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CCC Concludes Candidate Nomination Process

1 year agoMon, 10 Apr 2023 05:47:16 GMT
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CCC Concludes Candidate Nomination Process

The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) will conclude the candidate nomination process this Monday.

CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere on Monday said the nomination process will be done where it was not completed last Wednesday due to logistical challenges. She said:

Today (Monday, 10 April), we will complete the nomination process in areas where, due to logistical issues, the process could not be completed last week.

These aren’t “elections” so there are no “reruns.” All nominated candidates will be announced tomorrow and then proceed to the vetting stage.

Last week Mahere said the process has at least four stages with the nomination being the first stage.

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She said the process will also include vetting and the consultation of “key stakeholders” to further scrutinise the list. Said Mahere:

Following nomination, there is going to be a vetting process and the fact that one has been nominated is not the end of the situation, it doesn’t mean that you are yet eligible to be a candidate.

There will also be a process of community consensus building where citizens will come together and be told there is X, there is Y candidate, who do you prefer and why, they have an opportunity to make their case, deliver a very brief manifesto of what they plan to deliver in their wards or constituency and also to take questions from the community concerning their eligibility to run.

Mahere was nominated for the Mt Pleasant constituency seat, while deputy CCC spokesperson Gift “Ostallos” Siziba will likely represent the party in the Pelandaba-Tshabalala seat.

More: Pindula News



kg · 1 year ago
zvima so called democratic process zveFAKE KKKKĶKK MUCHIRI PWERE MA SELLOUTS
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Present X and Y and nominees and allow us the voters to ask them questions to evaluate their understanding of the job they are applying for and then make an informed decision. We cannot have a preferred candidate before we assess them
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
Vetting is prone to manipulation, this is where the leaders will kick out the people they do not like. Vetting can result in the most vocal empty heads being chosen yet all they can do is chant praises for leaders but having no ideas on how to move their communities forward. Vetting without giving the nominees a chance to say what they understand about the job at hand is madness. Nominees should be given a chance to explain what is required of an MP or a councillor according to the constitution of Zimbabwe. We will have the loudest praise singers who do not know the responsibilities of councillors and MPs in councils and parliament which will result in no meaningful debates and non progressive policies being passed. If there is going to be any meaningful vetting then all nominees should be given a chance to address the vetting panel and have a mini debate with their opponents.
@ tigu · 1 year ago
@ tigu enda unoitira noise ku party yako chaiyo usada kunyepera kudzungaira zvisina basa tokuzivai
tigu · 1 year ago
im am a card carrying member of this party i wonder if you are you **** fuçk..kana kuti membership yacho inoita marii unoziva here.. zidzoro rinenge scrotum ya putin
tigu · 1 year ago
what the fuçk is this... inini ku area kwangu hakuna kumboitwa musangano kuti tisarudze munhu iwo vakutoti vapedza. ndoinonxi nonsense manje iyi ndukuda kuina kuti ndiyani ayiswa kana asina musoro ndukunoita noise
Zapu mamber · 1 year ago
Ukaita noise zvinovaka nyika hre vhotai zvinoita kuti zanu ibve pakutonga chete zvimwe zvese tozoonesana
pm · 1 year ago
no zesa zuva rese uchingovhotera zanu yako iyoyo ivo vagere mumagetsi havo vachidya nekuba iwe zhara zuva nezuva
kkkkkkkkk · 1 year ago
pasi nembavha pamberi ne ccc
Cde · 1 year ago
Chete Chete☝️
Firimoni Svi.rwai · 1 year ago
Putin wakafa brain iwe! Brain yakabo.nyorwa zvayo!
bozzzz · 1 year ago
kkkkkkkkkkk akapangeswa nezanu uyu hana kukwana
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
ZANU pf will win elections come what may, pamberi nekubatana pasi ne mhanduu nyika inovakwa nevene vayo 🧱 upon 🧱🇿🇼✊🇿🇼🇿🇼🐓🐊
Former MDC · 1 year ago
Njere dzako dzakasangana neropa enda kunachiremba Putin
CBI · 1 year ago
njere iih shoma apa ,une shave renhamo shamwari 🤣🤣🤣 busy ku supporter party yiri kukurarisa nenzara ,party iyoyo hatorina kana basa newe
pk · 1 year ago
usachama nzara yekumba kwako pano. ndiwe wega unenzara nenhamo @tanaka
@Putin · 1 year ago
You will not vote twice ndokunakidza kwazvo. No matter how much effort you put.
Patriot · 1 year ago
Hazvina musoro izvo. If u are democrats as u claim. The voting process by secret ballot is the only credible way of selecting leaders. This so called citizens approach is all nonsense. Zanu pf inotadza kuhwina sei pakadai imi muchiita mahumbwe iwaya. The process is only understood by u leaders and not the rest of the Party , Why?? Munyama wamabva maita futi ndewekuti the Zanu pf rigging machine is now oiled like never b4. That's the way it is in Africa.
sad emoji1
Me · 1 year ago
So you expect Zanu Pf to win with this f ucked up state of this country. This country is a mess all because of the ruling party
Spokes Person · 1 year ago
Zvinei newe iwe mu Zanu majaira kurarama nekubira varombo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zanu iri kuramba vakahwina ichinhonga vakadyiwa eg Porusingazi Mutswangwa Priscila manje vamunodzinga vakangwara vote yavo Ku CCC manje makwata

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