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CCC Postpones Announcement Of Successful Candidate Nominees

1 year agoTue, 11 Apr 2023 15:15:59 GMT
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CCC Postpones Announcement Of Successful Candidate Nominees

The opposition Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) party has postponed the announcement of the names of candidates who were successfully nominated in the candidate nomination process conducted last week on Wednesday.

Last week, CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said the names of those who were nominated will be announced this Tuesday.

However, in a post on Twitter on Tuesday morning, Mahere said the announcement had been deferred to tomorrow, Wednesday, 12 April. She said:

Tomorrow at noon, we will do a press briefing that will update the nation on the progress of our candidate selection process. The CISP will announce prospective candidates who’ve been nominated.

However, later on Tuesday, Mahere said the announcement of prospective candidates who have been nominated will not happen as scheduled but at new time to be advised. She said:

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POSTPONED: Please note that this press briefing will be rescheduled. A new time for the update will be announced.

Unlike ZANU PF which held primary elections to select members who will represent it in forthcoming general elections, CCC conducted a candidate nomination process that will go through stages until a candidate to represent the party is selected.

Open Parly reported that the CCC nomination has four stages; nomination, verification, stakeholder consultations, citizen caucus where candidates will be expected to deliver a manifesto.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nyangwe kwedu hakuna kana chinonzi CCC
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Inga kuno kumusha hakuna ccc why?muri kutya here?
Patriot · 1 year ago
We are in Africa gyz . These so called democrats will never rule the country
hoyo... · 1 year ago
nomination bho ukadhibha zvekungoti ati ari kuda kuenda pachitsvimbo bho womuisa unoisa munhu anotengesa maVotes Now its obvious kuti those who are presenting there true ccc members cz vanenge varohwa vetting
Hopewell Magudman · 1 year ago
Word on the street is that the nomination process did not go as planned. Pa Beitbridge apo some of the nominees were also the organizers with some even hosting the meetings at their houses.
@Kgosi de_Ricch · 1 year ago
verification, stakeholder consultations, citizen caucus where candidates will be expected to deliver a manifesto.......Reply... This is 100% total "Madness" 4 stages just to be a condidate...ahhhhh ooooooh kutshukuthi umthetho wenu owome kakhulu ukudlula owe Current Zanu Pf... kuqala soooo phela i CCC isishaya nge bhuku which means ukuthi ukungena lula esikhundleni kuyabe sekungasekho ikakhulu okokungena nge back door ku politics your law is very tough i believe ukut your aim is to reduce i corruption lapho ngivumelana labi sibili example our elders ikakhulu abesi Ndebeleni they went to war but lanamuhla lokho bengakaziphiwa imali zabo sebehambe zaze zatshona inyawo zabo eziswini. Chamisa if you want more votes try to do action udaba lwama war veterans awesi N.d.e.b.e.l.e.n.i don't just sit down and then expect people like my uncle,father to vote for you kodwa lingazange labasiza ngalutho speaking on behalf of N.d.e.b.e.l.e war veterans. Chamisa those elders love you so much lawe phela akuke ube sweaty on them show them some love labo bethabe kunini behlala bekhala inyembezi zabo sezaze zawoma ngenxa yokut our rulling party (Zanu Pf) yabalahla yona kulokuthi ikhangele both sides yona it chose to help ama S.h.o.n.a war veterans kuphela. #Chamisa Common Cokhu_Rocch do something for our elders i'm sure your Non existing God will bless you for that.... Tsvangison A.K.A Tsvangirai failed to do so but i majority yabadala ikhangelele lina ukut libamele since you are lawyers.... offering free lawyers to N.d.e.b.e.l.e war veterans lakho kuyabalwa liyabe liyilwile impi lazo izibusiso ziyabe zizalandela....#Start practising it today #N.d.e.b.e.l.e war veterans Matter.
Zelensky 🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
@ake hakuna musha usina vasina karorwa ,kwako vakazara ana mai , sisi,madzitete,vazukuru ,ambuya na ambuya vako ma**** enga enga.usatuke vamwe 😀😀😀😀😀
UEFA · 1 year ago
bhora razodiii
Anonymous · 1 year ago
City 3 Bayern yaTuchel 0
Anonymous · 1 year ago
CCC Chamisa vs CCC Chin'ono.
Jim Munkuli · 1 year ago
vote for Chamisa CCC ❎
good fighter · 1 year ago
mahumbwe chaiwo .. democracy is expensive
chitobhoko · 1 year ago
yaaa nomination itori boe as long for our party zvikubuda chete
Ziff · 1 year ago
Itai zvabuda ndizvo zvatinoda as long iri yellow
gandangaguru · 1 year ago
politics is a game only for the elites....
ZEC Lite · 1 year ago
Those are clear signs of rigging.Leadership is obviously not happy with some of the nominees saka vachaite remove some of the names. The results will only be released after meticulous verification. Rumour has it that a Zanu PF activist akaitwe nominate pa Murehwa South.
Chaka · 1 year ago
Zvawataura wani zeclite kuti a zanupf activist was nominated. So don't yu think this is not hindrance. By so doing e process have to be postponed fr further investigations.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
I personally feel that this is the last stage in selection of a candidate who will represent the party. [CHAMISA CHETE CHETE ]. The process of selection of candidates by CCC Political Party is completely different from Primary Elections. This process if improved and perfected it may be adopted by many other smaller parties which have limited funds to run Primary Elections. [ DO NOT VOTE FOR SERIAL GOLD THIEVES ].You now know are the gold thieves I am referring to. Already some people like Henrietta Rushwaya are being protected. Bank accounts for others have been frozen, but hers have not been touched. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Kokol · 1 year ago
Uyu munhu anenge Chamisa chete uyu bt akachinja zita
Greatworld · 1 year ago
Dilly Dallying may cost ccc. Campaigning yato delay
pasi nemhandu · 1 year ago
hamheno tomboona
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chii chinonzi mhandu. You will wake up when they start calling you mhandu . Belonging to opposition party does not make some 1 any enemy
MUBHABHATIDZI · 1 year ago

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