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CCC Demand International Forensic Investigation Into Zimbabwe's "Gold Mafia"

1 year agoFri, 31 Mar 2023 15:15:24 GMT
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CCC Demand International Forensic Investigation Into Zimbabwe's "Gold Mafia"

The opposition Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) has demanded an international forensic investigation of individuals implicated in alleged money laundering activities and illicit gold dealings in Zimbabwe.

This comes after Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit released two parts of a four-part series titled “Gold Mafia” that exposes allegations of money laundering, gold smuggling, and illicit financial flows, among other crimes by several individuals in Zimbabwe.

In a statement dated 31 March 2023, signed by party spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere, CCC said there should be a full, independent, international investigation in respect of all those who are implicated and mentioned. Reads the statement:


On the 23rd of March 2023, Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit commenced the release of a four-part series that exposes severe allegations of money laundering, gold smuggling, illicit financial flows, underhand gold trading, abuse of diplomatic privileges and other corrupt activities by political elites and those closely connected to them.

Although there remain two episodes to air, information and leads released so far demand the immediate establishment of an independent international forensic investigation into the shocking findings contained in the documentary.

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We are deeply concerned by the severe disregard of formal state institutions by the persons named and referred to in the documentary.

There is a strong suggestion that political elites are deliberately setting up personal networks of businesspersons-cum-criminals that operate to undermine constitutional accountability.

It is a matter of regret that state institutions that are constitutionally mandated to investigate and bring to book those reasonably suspected of corruption, maladministration and criminal abuse of office including the Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission neglect to investigate the issues and act as would be expected.

The documentary further raises a serious concern for Zimbabwean citizens that there is a link between the illicit gold trade and political finance intended to capture state institutions in the forthcoming elections which poses a potential threat to the constitutional imperatives and safeguards set out in the Constitution.

These safeguards are designed to ensure the best interests of the citizens are served at all times by accountable public officials created for that purpose and not shadowy, parallel formations.

To be sure, a Citizens’ Government will put the citizens first and take the fight against money laundering and corruption seriously.

In the New Great Zimbabwe, public funds will service citizens’ needs and not line the pockets of a few.

The Central Bank will be independent and not open to abuse by political elites for the benefit of a few. Citizens will be at the centre of all government policy.

We will also strengthen institutions that are responsible for detecting financial crimes. The Financial Intelligence Unit will be reformed and will go after criminals, not political opponents.

ZACC will have the independence and teeth to go after the corrupt, whoever they are.

The Al Jazeera documentary unearths unconscionable if not criminal amounts of gold allegedly smuggled and massive potential revenue loss to the State.

This is more so in light of the breakdown of basic social services including the public health delivery system, the state education system, road infrastructure, and electricity supply as well as mounting poverty and hunger among the populace.

Additionally, there is an added risk to our standing in the global economy given the unanswered claims of chronic money laundering and abuse of our central bank system.

In the circumstances, we call for a full, independent, international investigation in respect of all those who are implicated and mentioned.

