yaitwa nemunhu abva abroad,,, but muzvibate mkanya ,, musada kuuraisa mainnocent souls siyai takadaro imi garai ikoko chete makanyarara
jombo · 1 year ago
mukanya is ryt.if we take into account that he fought the whites through music. he was arrested and tortured by the regime for that. his music inspired slot of our people as as a wake-up call. a lot of people went to join the struggle through his music. he is a fighter, heist fighting even now.
citizen · 1 year ago
Tibvirei apa ..munoswera makugama mabullets muma streets
Epworth Resident · 1 year ago
Handi kutiza waida makore mazana mana!!!! Tinotyirawo hupenyu hwedu sewewo wakatiza, mukanya makwegura ka moda kudzoka kumusha? Isu tofira, imi murikuda kuuya kumusha?
Doug · 1 year ago
Interesting comments! Like they are from a few individuals or a group
GG · 1 year ago
Mapfumo is right ,we are cowards that's why we aim darts at him for his observations.
MAMBO · 1 year ago
KuZimbabwe hakuitwe maProtests asekuru kunofiwa and nobody cares about it
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kunyepa ikoko unenge usati wabatwa mapartskana uchiti muno hamuitwe maprotests. There are a lot of people who are suffering right now more than you are who see no difference in dying of hunger or being shot at. You see a lot of armed robberies going on , it's just an example of the kind of people I'm taking about. They know kuti akabatwa ijail time or akapfuudwa kufa so he doesn't give a ****.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
Hehehe, VaMapfumo hamusi muZimbabwe u are a self-exiled Entertainer, iyezvino Winky D tiri kutomutyira kuti achatobuda muZim pamusana pePolitics. Its easy to suggest what people should do coz u are outside. Hopewell chaiye can't even led a protest he knows tino pfurwa nemaSoldiers. Isu veCCC we know Constitution inobvumidza kuita protest but ED unleashes the army on the people vanhu vofira Sahara, the courts are under his power and he is Above the Law. Takutongo temba nemaElections iwayo amuri kushora.
Fifi · 1 year ago
do u kuti maSouth Africans ayitaura rubbbish achiti maZimba u don't know how to protest, tichivaudza kuti Zim is different even under mugabe we couldnt. South Africans never had a Chimurenga not even one. Muno makarwiwa and Zimbos are strong. It's just that our army has well trained soldiers and fire power, takaona maTank in 2017, the civilians don't have a chance to fight maGreen and red barrels.
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Mashoko makukutu tamanzwa comrade, dai mauya kuno mufambe mberi tichitevera s**** tichiona tichidzidza...
pasi nemhandu · 1 year ago
nyaya iripo chete yataurwa naMukanya ndiyoyo ndikoko mazvinzwa zvamakutaura ndezvenyu izvo
mujiba · 1 year ago
Gwindingwi · 1 year ago
Tafirenyika wadii kuuya tobatirapamwe. Torega kushandisana
Nelson Chamisa · 1 year ago
Saka ukuti ndaishandisa vanhu here iwe?
mlambo naume · 1 year ago
murikusundira ani Kuti suite. Ini huyai muite cz murimuzm akarwa hondo
Stykee · 1 year ago
he is correct problem muZimbabwe mune mbwende nemadhunamutuna
Okay · 1 year ago
Iwwe ndiwe yekutanga
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mbwende ndiwe @Stykee That's why you don't even write your real name on this platform and hide behind pseudonyms I would have agreed with you if you had said 'Tirimbwende'
Thanks · 1 year ago
somewhere somehow Mapfumo is right but
Sir Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
You are on point kunga ink yeballpoint, problem yatinayo senyika tinevanhu vane humbwende
phillip · 1 year ago
lets see that happen from Monday onwards in. S.A. African leaders do not surrender power zvekumhanya. ko imwi mukanya uyai ka mutiridzire mhanzi tichi porotesta. inga muri Gandanga wani?
phillip · 1 year ago
lets see that happen from Monday onwards in. S.A. African leaders do not surrender power zvekumhanya. ko imwi mukanya uyai ka mutiridzire mhanzi tichi porotesta. inga muri Gandanga wani?
