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Bulawayo City Council Gets Approval To Recruit 500 Health Workers

1 year agoWed, 12 Apr 2023 05:32:21 GMT
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Bulawayo City Council Gets Approval To Recruit 500 Health Workers

The Government has authorised the Bulawayo City Council (BCC) to recruit 500 healthcare workers to be deployed at the city’s 19 clinics.

The local authority has been hit by an exodus of critical health personnel and this has negatively impacted service delivery in the city.

The Chronicle reported that the City of Bulawayo requires a staff complement of 186 nursing staff to operate at full capacity and presently, there are 87 nurses.

According to the latest council minutes, some of the health personnel that the local authority intends to recruit include dentists and nurses.

Responding to questions raised during a recent full council meeting, the town clerk, Christopher Dube, said:

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Council will soon be recruiting dentists and other health workers to alleviate the situation as the parent ministry had authorised the recruitment of 500 staff members.

Emakhandeni and Nkulumane Clinics have been earmarked for extended dental care services to decentralise the service to other suburbs.

In an interview with the Chronicle on Tuesday, Bulawayo deputy mayor Councillor Mlandu Ncube said residents were being forced to travel long distances seeking medical care. He said:

We had serious concerns pertaining to the long hours spent by residents seeking health services from our clinics due to staff shortages.

We are happy that we have been given the green light to recruit 500 workers to address the problem.

Our residents were being short-changed and the situation had reached alarming levels such that some had to walk extra kilometres to nearby clinics to access healthcare.

Ncube said recruitment is ongoing and they expect that by the end of April this year, the situation will have improved.

More: Pindula News 



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Dont just recruit , pay them well as well
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Ayo mabasa nyika inovakwa nevene vayo 🧱 upon 🧱 hallelujah
@putin · 1 year ago
No vacancy advert was posted by Bulawayo city council but they said "recruitment is ongoing and by end of April situation will be better". The city father's are known for their tribal ways of giving people employment...If you don't have a ndebele surname or origin you don't get the job no matter your qualifications and experience
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Bulawayo inovakwa nevene vayo zve... That's the trending revolutionary slogan.
Kode · 1 year ago
Yakatamba sey
𝕂𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝔸𝔻𝕆𝔼 🤴🏼 · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago

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