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World’s Largest Gold Exporter, Switzerland Imports Almost All Of It

1 year agoFri, 07 Apr 2023 08:36:08 GMT
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World’s Largest Gold Exporter, Switzerland Imports Almost All Of It

Switzerland is the world’s largest gold exporter, but it doesn’t mine much of the metal itself, instead, it imports gold from other countries, refines and brands it, and then sells it around the world.

In 2021, Switzerland exported almost $87 billion worth of gold, which is almost as much as the next three biggest exporters (the UAE, the UK, and the US) combined.

This is also true for the UAE and the UK, who are also major gold exporters despite not being among the top gold producers.

Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has revealed in its four-part investigation, Gold Mafia, that smugglers and money launderers use the gold trade model to launder dirty cash and sell gold from dubious sources. Undercover reporters from the publication infiltrated some of Southern Africa’s largest gold-smuggling and money-laundering gangs. The investigation shows that it is almost impossible to trace the origins of gold purchased by regular customers, making it an invaluable asset for criminals.

Gold has become a preferred commodity for money launderers, and the reporters were offered various options to launder over $100m of dirty cash by multiple smuggling gangs using Zimbabwean gold. 

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Smugglers transport Zimbabwean gold abroad and bring back the launderers’ unaccounted earnings, supposedly from selling the gold. The launderers receive wired funds from the sale of gold, which appears to be legal. Kamlesh Pattni and Ewan Macmillan, who allegedly run rival gold-smuggling gangs in Zimbabwe, told Al Jazeera that Dubai is their preferred destination for gold. They said the gold is melted and rebranded in Dubai’s refineries before being sold as Dubai gold. Dubai is the UAE’s hub for gold. The gold is exported to London or Switzerland.

The Swiss gold stamp helps to further disguise the origins of the gold. The UAE exports 23 per cent of its gold to Switzerland, where some of the smugglers also have companies. However, due diligence practices in Dubai’s gold industry have been questioned in recent years. Ernst & Young’s Amjad Rihan audited Dubai-based Kaloti, one of the largest gold refineries in the world, and found that some of the gold had come from Darfur, which has witnessed the worst horrors of Sudan’s civil war.

In 2020, UN experts reported that gold from another conflict zone, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), also ended up in the UAE. In Dubai, the refining process removes traces of its origins, making it more attractive to other gold hubs around the world.

That makes the origins of the gold untraceable and perfect for criminals wanting to hide the source of their wealth. A 2020 report by Global Witness showed that the world’s largest gold refinery, Switzerland’s Valcambi, had previously bought gold from Kaloti that almost certainly originated in Sudan.

