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Zimbabwean Actress Tino Katsande Pleads With "Gold Mafia" To Buy Cancer Machines

1 year agoFri, 07 Apr 2023 04:45:46 GMT
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Zimbabwean Actress Tino Katsande Pleads With "Gold Mafia" To Buy Cancer Machines
Tinopona Katsande, a Zimbabwean broadcaster and actress, is urging the gold mafia, land barons, and drug dealers to purchase cancer machines, as many Zimbabweans are dying from cancer. The gold mafia refers to a group of individuals who have been accused of smuggling gold and laundering money in Zimbabwe, as reported by Al Jazeera.
Pindula News recently quoted the Health secretary, Jasper Chimedza, as saying Zimbabwe has one functional cancer machine privately owned. In a Facebook post seen by Pindula News, Katsande who is battling cancer, said about six people have died in the past two weeks because they could not afford the privately owned cancer machine. She said:
Dear Gold Mafia, Land Barons, Drug Dealers, Rich Cousins, Big boys crew ….. of Zimbabwe,
Look personally your hustle is just that YOUR HUSTLE, BUT, ndangandichikumbirawo team, .
please tirikukumbirawo mutibatsirewo nekugadzira (please help us by repairing) or buy a new radiology machine that is AFFORDABLE AND ACCESSIBLE TO ALL CITIZENS OF ZIMBABWE, who have cancer and need radiology treatment URGENTLY so that THEY LIVE.
In the past two weeks I’ve lost 6 friends I had made in cancer support groups because they could NOT afford the $6000 plus the ONLY private facility in Zimbabwe is requiring for radiotherapy treatments.
Sadly, at the moment, Our government hospitals DONT HAVE WORKING RADIOLOGY MACHINES
Please guys. A new machine starts from about $80 000 USD. Less than a new brand-new car for some people. I’m on my knees, I’m begging you.
I will do ALL YOUR adverts for free for life even, that’s all I can trade with. My God-given talents. I don’t have a million following on my platforms, but I know I have an anointing and when I speak, people take the time to stop and listen. If it’s for the greater good, use me please if I’m worthy. If not, please chingotibatsiarayiwo (just help us) anyway …. pleeeeaaase maboss pleeeease
Tinopona Tinopona Tinopona!!!

