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Authorities Seek To Curb Side-marketing Of Cotton

1 year agoThu, 20 Apr 2023 11:12:25 GMT
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Authorities Seek To Curb Side-marketing Of Cotton

The Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) says more deterrent measures are still needed to curb the side-marketing of cotton by farmers.

Speaking to The Sunday Mail, AMA chief executive officer Clever Isaya said side marketing remains a big threat to the cotton sector.

He said AMA has since signed memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with cotton contractors to contain the practice through agreed fines and penalties. Said Isaya:

Cotton is a strategic crop in the country and the second-largest foreign currency earner after tobacco.

Therefore, its value chain has to be protected. We are currently in the process of identifying common buying points which our farmers will use during the marketing season.

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AMA clerks will be deployed to these points to monitor the process and ensure that there are no side-marketing activities.

He said all contractors are required by law to buy from their contracted farmers only.

Side marketing is when growers sell their produce to third parties in breach of contractual agreements that bind producers to sell their yield to the contractor who would have provided inputs to the grower.

There are varied reasons why side marketing of crops is now rife in the market but it mainly stems from lower producer prices set by the government and the contractors.

Cotton is typically harvested between April and July. The process of cotton harvesting involves picking the mature cotton bolls from the plants by hand or machine.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kurima cotton kukama inezamu,west of time gentleman.
Lasimoji · 1 year ago
It's Cotton not Cottco...yaaa chipedxisa hako
aaaa · 1 year ago
cottco chirimwa chinodzikisirwa zvakanyanya ndosaka varimi vacho vachingoitwa yese yese
otilia ****' · 1 year ago
ukaona vanhu vachiita side marketing ziva kuti producer price yakadhakwa .. ingogadzirisai price / kg kwete zvekupa vanhu salt ne masamba pa bhero after all the labour inenge yaiswa na farmer kuti pabude 200kg zvadzo shuwa mungapa munhu $10 shuwa isu taiziva kuti bhero tikatengesa 1 bhero raitipa mombe... hapana munhu anoda kushandira mahara zvizivei izvozvo
Omsly · 1 year ago
Cotton Nowadays Hakuna Mari for real thus the other reason Imwe ir kuLeader some farmers kuita this Syd Marketing
sugar boy · 1 year ago
ma farmers vane shavi rekushandiswa.unorima cotton this time inotengwa nani Ivo vana mb wa vakavharisa ma textiles campanies.vamwe vari busy kurima fodya iwe cotton Tek Tek nayo shame
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This contract farming arrangement is a form of modern day slavery. Farmers are always exploited
Junior4ANC · 1 year ago
Fellow Zimbabweans please not that as we are fast approaching the elections here in Zimbabwe .The political will try by all means to deceive citizen with their fake promises ..some they are believable but not true ...If you can go back in time -recall what 2018 was like then you will know that all these acts is just a campaign motive .For the past 42 years we have never Celebrated Independence without electricity but to my surprise we are in darkness ...Those who have eyes and ears ..SEE & HEAR The calling of change in our beloved Hard won Country .By Casting your vote to President elect Advocate Nelson Chamisa WeCCC ....2023 Takanonanganisa muOffice......Vote President elect Advocate Nelson Chamisa...Vote Wisely Zimbabwe 👍

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