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Mablazo · 1 year ago
From what I understood from all this Dirty money/ gold n the like, any Country which is under sanctions n has bans in trading or exporting it's products lyk gold has no alternative other than to smuggle it, have it cleaned n then it 0enetrates into the market indirectly so that the Nation moves on. What's only required is accountability becoz this cleaned money is meant to benefit the nation n not indviduals. The fact that gold is being taken or stolen from Fidelity without proper records becomes questionable n if the President is not aware then we begin to doubt whether we have a competent leader or it simply means he is the culprit number one.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Inga murikumberi kwema fools kana muchidzingira vanhu kushaisha mhepo chaiko munosara nevangani imi mukuda vote yemunhu?????
Patriot · 1 year ago
Hakuna chakachena pasi pe zuva
Government- in Waiting · 1 year ago
The CCC party is squeaky clean. You will be expelled ukasura during our candidate selection process. We are not Zanu PF, we do not accept gaseous nonsense.🤣🤣🤣
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Switzerland is making billions from gold trade yet mines very little of it. They buy, purify and sell it. Imagine us purifying our gold to the same level and then selling it. We would be richer than Switzerland and Dubai. We would have people coming from the rest of the world to work here. Problem is tinoomera kufunga
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Atleast make @Putin understand this ....unenge wabatsira .Apo God would rlly bless you kana Putin awisisa
· 1 year ago
I agree we should be refining our own gold and using the gold standard to value our currency.
Independent Gold Mafia · 1 year ago
@Maparamuro: It's dowekable. Hopewell Chin'ono's favourite dictator in Kigali has built a modern refinery. Processing capacity 6Mt per month. Rwanda gold production is at most 2.9Mt per year.In 2019 Rwanda declared that 2.1Mt were exported to Dubai against 12Mt which Dubai declared as received from Rwanda. The refinery in Kigali is working overtime to purify gold smuggled from DRC. Rwanda cannot declare that they are importing gold from DRC since its a conflict zone.So they quietly purify the smuggled gold and send it to Dubai where no questions are asked. To balance books, Rwanda simply declared 2.1Mt exported against 2.9Mt mined. Despite noises by some NGOs like Gold Watch, the West is pretty aware of the trade in gold from conflict zones and they simply look away. It's the same gold that they will buy from Dubai as UAE gold, further purified in Switzerland and sold worldwide as Swiss gold.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Majority lack exposure so are ignorant about these dealings. We have some very ignorant people in gvt and gvt institutions. We have lots that don't care as long as their pockets fill up.
chokwadi · 1 year ago
@maparamuromo...to the point..not only is the ignorance glaring in government officials who fill their pockets and look away...the majority of rural folk lack exposure, are illiterate or just so brain washed that they believe the land on which they sit is at the sympathy of the powers that be..not by their constitutional right
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
It's up to the exploited to unite and stop being used to fight each other for the benefit of the west. Zanupf, CCC/MDC could unite so that none is used by external forces while the country is being looted. We can develop to be a first world country if we stop giving away our resources to foreign powers for political and military support. USA does not give away industrial machines or technology, it gives you useless US$ and guns while they loot precious mineral and human resources. Time to work up. America has no interest in human rights but resources
· 1 year ago
I think you are confused 😕 you surely mean China. Hate blinds you so you are not truthful.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Which industrial machinery or technology have you received from USA? Facts are stubborn. There is no difference between China and US for your information. They are both looters. China loots without conditions, US pretends to care for human rights yet they support Israel in the massacre of Palestinians, supported Mobutu who was worse than Bob....the list is endless. Uchasvinura soon.
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
USA is on record claiming to have given Zimbabwe $4.5bln in aid, that's useless paper money most of which never entered Zimbabwe. They fund production of ARVs in USA, employ Americans to do it and say they are supporting Zimbabwe, why don't they bring the materials and machinery and technology to Zimbabwe?
jay · 1 year ago
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
USA looted gold from Iraq and Libya when they invaded those countries 😂😅🤣😆😄. A conflict area is defined by the USA when they want to limit its trade with other countries. Meanwhile they will be busy looting from the conflict zone thus getting resources at next to zero cost. It is the USA that is funding the conflict in DRC and its USA that is looting from there. That's how imperialism works. There is no conflict in the developing world that is not funded by some US organisation.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Putin Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo ivo vachiba nezvidhinha zvacho tovaka neyi nhaiwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Putin kwakanaka here
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Ende it's practically irreversible ngazv ichipera izvo Tanyaudzwa nemaskitts acho probably kuve unveiled uku it's damage control there other network ING more aggressive patocherechedza another cherry would have been bit
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Tombotya mafuta ayo nyika imi muchingohukura. We are heartless and we care not.
wechidhaka · 1 year ago
Everyone in this world is into some form of illegal activity one way or the other hakuna mutsvene
laugh emoji1
Sinyo*ro Wenyo*ro · 1 year ago
Not me
Skywalker🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
Kana iwwe usiri mutsvene na ed wako usatifananidze
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
The same money was used by ED to loan $40k (ministers) buy expensive cars pay his youth leaders, send his grand children to school and built his ever lasting businesses which will maintain him after stepping down from the throne when his time expires like Bob. At the moment he is looting the gold (convert it to million dollars) and secure it in European countries such as Belarious,China,Russia & Dubai banks who knows elsewhere may be even US that is what Chinono must spend his precious time on instead not being a talkative boy who vomit s.h.i.t on social media for the record where is majaivana,Ezra Chisa Sibanda ,Thomas Mapfumo. Sam mtukudzi akafa because of disrespecting ma elders (Zanu Pf regime) #I'm enjoying every second of this political series which you call Zimbabwe #We are "GOLD MAFIA's" USA yamunotemba CCC haipindiri #Bring the fight army yese iyi ndeye Zanu Pf bcz they work for ED Pfeee Pfeee Pfeeee what happened in 2018 was a short series watch this upcoming series brought to you by Zanu Pf during middle july till votes people are going to be beaten so much, #Shoot to kill #Zanu Pf regime #One party state #One Rulling party #Bloodline #S.h.o.n.a-N.d.e.b.e.l.e joined by s.e.x and business #ED Pfeee Pfeee Pfeeee #Born and raised by a war veterian not by a lawyer #like Father like son. #Mwana wenyoka inyoka nooo doubt about that. My father went to a battlefield and gained nothing bcz of this Christian issue but anywhere he gave birth to a warrior comrade @Kgosi de_Ricch.... i'm so d.a.m.n proud of being a Son of a war veterian Zanu Pf ngeyethu ikhehla lami kaliyidlanga yona imali yobu war veterian kodwa mina ngizamdlela yona njongoba wakhalala ngenxa yokukhonza inkolo yenu leyi yobukristu ayimbhadalanga ubaba kodwa yaleth' dubo lodwa empilweni yakhe kanye lathi abantwana bakhe worked for the government for 30plus years which never uplifted him up by giving him a round of applause for well excellent job. He once retired in january 2021 while he was 60years within 4 months the government wrote a letter instructing him to go back to work untill today my daddy is working and getting peanuts like everyone else because of being a soft person. But anywhere i'm not too soft like him because life has thought me a lesson. #Viva ED Pfeee #Mwana we war veterian @Comrade Kgosi de_Ricch
Dirty gold · 1 year ago
When you land in Dubai with your gold no questions are asked.You fill in a gold declaration form where you state the country of origin. Large cash transactions are legal in the UAE meaning you can get paid in USD cash.The Dubai buyers and Refineries are allowed to withdraw large amounts of cash from the banks. Once the gold is refined its stamped as UAE gold and exported to countries like Switzerland is obviously aware that they are buying dirty gold some from conflict zones like Sudan, DRC etc.The gold laundromat is truly international. Ndoo papered mharidzo yanhasi ye dirty gold

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