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Private Sector Cannot Match Government's Salary Increment - ZCTU

1 year agoSun, 26 Mar 2023 05:22:12 GMT
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Private Sector Cannot Match Government's Salary Increment - ZCTU

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) secretary-general Japhet Moyo has said the majority of employers in the private sector cannot afford to match the recent salary adjustments set by the Government.

The Government recently approved a 100% salary increment for civil servants, with COVID-19 allowances also increased from US$200 to $250 across sectors excluding the health sector.

Moyo said in the past the private sector had been using Government salaries as a yardstick but this time, very few can afford to do that. The Sunday News quoted Moyo as saying:

There were different reactions to the Government’s position. Some sectors sort of followed what the Government offered its workers and some are offering a bit lower and we have not heard of anyone that is offering above that yet.

It is not always that they follow what the Government prescribes to its own employees but that has been the trend for a long time.

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There are employers who believe that it is unaffordable as they source foreign currency from the black market.

Not all employers get their money from the auction system so they are worried that they may not be able to match what the Government has given for its workers from where prices are usually pegged. That’s the sentiment I am getting.

Collective bargaining has been very difficult, there are many backlogs that are there in all sectors so it looks like many of these sectors will not be able to do what the Government has done for its workers this time around.

However, economist Morris Mpala, said despite the 100 percent increase in salaries for civil servants, public workers still earn less than workers in the private sector. He said:

The 100 percent salary increase is good, yes but still civil servants rank low as compared to the private sector.

It is of course in the right direction that they were awarded this increase but it does not really motivate the private sector to do much as they still remain high in terms of salary rankings.

Most of the time, civil servants rarely enjoy a salary increment because as soon as an announcement is made, shops and service providers hike prices and the exchange rate also shifts on the parallel market.

More: Pindula News



zimdollar · 1 year ago
mari yaida kupihwa vashandi yakapihwa doggy
account balance · 1 year ago
account balance is negative and you hear an adult vomiting rubbish here · 1 year ago
is this zctu still alive,?
ZCTU* · 1 year ago
ndanyora ndakatsamwa 😀
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
ZCTC became a political party wanting workers to suffer so that they turn against the government, what we call political science and I also believe some now own companies which they wanna protect...
Doug · 1 year ago
With COVID becoming a condition which is not as challenging as it was at its beginning, could government not have found a way of giving the fifty dollars dollars under a different category?
Patriot · 1 year ago
inga kuma mines ma general workers are earning more than $300 wani
· 1 year ago
zveZCTU ndezvekumāmª izvo, mbavha dzevanhu
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
poor zctu matsotsi evanhu
Greatworld · 1 year ago
Zctu.. is out of touch of reality.

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