# · 1 year ago
he is right zvqke but atina that courage yekuita demonstrate. the last time we tried it...some of our brothers and sister were shot. I don't think there is any other way to remove the current ruling party coz if we demonstrate tinorohwa...if we vote tinozongoona taakunzi opposition yakundwa. dai Mwari nevadzimu vatirangarirawo tabuda mukutambura kukuru uku
🆔️'DAILY SP⚽️RTS BLITZ' · 1 year ago
You are right there and you have corrected Mr Mapfumo's neither good or better idea. Truth must reach to all citizens of this country (Zimbabwe need some like R.G Mugabe for presidential Throne /operation) i believe that Chamisa and Mnangagwa are the feathers of a same bird, both good in speech/languastic but gut no effort in terms of fixing Zim's economy. Now i recall back to Mugabe's true fact/idea "There is no one who can rule this country better than me" his words are ever lasting he said it once and people laughed at him....look today how Zimbabwe is alike. E.d has repeated his moto " I'm a listenimg president" but he chooses not to listen to our cries "we need jobs, better living standards, better hospitals for our health, water, roads, better school for tomorrow neither of mentioned above items matter to him, why can't Mr Mnangagwa fulfill his dream but he also need your support and mine too. Christians believe in forgiveness since Zimbabwe is a nation which strongly believe in Christianity it means that Zimbabweans must forgive our president Mr Mnamgagwa for his mistakes if you all Zimbabweans believe in Christ and follow the bible as well as the ten commandment it will be better to recall it and fulfill God's dream (i.) Love one another (ii.) Don't hold a grudge against your neighbour (iii.) Respect your elders so that your days on earth will be longer. Zimbabwean Christians it's now time to forgive your elder as well your President Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa. Christians you always say Let the buygons be buygons i guess this is the right time to practise that moto "LET THE BUYGONS BE BUYGONS" E.D is also a son of God he diserves a second chance like "Nero AKA Nelson Chamisa" Nero dissapointed you all in 2K18 then why can't you all forgive them both "E.D & Nero" remember the commandment "Respect your elders so that your days on earth will be longer" if you think that i'm joking it will be better to remember the death cause of Sam Mtukudzi, Cal_Vin (that Luveve boy) Nero my Brother he is my little advice "If you want to conquer it will be better to keep your enemy closure to you" what i know for sure is that Zimbabweans will tell you b.u.l.l. S.H.I.R.T. soon after you loose on this year's harmonised election, 2028, 2033 may be even 2038's harmonised election mhhhhh with your behaviour i don't think you will live upto 2038. If you are a good kid it will help you to accept the delimination dialogue who knows maybe it will be your first time & last time to try running, sit on that presidential chair sit, rooming in a white statehouse chances like this one comes once in a while. If you refuse to take my advice you will remember my words in your death bed. You always say you are a Christian then why don't you join hands with E.D,Mwonzora in building a better Nation , in improving economy of Zimbabwean. In 2008 Richard Morgan Tswangirant & Robert Gabriel Mugabe worked together and revived the economy of Zimbabwe upto 2013. Nero if you are a Christian i think you might have forgetten the versey (commandment) which says don't hold a grudge against your neighnour & love one another. Zimbabweans since you all claiming to be Christians why don't you forgive mr. Mnangagwa and give him another chance (bless mr Mnangagwa with another 5 years rulling term) Remember you all celebrated the downfall of the late Mr R.G Mugabe. Anywhere i'm not a Christian but went to a Christian high school #i'm a non believe real heathen but i can forgive a person then what about you a son/daughter of God why don't you forgive and love another son of God Mr Honourable Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. If you all cannot forgive him then it Zimbabwe is better off without a president. Zupco was brought back to roads by E.D At least he offer us all with electricity power which last up to 6-9 hours (8pm-4am) at least he is a trying president. Then what does Mero give the pple of Zimbabwe #nothing nothimg at all but busy mocking the President Nero's words "You can rig election but you can't rig the economy" lastly Chamisa is a loosing candidate i believe that he is not the right candidate to Challenge mr Emmerson Mnangagwa for presidential throne/reins. If you all believe that Chamisa is a super hero why did he fail to proove it to you all that Zanu Pf had rigged the election. Chamisa can rule this country soon after recruiting millions of Zimbabwean youth (for Ccc military)
