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HomeCrime and Courts

13-year-old Girl Raped By Teacher, Aunt’s Neighbour And Contracts An STI

1 year agoSat, 25 Mar 2023 09:00:41 GMT
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13-year-old Girl Raped By Teacher, Aunt’s Neighbour And Contracts An STI

A 13-year-old schoolgirl from Ruwa was allegedly raped by her teacher from Mandley Park Primary School and by her aunt’s neighbour.

The girl’s teacher has not been named but her aunt’s neighbour was identified as Simbarashe Tarisai.

The 13-year-old girl was taken for a medical examination and the results showed that she had contracted a sexually-transmitted illness (STI).

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson in Harare Province, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the development to H-Metro. He said:

The girl was staying with her aunt. On December 26, the girl was at home with the accused, and her aunt was away at work.

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The neighbour was reported to have invited the girl to his bedroom where he raped her without protection.

She went to school and when she returned at 2 pm, the neighbour raped her twice and threatened to kill her if she told anyone.

On December 27, the neighbour fled to Debvu Village 6 in Chinhoyi.

The matter came to light when the girl filed a case of abuse against her teacher at ZRP Epworth.

A medical report indicated that the girl had an STI and, when questioned about how she got infected, she disclosed that she was sexually abused by Simbarashe Tarisai.

How To Prevent Rape

According to HealthyPlace, women can learn about rape prevention and use this knowledge to help them stay safe in many situations where sexual assault could occur. Some of the tips are:

  • Listen to your intuition when alone – stay aware of your surroundings, avoid isolated public areas, walk with determination even if you’re lost, trust your gut, keep your cell phone charged and with you, avoid going somewhere alone with a person you don’t know well, don’t use music headphones when walking alone.
  • Reduce risk in social situations – Go to parties and social events with a group of friends and stay with the group. Do not leave your drink unattended.
  • Don’t reveal too much on social media – Turn off the location feature of mobile apps on your cell phone before going out as would-be sexual predators can use these tools to find you.

What to Do When Being Raped

  • State clearly and unequivocally that you do not want to engage in sex of any kind with the person. 
  • Arrange a special code word with a close friend or family member that you can say if talking on the phone to them to indicate that you are in a dangerous situation and need help.
  • Make up an excuse as to why you need to leave or that you are having your period, or even that you have a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Look for an escape route or way to get out of the room.
  • Call attention to yourself by screaming or making a scene and yelling for help.
  • If someone actually attacks you, scratch him with your fingernails and pull his hair, bite, and kick – do anything to make him let go even for a second and then run. 
  • As a last resort, try to humanize yourself in the eyes of your attacker. Try to make the attacker see you as a person rather than objectify you. Talk about your family, your kids, your mother. Tell him he is better than the way he is behaving.
  • If your attacker is armed with a gun or knife, the above tactics may not work effectively… If you choose to physically attack an armed aggressor, your action must be unexpected, sudden, and intensely painful. Target his most vulnerable spots, such as testicles, eye sockets, instep, or windpipe with a lethal intention.

More: Pindula News



Faith Ruzvidzo · 1 year ago
but why mans do such a thing to a 13 years it's bad
Ubert angel · 1 year ago
Simbarashe Tarisai you should have used a Diplomatic rebon no one was going to touch you 🐓
jimalo · 1 year ago
kamwana kacho kachibhora ndakatadza kuzvidzora ndinodzoka nerweseri kana mati ndiende mujeri Kane murundukwa mushenen' ene
Mindblast · 1 year ago
Mwana uyu akaenda kuchkoro mus wa26Dec really
self · 1 year ago
haaa uyu ngaanofire mujeri chaimo
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈I pray that both those wicked men will be arrested. What hurts me the most is this child abuse thing keeps on going. We need more tough laws against rape, in the Arabian countries they have tough laws against rape and crime rate is very law in Qatar. Rape changes a child's view on life, they become vulnerable and insecure. I hope terrifying laws will be put so that noone will ever dare touch a abuse a child. #RESPECT!!!
Lil Dicky (Babamudiki) · 1 year ago
Exactly,we must castrate all these cowards.Why do parents allow kids to do one on ones with male teachers.The way these teenagers have evolved to develop at an early age is appalling.Chengetedzai vana ava ,nyangwe aine 10 years rimwe gudo rikutomuona semukadzi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
From zvawanyora unogona uri rimwe gudo rauri kureva
. · 1 year ago
vanhu todiiniko.nwvarume vasingagute
Nuski · 1 year ago
When our former president R.G Mugabe was In Power I'ven't had such cases, rape, robberies etc.......the fact Is now everyone do what they want bcoz there's no voice of president plus his power Is very weak, let's hope during presidential election he will lose
Svobororo tasa pratata mbotororo mhakatasa · 1 year ago
You're very right
Tateguru · 1 year ago
But Pindula musadaro. So toshandisa maWords api, how can you censor as vulgar?
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Amwewo mashavi echifambi anokwezvera u**** aya. How can she be rape by two people on separate occasions at her age.
Junior 4 ANC · 1 year ago
Vanasikana ngavaSvi-Rwe kuita kukwirwa chaiko......kunyanya wese anopfeka zvinoosa zvidya...Vagi-na ngaitsemuke ..... ....

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