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Jonathan Moyo Says Ngarivhume's Imprisonment Shows Zim's Regression To Gukurahundi Era

1 year agoMon, 01 May 2023 14:22:08 GMT
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Jonathan Moyo Says Ngarivhume's Imprisonment Shows Zim's Regression To Gukurahundi Era

Jonathan Moyo, a former Information Minister now in exile, claimed that the conviction and imprisonment of opposition leader Jacob Ngarivhume signifies a regression of Zimbabwe’s judiciary system back to the Gukurahundi era.

The Gukurahundi era was a period of political violence from 1983 to 1987. The Zimbabwean military killed an estimated 10 000 to 20 000 people, mostly ethnic Ndebele, under the pretext of suppressing a rebellion by armed dissidents and due to political tensions between ZANU-PF and PF-ZAPU parties.

Jonathan Moyo’s comments came after Jacob Ngarivhume was convicted of incitement to public violence and sentenced to four years in jail for a tweet he posted in July 2020. In the tweet, Ngarivhume called for a national shutdown to protest against poor leadership by the ZANU PF-led government.

In a Twitter post seen by Pindula News, Moyo said it is disheartening that Jacob Ngarivhume was convicted and sentenced to effectively serve three years in jail for tweets he posted in July 2020, which called for constitutionally protected peaceful protests.

Moyo said the sentence was given by a Harare Magistrate who is obligated to uphold and protect the constitution, and Ngarivhume’s tweet and video posted on July 8, 2020, are still available on Twitter and require no interpretation.

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Moyo added that considering sections 56, 58, 59, 60, and 61 of the 2013 Constitution, it is surprising that a magistrate would be deceived by political prosecutors into making a political decision to convict and give a harsh sentence to an electoral opponent of the sitting president, just three months before a general election. This decision undermines the judiciary and damages its reputation. He added:

Truth be told, the judiciary’s shocking mishandling of Bill of Rights cases these days is eerily reminiscent of the gukurahundi years, when the Rhodesian State of Emergency retained between 1980 and 1990 was ruthlessly enforced.

But there was an important difference then, now lost to the judiciary.

While government used a decade of the retention of the Rhodesian State of Emergency for political purposes against targeted political enemies – especially Zapu and the population in Matabeleland and parts of the Midlands – the judiciary then stood firm as the protector of the Bill of Rights and defender of human rights and freedoms.

Ironically, this was under a Lancaster Constitution whose Bill of Rights was in fact meant for the white minority and was entrenched only for 10 years precisely to give the white minority time to either take the gap to apartheid South Africa or the white Commonwealth countries, if not back to Britain itself.

The point here is that during the gukurahundi years – in which the order of the day was the Rhodesian State of Emergency whose effect was the obliteration of the Lancaster Bill of Rights – draconian convictions and sentences like the one imposed on Ngarivhume by Magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka were unheard of.

Moyo said it is a fact that individuals sacrifice their freedom when they join a group, as they must give up some rights for the common good. This means that threats to human rights usually come from the groups individuals belong to, and the worst threats come from the State and its government, as they hold a monopoly on violence.

Ge added that it follows, therefore, that all governments are a threat to human rights, but in constitutional democracies with a justiciable Bill of Rights, the judiciary, not the government, is responsible for protecting human rights. If the judiciary fails to do so, it is up to the people themselves to take action. Moyo concluded:

In Zimbabwe today the judiciary has tragically abdicated its constitutional responsibility and duty to guarantee and protect human rights and freedoms; hence the tragedy now happening to the Jobs (Job Sikhala) and Jacobs in the nation’s midst, which tragedy has exposed everyone’s constitutional rights and freedoms to jeopardy!