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You are apologetic to mnangagwa for your name serves from the same, that is failures. What shallow mindedness you are. You are expecting Nero to deliver to you is like asking a player sitting on the bench to score while you are not bothered by those in the match who intend to score in their own team's gate.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Kgosi. A man was hit & run over by a car, yet here you are preaching Christianity & cheap Propaganda. It really says a lot about the person you are. To the Pindula Community, go and listen to, Nkosi, a track by Cal_Vin. You can find it on Audiomack. Twalumba
kg · 1 year ago
zvamazviona nhai mkanya chiuyayika imi muzotungamurira ma Street protects acho nokuti zvinotoda muripo kwete ku kwete kusheedzera muri mugomo HUYA IWE WOINDA MBERI IWE PACHAKO SEGANDANGA GURU
bbbbb · 1 year ago
. Hapana kana chavakatiza vaakutifurira kuti tipinde mu road.baba vanotya ivavo vanonzi Mukanya avo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ummmmmm VaTafirenyika muno zvekupinda muma streets zviri hazardous to health like Madison cigarette. Mnangagwa is worse than Mugabe he kills he is very very cruel more cruel than Mugabe haa don't underestimate that emperor his ruthlessness knows no limits.In fact Mugabe was far much better than this current criminal tiri mugango.This nation every 18th April people celebrate not independence but kupemberera ngozi yataifunga kut mudzimu yakapinda mumba muna 1980.
chreche · 1 year ago
usagwaravo zve iwe
pk · 1 year ago
vamapfumo huyai musangano ne 45°.
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
huyai mutumgamire muri MBERI
Responsible Citizen · 1 year ago
Huyai mkanya muende mberi sa Moses
Nelson Chamisa · 1 year ago
Vanhu vacho vangwara ava mkanya,havachade izvozvo
p · 1 year ago
huya ka iwe uite
Chimbudzana · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Come and lead at forefront Gandandanga , we will follow your
ZimToday · 1 year ago
Mukanya is somehow right. We have to do something in the ground as the people. Of course yes mnangagwa killed people on August 1 to silence people so that he cud steal the vote. Thats a crime we shud hold him accountable. He has a case ti answer and i implore those fighting for our independence to publish the names of the six August 1 shooting victims so that we make enough advocacy and pressure so that mnangagwa is brought to book. The killings shud never be left to go unpunished. The families of the victims can start by organizing themselves and starting by announcing an intention to sue the gvnmt to seek recourse and hold the gvnment accountable. That will be a good starting point and mnangagwa will have to know that yu cant just kill someone and expect to go scotfree. We are still seeking justice for our dear colleagues who were murdered in broad daylight by mnangagwa and his henchmen. Families of one mboneni ncube and moreblessing ali can also come aboard and seek justice. Mnangagwa has already committed heinous crimes against humanity and by now, he actually has cases to answer..
Zuva · 1 year ago
@zimtoday your points are in the right direction but we first need to get to a point were we have such powers to hold the top brass accountable. I think this is were we're failing, we have envisioned a greater Zimbabwe but we're not coming to ground and say how do we navigated from here to there. We need a strategy, how can we move upto that level. For now let's focus on the HOW, then we maneuver
Kumwedzi · 1 year ago
@Zuva The power is the people,its just that takavhiringidzwa nekudividwa and now we cant focus on one goal,we dont need a saviour or top judge or official because they serve us,they are our employees, Kungoti zimbabweans takavharwa zvekuti most believe we are there to serve the gvt, we worship and praise MPs like celebrities whilst vari vashandi vedu,the people should say kunaMP nhingi to either fulfil their concernes or get lost,kwete kuti MP ano......what exactly do MPs do anyway. The power is in the people,If we dont use it we get exploited
Anonymous · 1 year ago
War is the only way out cause it distroy everything n start afresh but will die large but worth it in those ashes the remaining will build a better country only way 🤷‍♂️

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