More: Pindula News



@Vhedza · 1 year ago
At least are waking up from sleeping. Tactical campaign haishande vanhu vasvinura vave kuona reality in all these Al Jazeera documentaries. Zvave kutobhowa. Paground ndopaneyese people will see for themselves not to be coerced.
Nyika Yaora Iyi · 1 year ago
Ndezve kudhara zve zanu🏌️
Nyika Yaora Iyi · 1 year ago
Don't expect fo any development mu nyika ye zanu they are nw concentrate wth their personal life many of these so called zanu supporters havana kana chinhu people who resist fo change shame on you go to hell and sing nora mhururu Nyika Yaora Iyi mhani
UBS toda · 1 year ago
Toda iitwe ne ma Russians kana ma indians ma Europeans kana ma Americans andiwo ega kana even south Africans kwete ma satanist who are agnaist our government
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Investigations started a long time ago and should only be enhanced. Zimbabwe is for us all not for a few individuals. We are and should all be concerned. When I say all I am including you and I.
@jaa · 1 year ago
haàaaaa ko Ivo zvavanoenda kumazhing zhong hakusi kuva sellout ere ikoko kkkkkkk u ar very dull mfanha iwe
@jaa · 1 year ago
u really shows that u don't think my brother kkkkk ipapo ndikakusecha ndokuwana une US$ in yo poket n rako RTGS hawutoridio futi bt u utter such noncence kuti zvimbwasungata kkkkkkk kupusa kwako coz hawutozive kuti Ivo vakuru vako vana Ed Havana kana RTGS kumba kwavo bt vazere nema us$ acho awurikuti ndeevarungu bro pepukaiwo mhani kkkkkkkk
kg · 1 year ago
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Ndogara ndichitaura pano pa Pindula kuti WHOEVER SAVES HIS LIFE SHALL LOSE IT WHOEVER LOSES HIS LIFE FOR MY SAKE SHALL FIND IT 🙏says the almighty ruler of all creation 🙏
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Dai ndiri Mangudya ndaingoti ndichamboenda ku toilet ndobva ndamhanya ndakananga chero kunoperera nyika ndojamba fence ndobuda munyika, ndobva ndati huuuh, haaah the devil is a liar...
boss tito · 1 year ago
kkkkkk haa wandifadza shem kkkk wakanotizira kunoperera nyika here
Patriot · 1 year ago
Why not forencic auditing into neo colonialism .
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Our dear opposition is no different from the ruling party. When they had a majority in parliament they forgot about the reforms and started enjoying the little power they had at the expense of reforms. These people will only talk of reforms just before the elections but still go into the elections without the reforms thus legitimizing zanupf. Dougie says the country is not ready for free and fair elections and people laugh at him, zvanzi he is a spent force seeking relevance. We will have elections and zanupf will rig its way to power and we will spend another 5 years crying foul. What's there to lose by having a GNU whose mandate is political reforms that will guarantee free and fair elections where people have a chance to elect without any coercion. Our naivety says this will give Dougie relevance and political future sowe rather continue as we are 🤣😂😂 Dunderheads for sure
ED Pfee · 1 year ago
2023 takanohwina zvimbwasungata zvans Al jazera izvo nyika ino haina kuuya neink muballot asi takairwira...No amount pf western propaganda will defaet thecwill of the people🐊🐊🐊✊️✊️✊️
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
As it stands for now, ED hapana zvaangaitwa. Even ana Uebert and Henrietta, he wants things to cool down first and act on his own time. It's just good that the world gets to see how corrupt the government and the RBZ is. So that during the elections there is no way the majority will vote for ED to continue ruling. ED is the one who appointed Uebert Angel to be number 2 🤣🤣.Apa muzukuru wake Henrietta ndogororo guru.
ED Pfee · 1 year ago
Zim people are just being fooled...this is regime change agenda to tsje your focus away from ED led developments...✊️✊️✊🏻 till 2030 takanohwina 🐊🐊🐊
We Demand (from who) · 1 year ago
We demand.... Yatopedza party yema graduates
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Famba Nero famba
Junior4ANC · 1 year ago
Ichokwadii ichocho Mukuru wangu ... Zvikaitwa neZanu hapana chokwadi chiinoonekwa...2023 Takanonanganisa muOffice...Vote President elect Advocate Nelson Chamisa....Vote Wisely 👍
ZOOKEEPER · 1 year ago
The levels of corruption in the Zanu regime is just on another level but all I know is nothing lasts forever achabva chete Mnagwagwa gore rino.......Vote Advocate Nelson Chamisa for President in 2023
sad emoji1
andropov · 1 year ago
well calculated as if you were not in the plot go to hell we are more intelligent than that why now when elections are around the corner ? We are not mules with blinkers we know that your agenda is REGIME CHANGE BUT YOU WON'T WIN AND YOU KNOW THAT THAT'S WHY YOU WANT TO ROPE IN THE WEST SO THAT They get an excuse to raid ZIMBABWE
laugh emoji1

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