Zimbabwe is scheduled to hold harmonised elections sometime between July 26 and August 26 this year.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Phillimon is a paid trol better to ignore him He should all why his own pppl don't want to come back from SA
realer · 1 year ago
uyo anonzi phillimon anowanikwa pese it shows kuti he is unemployed and yet he s supporting the same people vanoita kuti ashaye zvekuita
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko iwe?
. · 1 year ago
if you are from Matabeleland born in 1983 to 1987 you are lucky to be alive? that's why most of ndebele parents gave their kids Gugulethu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I wrote my dissertation based on Gukurahundi issue ummmm it's a sensitive issue
Mhondoro · 1 year ago
President ED should open both eyes. Someone might be plotting against him. These jailings are exposing him. Level headed Zimbabweans are seeing that what the government is doing is actually bad. Today it's Ngarivhume being jailed for silly issues, tomorrow it's you. So, we are not very safe as citizens. Gold mafias are walking free. Why? The world is watching, elections are around the corner. If these jailings continue, l tell you, president ED will be leading an opposition party by September this year after elections. Look at how some of his ministers lost during their primary elections like wadyajena and kazembekazembe. People want leaders with hearts not heartless leaders. Open both eyes my president, someone might be exposing you. VOTE BOTH PRESIDENT ED AND ADVOCATE CHAMISA.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The problem is that people like Ngarivhume don't understand that freedom of expression has its limits. Inciting violence is not freeom of speech, it is inciting violence which is a crime. Prison will cool him off. He will see that the majority, who he wrongly thought he was championing for , will lead their everyday lives, unaffected by his incacerating. He will be lucky to find someone to support his family (I don't want to mention what I think will happen to his wife). Tat is the foolishness of his way.
soko · 1 year ago
@mhondoro I agree with you,pane zviri kuitika zvavasiri kuona havo vakuru ivava.rega tigoona nekuti kumagumo kune nyaya
war vet · 1 year ago
ngavasunge chamisa maelection aregwe mhani
I have always argued that ZImbabwe government has fallen to the Ian Douglas Smith.era. [ CITIZENS ARE ENCOURAGED TO VOTE FOR CHAMISA CHETE CHETE FOR REAL CHANGE/SHANDUKO ]. The jailings of Jacob Ngarivhume shows that ZImbabwe government does not want dissent. Coincidentally, His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa was the security Minister at the material time of Gukurahundi. [ DO NOT VOTE FOR GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS ]. The magistrate passed the sentence fully aware that she was passing vindictive sentence and must be sitting nervously. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Dixon · 1 year ago
Its obvious you have no understading of what constitue freedom of speech. One Chinyanga who had silimar calls in the UK was convicted by an English court for a similar offence. Freedom comes with responsibility.
Ccc · 1 year ago
Tanga wasungwa iwe.
Patriot · 1 year ago
Jonathan Moyo is a political prostitute.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Jonso musoro wako wave kuda kuputika,pasi ne mhanduu
¹Miss Jessica✅ · 1 year ago
Take it or leave it, but Moyo's pathos cannot be ignored. Few men have this...
· 1 year ago
Zai re Gondo · 1 year ago
why are you making Jonathan Moyo relevant when he is irrelevant
Bvu Bvu Bvumburu yeNdege ✈✈🍌🍌 · 1 year ago
coni chimbouya ndokubvumburudze sezvandakamboita umwe dhafu so....This winter ndoda kumbofamba newe...Ndichinyatso kukupomba ndichikwiira
anonymous · 1 year ago
what are you cooking today?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
hapana chisingaperi vakomana NDI JONATHAN MOYO wandoziva here avakungo vukura arikuma terrace.. ushe madzoro zveshuwa akambotonga nyika kabisiraka mfana iyeyu uyu... handikanganwi pakambo rohwa vanhu ndichiona ne support unit pa huruyadzo ku st marys but mangwana acho bepa nhau rakafuma richizviramba kuburikidza na jonathan moyo... haaa ngaazorore murugare mufana uyu
Gold finger a.k.a tsotsi · 1 year ago
Unonyora Seiko iwe makavhura website iyi kuda kusvibsa Zanu Pf here imi mmmmmmmm CCC itai mushe
Ziggy · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe irikutapira kudarika huchi nemukaka we munhu
Bvu Bvu Bvumburu yeNdege ✈✈🍌🍌 · 1 year ago
Zvino kana akagadzirirwa Twitter account nevavengi vake vobva vaposter zvavanoda ipapo tingati imhosva yake here?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ehe ndeyake. siyanai netwitter ne Facebook Instagram. play safe unonyura
Ccc · 1 year ago
Unogara kupi kwakasara iwe
GG · 1 year ago
@Philimon Kambiro is uncivilized , it's the type of a person who live in a cacoon of barbarism like his part Zanu pf. The constitution allows for freedom of speech and that Ngaruvhume is a victim of a barbaric shallow minded aborigine party that is still to emerge from a cave. The courts have abrogated their first and foremost duty of defending the innocent.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Freedom of Speech? You don't know the meaning. Inciting violent conduct is not freedom of speech
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
freefom of soeech hazvirevi kuti incite violence or kutuka vamwe. uri ****. ngarivhume nekevel yake ayifanira kuzviziva. inga newewo utori mu call shoo
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Ngaribvume wacho akambozviitireyi. isu wani hatina kumboita incite vanhu kuva violent tiri kunofamba tiri free. zvinosungisa siyanai nazvo kunyanya maccc
Puluzuzu · 1 year ago
Hate him or love him, Jonathan Moyo is correct on this issue. Jonathan Moyo is enunciating the law & making a good historical comparison. Truely, the law is being abused to punish opposition politicians & activists. There is no justice in the Zimbabwean courts. Ngarivhume & Job Sikhala are being persecuted for speaking the truth. The only problem is, the majority of Zimbabweans have never studied the law, history & politics - so they comment from a position of extreme ignorance. ( Argumentum ad Ignorantium )
Dixon · 1 year ago
Speaking what truth. The truth is what everybody bsees and feel.. Sikhala and Ngarivhume were arrest for abusing freedom, inciting violence. Sho me one country where such agitation goes unpunished. Freedom comes with responsibility.
Ccc · 1 year ago
Kana washaya zvekutaura nyarara

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