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Magistrates Are Guardians Of Electoral Freedoms - CJ Malaba

1 year agoFri, 31 Mar 2023 16:13:52 GMT
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Magistrates Are Guardians Of Electoral Freedoms - CJ Malaba

Chief Justice Luke Malaba has called for free and fair elections as the country heads for general elections scheduled for later this year.

Malaba made the call while addressing more than 200 magistrates and other stakeholders who are attending the first-ever Magistrates’ National Conference in Victoria Falls on Friday, 31 March.

He said magistrates are the protectors and the guardians of electoral freedom, fairness and human life and property. The Chronicle quoted Malaba as saying:

The purpose of designating magistrates with specific roles in electoral adjudication is to designate them as the protectors and guardians of electoral freedom, fairness and human life and property.

This purpose places an obligation on magistrates designated to participate in the implementation of electoral law to have an understanding of their roles and to fulfill them.

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An election is a means of democratic participation enabling the aspirations of the nation to be openly presented without fear of electoral injustice, thus facilitating the assembly of these aspirations into a mutually beneficial national goal.

Malaba also said immediately after an election is called, the Commissioner-General of Police, shall establish one or more special police units to investigate cases of politically-motivated violence and intimidation arising from the election.

He said the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) shall designate one or more magistrates in each province to try cases involving politically–motivated violence and intimidation.

Section 67 of the Constitution provides that every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any elective public office established in terms of this Constitution or any other law; to make political choices freely, to form, to join and to participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice, campaign freely and peacefully for a political party or cause, participate in peaceful political activity individually or collectively, in gatherings or groups or in any other manner, in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the Government or any political or whatever cause, subject to the Constitution.

More: Pindula News



Tateguru · 1 year ago
The judiary should be trusted, Iya yakaitika yaDexter Nduna kutora kodzero dzevanhu vanenge vavhota. Ahwina ahwina, adyiwa adyiwa kwete kuti an alleged mistake by ZEC keep standing. Who knows if it was purposely? Magistrates please help on such things as these.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Chief Justice Malaba is preaching what should happen at courts before, during and after each election period. [ MUROMO HAUZARIRWE NE RWIZI VA MALABA ]. The courts and police departments you are saying shall be set aside particularly to deal with politically motivated cases, have been established in the past, they have done their duties selectively and unfairly. [ VOTE CHAMISA CHETE CHETE ]. Chief Justice Malaba is parotting how the ZANU PF second administration has decided to cheat members of the public by preaching what they will not practise. [ MWANA WENYOKA INYOKA VA MALABA ]. You are in the books of history of this country. Zimbabwe Constitution was amended to keep you in the job. You should have retired at the age 70 years, but the Constitution was amended to the age of 75 years. [ MUHONDO VATENGESI VAIBVISWA MIROMO ]. I am sorry to say that the current Chief Justice's position is compromised. He will always sing in accordance of the tune of his masters. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
GG · 1 year ago
We have heard this before from Malaba,he doesn't mean it but ,it's just for public consumption. You believe what he says at your peril.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mukati isu Sema zimbabweans hatina kuto tengeswa isu
He had to say something. The man knows very well that what he said is the opposite and he himself benefited from the system he is not suppised to be where he is.
,,, Dott · 1 year ago
Voter Ed 4 Economic development & peaceful zimbabwe
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
#LET THERE BE LIGHT OOH LORD shine your light upon us so we have PEACE, LOVE AND HARMONY ✌️ ❤️ 🙏
Tongombeya Ngowani · 1 year ago
Asi Sikala haasi wemuZimbabwe kanhi, zvaasiri free wani
Garwe · 1 year ago
We need to respect the law surely
· 1 year ago
Malaba is a disgrace, he does not walk the talk. Our judges and magistrates have proved themselves to be disgraceful and a disappointment to the people.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The CJ's first port of call will be to order the release of Job Sikhala if he wants anyone to take him seriously Otherwise many people will just say he is politicking One cannot talk about justice when a perceived political opponent is incarcerated for for close to a year without trial
lajapu Hwami · 1 year ago
haaa Zimbabwe no free and fare election
master · 1 year ago
hope ichokwadi chataurwa naChief haasi mafanisi.
☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
Buditasi hwihwa uko
Ratti Capone · 1 year ago
Kurova imbwa vakaviga mupini coz the opposite is true. kutibata hedu kumeso chingoitayi yamagara muchiita ikoko

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