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120 000 More War Veterans Vetted, To Receive Govts Payouts

1 year agoSun, 09 Apr 2023 17:23:29 GMT
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120 000 More War Veterans Vetted, To Receive Govts Payouts

The government has vetted more than 120 000 ex-combatants, including ex-detainees so that they can receive monthly pay-outs and other related benefits in recognition of their role during the country’s 1970s liberation war.

According to a statement released by Defence and War Veterans Affairs Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, seen by NewsDay, the Government rejected applications from 11 330 aspirants classified as war collaborators, non-combatant cadres and detainees.

Those who were rejected failed to meet a legal requirement that one should have been 16 years by 31 December 1979 for consideration. Part of the statement read:

A total of 207 103 applicants registered for vetting in 2021 and 150 434 were vetted in 2022, leaving a balance of 56 669.

Statistically, this means that 72% of veterans of all categories were vetted, implying that another 28% remained outstanding.

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The major problem with this analysis is that there are some veterans who did not register in 2021, but turned up for the vetting exercise.

Similarly, there are other veterans who registered but did not turn up for vetting.

She said the approved war veterans will be gazetted for 30 days before they are accredited as liberation struggle veterans.

In 1997, war veterans pressured the government to pay them $50 000 in gratuities and other benefits for their role in the liberation struggle.

However, war collaborators and non-combatant cadres were left out.

More: Pindula News



Zelensky 🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
Looking for votes,mubikirwa 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chinhu cha oppah handifunge kana chichiine taste ini.
Anon · 1 year ago
I need to leave this country and never come back😭
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Shaa hondo makarwa yakapera kudhara yaiva nguva yacho ne generation yaivapo so wat we will never vote fo chembere dze zanu this is a new generation smell the coffee papa nt chimodho
laugh emoji1
ras · 1 year ago
where have you been sisipha abanye i land lezimota lamaplaz, khona livela lamuhla ngoba ses compainer🤣
GG · 1 year ago
Siyayi maZezuru ne Makaranga ashandiswe.Makaranga haana kugwahondo.
Wasu · 1 year ago
Isu ana Wasu takazviramba kare zvekuitiswa neZanu hameno imi maZezuru nemakaranga muchiri kuitiswa neharahwa nechembere dzeZanu idzi. Doctor Stop It
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Really tired of this 'vetting' crap every time we are about to approach elections Forty three years after independence somebody comes up and says I fought the war of liberation and was not compensated Another one comes up and says I was a war collaborator and I also need to be compensated What a load of hogwash This country has vast resources and people should not be suffering like we do now Wake up Zimbabwe
. · 1 year ago
vana mai vedu vakabikira macomrads.but nanhasi vangori nenhamo vachitaura kuviga kwavaiita macomrds mumatura but mishonga hamuna muhospital maroads hakuna anosvika kumamisha
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
So sad comrade
vet · 1 year ago
Mari dzaita vote ZANU pf
Ega Mandega · 1 year ago
Liv 2 Ars 2
Sorojena · 1 year ago
I am a war vet, but disappointed by the way Zanu pf views the institution of war veterans in general, Zanu pf takes us as its property. We fought the liberation war to emancipate our people from the colonial oppression not for Zanu pf. My fellow war vets we should stand up against this kind of entitlement Zanu pf is creating. We're for the people not Zanu pf.
laugh emoji1
sad emoji1
Patriot · 1 year ago
What they contributed in liberating this country is much more important than that money
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Patriot kodwa uywzizwa ukut uthini. A normal kid angeke akhulume inkulumo efana leyakho sebekuthembiseni wena o @ruth, jessica we CCC, @Bushlawyer4CCC,lebza and etc. Im.b.u.m.b.u zalabo sissy zinuka phuuu uzakufa kubi ngabwfazi babantu @Patriot. Our brother sekhethi ibandla lika @Chamisa ...... @Patriot from today and onwards ngubona njengomthengisi...@Patriot...ungum.t.h.a.k.a.t.h.i wezigodo Zanu Pf is better without you. JoinnCCC party yema rombe ungaboni ngani sizakuncenga #Without @Patriot's vote Zanu Pf is going to win.... vana bushlwaye4CCC torai Chikomana #Patriot mutengesi @Patriot you are a betrayer you are like ubenhunu wakaita sa Judas iscariot **** straighr #Viva ED pfeee pfeee pfeee #Without @Patriot's vote Zanu is going to win #Pasi nemandu @Patriot. Lastly change your name because you have shown us (Zanu Pf fans) #Kutidzikisira levels @Patriot you are fired you nolonger represent Zanu Pf regime #hambo joiner iÇCC polirical party yemarombe #CCC4POVERTY #CCC MHANDU #CCC YE_MAROMBE
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Kgosi-what-what. Man you have too much time on your hands. You comment on anything and everything. Haibooo🤣🤲 I surrender
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
Why lisenza soooo bo Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, thina bantwana bama war veterian asiyiphiwanga yonaleyo mali. Ubaba usezewazi luphalela umuntu wenkosi imali yobu war veterian engayidlanga i tribalism ngeyenu lizidlela lodwa imali ngapha lisidla amandla abazali bethu kudla lina abempumalanga (mas.h.o.n.a land)thina esilabazali abesiN.d.e.b.e.l.e.n.i war veterian asiphiwanga neksi. Umdala sewaze wakhalala eluphele kanjalo uyazisebenza okonye kubuhlungu lina m.a.s.h.o.n.a lathatha obaba bethu labasa empini labancitsha imali kukho konke ukufa kukababamdal' wami kungenza ngibe lemicabango eminengi. Ugogo sewaze wazidlulela umuntu wenkosi engazange adle sona isikopela semali kababomdala kanye lobaba evela kuministry yama war veterian okunye kubuhlungu straight but mina angisoke ngivume my daddy diserves his war veterian cash since ngizakuya ecollege i promise you that indaba yakhe ngizayihambela ecourt ngiyebuzisisa ukut abanjengo baba kuthiweni ngabo. Ubaba uyayidinga leyo mali ngoba izamncedisa ukuze angibhadalele ecollege ukuze lami ngithole impilo encono.Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri lilungisise udaba lwenu lolu mina njeee ngikhonapha i want to enroll ecollege so imali kababa kayibuye.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So you support zanu because of money. Sorry for you
Monica · 1 year ago
regai titore Mari then tosangana muballot box chete, anyone who was 16yrs old by 31 Dec 1979 jus go n collect money then vote zanu out ma cdes, zanu is desperate for votes so torai Mari chete even u over there who ar not war vets if zanu comes with anything jus grab it bt woziva pekuisa x wako chete unyerere
zanu pf official · 1 year ago
that is a good idea.since we are looking for more votes we know that thiz war veterans will vote for zanu pf.
war vet · 1 year ago
Ndevehondo yechimurenga chechingani ava?

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