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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

CCC Nominees Involved In Violence During Nomination Process Will Be Disqualified - Mahere

1 year agoFri, 07 Apr 2023 06:49:13 GMT
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CCC Nominees Involved In Violence During Nomination Process Will Be Disqualified - Mahere

The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has stated that nominees involved in the violence witnessed during their selection process on Wednesday would be automatically disqualified.

Fadzayi Mahere, the party’s national spokesperson condemned the violence and stated that any person responsible or involved in violence would not be allowed to participate in their candidate selection process. She said the party will vet nominees and consult with community stakeholders for their recommendations on candidates. The selection process was disrupted at some centres due to clashes among candidates. Mahere told a press conference in Harare on Thursday:

Violence is a ZANU PF culture and we condemn it in its totality. Any person found responsible for violence or causing violence will be automatically disqualified from any form of participation in our candidate selection process…

Thereafter, the very important community consensus which builds part of the panel starts. There will be citizen caucuses, where citizens will come together and will be told of who their candidates are and asked of their preference.

According to a report by the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP), violence was witnessed by their monitors in Glen View, Harare, and Zengeza West constituency in Chitungwiza.

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Reports of violence also marred the ZANU PF primaries held last week. The party has since directed that re-runs will be held in areas where violence was recorded.

Elections in Zimbabwe have a history of violence, including intimidation, harassment, and physical violence against opposition members, human rights activists, and others. There have also been reports of state-sponsored violence and restrictions on freedoms, which have raised concerns about the fairness and credibility of the electoral process.

Zimbabwe has also experienced violence both between different political parties (interparty) and within the same party (intraparty). However, there have been some improvements in recent years. In the 2013 and 2018 elections, there were reports of violence and intimidation, but they were not as widespread as before.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
KO MDCt ichiko hre yamwonzora or izanu pf
jango · 1 year ago
ndiyani angaita vetting kuti munhu uyu anodiwa nevanhu vanhu ngavaite maprimary election kusarudza macandidates kwete izvo ndozvikukonzera violence it's better to do unfair primaries than to norminate wawasaridza waziva kuti anodikwa nani ummmmm all politicians are rubbish
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
violence!!!! apa maiva pamberi kuti Zanu violence pamaPrimary , manje imi zvamava Pamberi ...Saka musiyano wacho uripapi?
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Noone ever solved a problem by denying that it exists. Political violence is a Zimbabwean problem. The reason is political offices have become a means of earning an income, they are no longer about providing a service to the people. These facts have to be admitted before a solution can be found. There are too many rewards for being a councillor or an MP and people are willing to kill to get into those offices. Isu ma voters tine dambudziko rekutadza kuona kuti munhu anoita mhirizhonga haaitire kuti isu tigute asi iye nemhuri yake. Njere shoma dzinotiparirawo
laugh emoji1
N Chamisa · 1 year ago
Fadzai admits that CCC is a violent party.
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
violence emanates from CCC leader himself,he once said " vapfanha vangu ndikavapa bronco munogona zvavanoita mumastreets" ...
Junta · 1 year ago
Zvakutooneka ka Fadzie is the next president of opposition and possibly the next president of Zim
Shaka Zulu · 1 year ago
Dambudziko rakabvira ku Zanu nekuti ndiko kwakabva vanhu vakawanda saka culture ichirimo muropa
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Political violence is not a zanupf culture, it's a Zimbabwean culture. It's up to politial leadership to distinguish themselves by zero tolerance to political violence. Deal with the perpetrators even if it's Biti or anyone in the top brass. When that's done you can then say it's not your culture
jz · 1 year ago
nhaisisi Fadzi,,, chingotaurai kuti violence irimo mumapolitical parties chete kwete kt Zanu Pf ,, saka ava vaiita ndeveZanu here,,,,,,,chero mwana wenyu akagumburwa nedombomunoti idombo rezanu ,,,,pakaita tsaona imota yezanu,,,,,pakarohwa munhu moti izanu,,,,vanhu vakapiwa chikafu moti musadya chikafu chezanu ,,,moda kuti vanhu vangokudai imi moga nekuti makaita seiko zvamunoda imi hazvisirizvo zvinodiwa nemumwe asi mose imi nezanu mese muriright zvakanyanya chingotsvagai mavotes murunyararo chete
gumlaz · 1 year ago
@anonymous it's not Zanu o ccc bt when we come to politcs zimbabweans are violent you can form and other political party you will see them fighting each other chikonzero everyone wants to be a hero so for you to be a hero you have to fight against each other and win the fight
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ndosaka mazimba muchidzingwa Ku South inyaya ye mhirizhonga yenyu yamusingadi kurega
gumlaz · 1 year ago
rava basa ka iri saka vanhu vonotrwisana sekut rerichidiwa nevakawanda asi pachidiwa munhu umwe chete zvino nhatigutskanei kut asarudzwa nevanhu ndiye anodiwa ne vanhu vacho iwe warambwa nevanhu usamanikidze vanhu kut vakude ivo vasingadi
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Violence is no good but sometimes people defending themselves are said to be violent because they refuse their space to be violated.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ccc and Zanu pf mabato e violence
Jack Roller · 1 year ago
ku zanupf zvakanyanya
Patriot · 1 year ago
Robert Mugabe ndiye aida zve violence maningi
Fake Democracy · 1 year ago
Kkkkk Senior Spinster musataure language yekuZanu PF. Kune chinonzi rule of law.You cannot just expel those you are competing against. No matter how repulsive your internal opponents are, you still need to hold disciplinary hearings and hear their side of the story. Hantie that the rule of law that you are fighting for⁉️
Sorojena · 1 year ago
@ Fake Democracy... Rule of law is not justice.
good fighter · 1 year ago
kuromba nekuita politics same Whatsapp group ,Vese maoko avo ane ropa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimbabwean there ZANURISED all they is politics is violence......better not to vote
Self Vetting · 1 year ago
With all posts from President down to councilor being up for grabs, who will be vetting who? How do you vet fellow candidates?
rass · 1 year ago
I think this is all nuisance, you people of Zim you don't know what you want, you all confused

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