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Fari · 1 year ago
How much is a brand new Isuzu double cab, idzo dziya dzakatengerwa madzishe? Hurumende yedu haisingori serious chete
Bluewhales · 1 year ago
so sad, cry my beloved Africa
Anon · 1 year ago
Nyika yedu yaora iyi
RG · 1 year ago
i think there is only 1 zanu pf suppoter here on pindula comment section arikungochinja mazita kt zviite kunge vakawanda bcoz why every comment ine chirungu chakadhakwa mukureva kt vese matofo here varimucoment section.
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Sorry Teacher for CCC keep on correcting other people's correction while isusu tichidya mari #Zibenzi remunu #Zirombe #Zanka elihamba lisuza #M.s.u.n.u ka .n.y.o.k.o
RG · 1 year ago
unodyira mari muno muPindula here nhayiwe gotsi kkkk kana ACC kufacebook chaiyo hauna but busy kifunga kt ukudya mari neItel iyoyo yawakapiwa paNhaka
RG · 1 year ago
Whats App chaiyo hauna.****
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Dear Gold Mafia, Land Barons, Drug Dealers, Rich Cousins, Big boys crew … & @Kgosi de_Ricch .. of Zimbabwe, Look personally your hustle is super fine Ma lamd Barons rambai makadaro
Tateguru · 1 year ago
Ndoo mapindiro anoita vanhu muSyndicate iwawa. Kana votenga Michiana handiti vatowana support?
haaaa ava · 1 year ago
they don't care about the people. They would rather buy cars
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
#Zanu Pf yema benzi
ED · 1 year ago
Zanu pf yema Benz 🚘
Simon Rudland · 1 year ago
Okay i have heard you, once they unfreeze my account, i will be in touch, meanwhile try and have them unfreeze my accounts
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
#Shout out to you for giving a health tip on Good friday #CCC supporters try IZINATHA GO AND TRY TRADITIONAL COZ isu ma Zanu Pf hatide nema Us take it or leave it
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Surely its expected that deliveries will fall since we smuggle the mineral out of the country as we wish. Message written by [Henrietta.B]
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Here is what a brilliant, Patriotic Socialbrite had to say👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
That cash ndeyedu isusu Ma Zanu Pf @Henrietta B. #Mari yakawanda inodyiwa nevapfupi sekutamba sekuseka #General Nyikadzino goveya Constantino Dominic Chiwenga #Generari aka trainer heavy job trained to kill his ex is suffering inside ku Chikurubi Maximum Prison along with CCC cowardice-powerless Warrior who eat beans inside the Cells while Chamisa is eaten Hot Chips,Pizza, Chicken Inn, truth is that Chamisa throwed Sikhala under the bus #Triple CCC has no structure #CCC RIP crowling one year old baby competing wirh a 43year old Party Zanu Pf #Hapana match apa #CCC stop marking vakuru ZANU PF is like (PSG) inowinner pazvese kukunda Mdc ya Mwonzora, G40 ya Grace Mugabe former first lady #Thokozani kupe for Mdc Thokozani political party #Ya Joice Mujuru political party sengizengayikhohlwa and iro bhunuuuu Robert Chapman akaperera pai crush ya Jessica we Zanu Pf the Real Jessica bhebhi re team yevakuru. Ese ma team epolitics here in gut no power to remove Zanu Pf from the throne #Sadc inodya nesuwo #Eu nesuwo fut #Ma sunction ariku affecter imimi ma CCC supporters #With or without Sanctions #isusu ve Zanu tinoguta sidla butepu driving fence cars imimi ma CCC riding on Foot #Keep your Us i'll keep my Zimbabwe line from The late R.G mugabe who ruled for 37years. #Pamberi ne Zanu Pf #Pamberi neku winner ma election #Zanu Pf is Zimbabwe #Zimbabwe is Zanu Pf #Bhora musango ibhola egedini #Zimbabwe @43 still under The rulling Party E.D Pfeeee pfeee pfeee #Pasi nemandu #Happy Easter Friday to all the Zimbabweans
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Hati fambe ne cancer machines,what about ve aids, physically handicapped they also need wheel chairs,nemi ve mutoriro
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe is opened for business man go to college and learn how to make wheel chair try it unowana ma dolla otengera kidz Chingwa
CID · 1 year ago
Iwe hura hotenga chi machine chako icho, isu ma African tine ma herbs eeh
BUOY · 1 year ago
nditsanangurireiwo nyaya dedirty money kuti zvinonyatsorevei
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Looking at the figures that Angel said can clean, those machines are like buying jiggies for kidz coz $80 000 is nothing in a gold laundry...
. · 1 year ago
vote ZANUpf
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
#ED Pfeee Pfeee Pfeee
zanu pf official · 1 year ago
No we can't buy those Cancer machine .it will cost us a lot of money.when we get sick we get treatment from abroad.
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Let CCC supporters dye of Cancer mukuru wavo Nero havabatsire nechinu kuswera achipopota pa Tweeter @Nero Tweeter President #law inokukanganisa pfungwa #CCC PARTY YEMA rombe
chokwadi · 1 year ago
@ kgosi..aah shame on you..ko sei Jehovha vakatipa vanhu vanofunga seizing?..hapana anoziva kunze kwa Baba vari kudenga...tinzwireio nyasha mumutse pfungwa dzevamwe vedu..nda namata
__ · 1 year ago
basa kutenga maGD6 hobho panekungotenga mishina kana 5 chete zvayo
coni · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe is poorly governed we need leadership renewal vote wisely vote Nero we need change zanu can afford as many radiotherapy as they can if they want kusangoda havo asi Mari iripo
laugh emoji1
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
#Zanu Pf #yatora Chibhanzi hanzi #Asi mari iripo #Zanu pazvese ka Nero ngatenge ma machine cancer acho #How can you vote for someone who can't raise about $80 000 for machine. #Passion Java can afford that machine hanziiii kopooo Zimdancehall ye boidzi dze bromco wani akayi promoter vana Jah love, Enzo ishall vayimuda mukuru enzo ishall aka promotwa na twabamu remember that video ya Enzo IShall yakashuuutwaaa shot & directed by Umsebenzi ka Blacks (Blacks byo Camera man) Koooopoooo was driving an expensive car which Nero doesn't have hanzi ngapinde mukomana ma CCC supporters Nero muchamugadza humamambo wewu D.O.F.O not under Chiwenga's watch. Passion akati muvama Chami hapinde muparamendi akati Nero akapinda mu office he would sell his expensive car just for 1usdollar
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kumwe uku kwakatoiswa $77 Billion
@kgotsi de · 1 year ago
Kegotsi hauzivi zvaunoda or some1 is using your user name. Hausiwe waiti zanu ikutsikirira ndewere people here? Wakat unoda MRP mtwakaz. Mrp is way worse that ccc. A party isina basa. Isina maPolicies enyika. A party which say we target matebeleland... How many ppl there? Nhasi wakut zanu.. Avoid commenting political topics because you do not have thst capacity
sugar boy · 1 year ago
Havana basa nazvo kana vakarwara vanonorapwa kunze.bhobho akafira kupi?ndo vamwe vacho ivava.ndizvo zvavakadzidziswa na bho bho asi akazovigwa se kiti
LKJ · 1 year ago
useless government
BUOY · 1 year ago
80000 yuwesi chete
pm · 1 year ago
umwe anonyura apa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
All this while I thought those cancer machines cost millions. $80 000 is nothing to most of these people especially to the government. If the willingness was there, each and every hospital would have a working machine. It's just our leaders have misplaced priorities. #We need new leaders
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Haa vanagold Mafia tikada kuvaita vanamukoma haxvifamb bcz they are the reason we are in this mess in the first place. **** gold Mafia, **** number 1, **** eubert and **** u java. We r comin for u

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