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CIO Bosses Scoff At Uebert Angel Claims On Their Role In "Gold Mafia"

1 year agoSat, 29 Apr 2023 05:17:50 GMT
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CIO Bosses Scoff At Uebert Angel Claims On Their Role In "Gold Mafia"

Senior Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) officials say Uebert Angel (real surname Mudzanire) misled the public when he claimed that what people saw on Al Jazeera’s investigative documentary “Gold Mafia” “was not real; it was acting” as part of “a classified national intelligence assignment”.

Speaking after the final episode of the Gold Mafia documentary titled “Have The King With You”, Angel’s lawyer Lovemore Madhuku, said his client was working with national intelligence.

Madhuku said that after Angel was approached by the purported investors, he consulted the national intelligence to do security checks on them and was advised that something suspicious was going on.

However, senior CIO officers who spoke to The NewsHawks dismissed Angel’s assertions saying there was no CIO operation of the nature Angel claims. Said the senior CIO officer:

What Angel said through his lawyer is fiction. There was no such an intelligence operation.

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In any case, even if it was there he would not be the one to speak about it.

He doesn’t work for CIO and knows nothing about how it operates and its internal dynamics.

He doesn’t know what he is talking about, but what he said is being viewed and taken seriously.

It will be acted upon. There will be an internal process to deal with that.

Another CIO boss said President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Envoy and Ambassador-at-Large was “waffling”. Said the official:

He was just waffling. How would he know of our operations that we who work don’t know anything about? There is no such thing.

It’s just a smokescreen to cover his tracks and protect the chefs (Mnangagwa and Auxillia). In fact, the whole thing is ridiculous.

If that was an intelligence operation, it would be more serious, clinical and sophisticated, not mahumbwe aya (child’s play).

Intelligence operations of that nature are not child’s play.

The Gold Mafia investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) is a four-part documentary that revealed a series of gold smuggling gangs in Southern Africa.

The gangs help criminals launder hundreds of millions of dollars, getting rich themselves while plundering their nations.

They turn dirty cash into clean, seemingly legitimate money for those with large amounts of unaccounted wealth.

The gangs do so by using a complex web of companies, counterfeit identities and fake documents.

More: Pindula News



#NganjileMulombe #KangeneSibiliUjaha · 1 year ago
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 One People 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 One Vision 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 One Vision 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼
zozo · 1 year ago
kana nyaya iyi iriyechokwadi munyori arega sei kunyora zita remu cio wacho nokuti anyone can claim to be a senior cio.kana iye munyori anogona kungonyorawo zvemusoro wake.handisi kuti angel was right asi ngatisango bvuma nyaya dzose dzose nokuti yanyorwa aganist angek wandakavenga
Ostrich · 1 year ago
Like mr you bury your head in the sand, but that doesn't mean you can't be seen. Stop standing up for thieves. ED and his Angel are full time thieves. period.
kazekage · 1 year ago
ED acharohwa bhora musango muchaona henyu ,achaitwa kunge zvakaitwa Bhobho
CCC 🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 One People 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 One Vision 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 One Nation 🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼
ZIMBABWEAN GUY · 1 year ago
Gold Mafia is now Old News... NEXT 🥱
aaa · 1 year ago
angel kambavha
laugh emoji1
· 1 year ago
... vese naED
Anonymous · 1 year ago
ED is also a criminal gold mafias they work to get with Ed iot yo president wake up and live
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
We never saw the criminals around Mugabe that the army claimed to be targeting in 2017 coup. Today we know many such criminals surrounding the current president and yet we see no action. Where are you guys.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The presumably cio operations is that anyone was cio in that fiasco, avava varura gure vachiinechinyakare tiri mu new world order and all that is said naro jinda iri is bull crap Vars can be edited that means voices can be doctored too Ever asked yourselves why that Gold Mafiasco released in the month of rammadan It was a huff puff to maximise returns in the works or pigrimage of Rammadan where confessions are made kupupura zvivi zvtadzo in that month Everyone knows Christians and Islam's Moslems are not in good books relationships and Moslems took that opportunity to set up chimbambayira pachotubuka ivo would be on another phase angle yeupengu Right now we still having headaches on the eligibility of of the documents is it a skit or a play These are some points to ponder
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Hauna zvekutaura iwe, mhino inenge bhaudhi re tractor
#NgaapindeHakeMukomana #ng aapindeHakeMukomana · 1 year ago
#NgaapindeHakeMukomana #NgaapindeHakeMukomana #ng aapindeHakeMukomana #NganjileMulombe #KangeneSibiliUjaha
Waffling Uebert Angel · 1 year ago
My key takeaway point is that Uebert Angel is given to waffling 🤔
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Anyone with sense of security would detect from the beginning that no professional security services would operate in the manner Uebert Angel was doing. [DO NOT VOTE FOR GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS ]. Professor Madhuku must not have accepted Angel's unprofessional explanation. I am happy for CIO if it indeed made this statement. It has cleaned itself. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Mutape · 1 year ago
What does this mean to Angel? CID was not involved in your case,then what's the truth,what will happen to you and your chefs; and these CID officers are they not on the side of Angel's chefs,if they are why publishing this now?
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Its CIO not CID. kumeso se weti
laugh emoji1
tribe mkosho · 1 year ago
ma comments enyu arikuratidza kuti hapana kana 1 anzwisisa zvikutaurwa pano
inini · 1 year ago
we a tired of this story.
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Speak on your behalf, ita kuti I am tired. Nzeve dzinenge dzenguruve
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Vote ED for peace, freedom, hallelujah hallelujah hakuna nyika inotongwa nevauyi fambai ngwena, croco MOTA 🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊
**** · 1 year ago
Bhora musango · 1 year ago
rate mambonzwa kuti yave pachii nhai mwendamberi
#NgaapindeHakeMukomana #ng aapindeHakeMukomana · 1 year ago
#NgaapindeHakeMukomana #NganjileMulombe #KangeneSibiliUjaha #NgaapindeHakeMukomana #ng aapindeHakeMukomana #NgaapindeHakeMukomana #Ng aapindeHakeMukomana
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nxaaaaaaaaa nonsense Chamisa chii
GG · 1 year ago
Uerbert Angle realized that the country's Intel was inept so he took the investigations that led him to Mr Jones' door.
Murdaa · 1 year ago
Mmmmmm ....ma1 atanga
sugar boy · 1 year ago
CID's they work hand in hand with these gold Mafia
Mohammed Zaka ali · 1 year ago
CIO ne Cid zvinhu two zvakatosiyana by far comrade Know your country
Ndugu · 1 year ago
Ko enjero wacho ngaangitaure chokwadi kuti gold racho nemari dzacho aitamba front yevakuru, iye ibuda ma zviri.
Patriot · 1 year ago
Mugabe aitonga achishandisa CIO but ED anoshandisa mauto.
Sadza Beans · 1 year ago
Munyori unonyora Seiko iwewe
Jim Munkuli · 1 year ago
vote for Chamisa CCC ❌

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