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Prominent Zimbabwean Politicians Whose Wealth Was Revealed In Courts

1 year agoThu, 04 May 2023 09:36:44 GMT
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Prominent Zimbabwean Politicians Whose Wealth Was Revealed In Courts

Some Zimbabwean politicians allegedly own massive wealth when their developing country has a poor economy, high unemployment, and poverty. These politicians have been accused of corruption and enriching themselves at the expense of the country and its people. They are linked to high-profile scandals such as the looting of diamond revenues. Such corruption is believed to contribute to Zimbabwe’s economic struggles and inadequate public services, while some individuals have earned their wealth through legitimate means. We present here a list of some prominent politicians whose wealth was revealed in courts.

1). Ignatius Chombo

Chombo is a former Zimbabwean politician and government minister who was arrested in November 2017 on charges of corruption and abuse of office during his time in government. Reports during his trial revealed that he owned several properties in Zimbabwe, including a mansion in Harare’s Borrowdale suburb, estimated to be worth over $1 million, as well as a farm, lodge, and commercial building in Harare. He also reportedly owned luxury vehicles such as Rolls Royce, Porsche, and Range Rover. Some of Chombo’s properties were seized by the government after his arrest, and he was released on bail pending trial. Chombo allegedly owns properties in almost every city across Zimbabwe. During his arrest in 2017, Chombo was allegedly found with $10 million in his house.

2). Obert Mpofu

Mpofu is a Zimbabwean politician who has held ministerial positions in the government and has been accused of corruption and illicit enrichment. He reportedly owns several properties in Zimbabwe, including a mansion in Bulawayo worth over $2 million, a farm, a hotel, and a commercial building in Harare. Mpofu has been linked to allegations of wealth accumulation through questionable means, including mismanagement of state-owned enterprises and looting of diamond revenues. Although he has denied these allegations and has not been convicted of any wrongdoing, his wealth and properties have sparked controversy in Zimbabwe, with some accusing him of amassing wealth through political connections at the expense of the public.

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3). Constantino Chiwenga

Chiwenga is a Zimbabwean politician who has held high-ranking positions in the government, including Vice President and Minister of Defense. He has been accused of corruption and illicit enrichment during his time in government. According to court papers in a legal dispute with his estranged wife, he has a net worth of over $10 million and owns several properties in Zimbabwe and overseas. These include a mansion in Harare’s Borrowdale suburb worth over $3 million, a farm in Goromonzi, and other properties in South Africa and China. Chiwenga also reportedly owns luxury vehicles, including a Rolls Royce, a Range Rover, and a Mercedes-Benz S-Class. Some have accused him of acquiring them through corrupt means while holding high-ranking government positions. Chiwenga has denied these allegations and has not been convicted of any wrongdoing.

4). Augustine Chihuri

Chhuri is a former Zimbabwe Republic Police Commissioner General who has been accused of corruption and illicit enrichment during his time in government. According to court papers filed in a legal dispute, he is reported to have a net worth of over $30 million, several properties in Zimbabwe and South Africa, and several luxury vehicles. There have been allegations of corruption in how he amassed his wealth, but he denies these allegations and has not been convicted of any wrongdoing. It’s important to note that the court papers have not been independently verified, and Chihuri has not made any public statements on the matter.

5). Robert Mugabe,

The former president of Zimbabwe has no public record of his net worth. However, he and his family have been linked to several corruption scandals, such as the alleged looting of diamond revenues and mismanagement of state funds, during his over three-decade tenure in power. Mugabe kept his financial affairs private during his time in power, making it difficult to estimate his net worth. After his ouster from power in 2017, there were reports of his significant wealth, including luxury properties and overseas bank accounts, but these reports have not been independently verified. There are allegations that Bona Mugabe, Mugabe’s daughter, owns several properties worth millions of dollars, including at least 22 farms. Her husband, Simba Chikore, has claimed that they co-own these properties. This gives an insight into the Mugabe family empire, but these allegations have not been proven in a court of law.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tongaiwo mhuri dzenyu dzipfume ,asingadi kupfuma ndiyani ?zviri zvazviri ..zvichava zvazvichava
NATO · 1 year ago
madzibaba nero nero namadzimai mahere vachinopinda nekusunga mbavha idzi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The pillars of looting/corruption in Zimbabwe in color...
Mkomana · 1 year ago
These guys are they really enjoying these vast wealth ! Uuum their only challenge is death ,if there were some connections to bribe God haaa ,Mugabe could be alive
coni · 1 year ago
CCC Manyama
inini · 1 year ago
my problem with the government is that they lie particularly when it comes to civil servants remuneration they say civil servants salaries are now going to be pd according to experience and qualifications which is not so.imagine Usd 250 is given across the body ie general hands and office orderlies receive usd250 which is received by those with officers status up to deputy director what is that?hapana zvakadaro
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌Chandaona ndechekuti right now as we comment and chat these people are enjoying their wealth and taking more. ED will be England and mostlikely he will hire British prooostitutes and strippeeers. Enough is enough, anyone who supports has no soul i tell you. Munhuwese vote for CCC becoz ED and his government have to be brought to justice. Look at Zambia right now their former president Edgar Lungu akatorerwa his expensive cars dzekuba. Very soon its going to happen in Zimbabwe. #RESPECT!!!
CR7 mashasha · 1 year ago
chokwadi · 1 year ago
🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌😡😡😡🤬🥵🥵👹👹👺👿👿👿😈🎊😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🦓🐗🐗🐗🐗🦨🦡🦨🦨🦡🦡🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟zanupf zviruma
GENERAL JEIZET,,,,,JZ · 1 year ago
hapana zvamunenge muchiita kutuka vanhu vakatofuma zvavo imi munenhamo yenyu and muchagara nayo mumba menyu kusvika masvuuka s**** mose
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
yoooooh, thus unheard off , we are suffering of these crookes , 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🤫🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
Anonymous · 1 year ago
wonzwa richiti pamberi nanhingi, itai mega henyu
xx · 1 year ago
Boys regai tikubetserei pano politics dzakafanana nebhora iwe uri we Man City ,ini ndinofamba nechele hazvina mhosva kuti iri kusvasvanga ndo team yangu . Saka paye patinotuka muchiti unotoona vanhu vachiti Ed pfee ehe ndizvo nokuti jersey raakapfeka before team yangu handirase team nokuti haina kumira zvakanaka iwe ukatotaura nezvayo inotatsurana nokti ndinoida asi to tell you hapana ano supporter wrong doings Tibetserei kunanata zvinhu zvinake tiri on Zanu pf way not Triple c tinofa tichipikisana
Chele supporter · 1 year ago
mufaro uchauya Pochettino ahaiswa vobvisa Lampard ! Lukaku odzoka
xx · 1 year ago
Yaaa vana Sooo Asi hanai Bona baba vakakutadzira chii chaizvo choita kuti uvafumure vakazorora kudaro Inga tinonoti one farm one person Ko izvo zve22 farms pamunhu one kutii apa ndi Bona chete ,ko chatunga,ko Mai vacho Imi musazodaro n****ondo yakadai inoda kuchengetedzwa inobata vamwe musazodaro
Patriot · 1 year ago
stop using conis username why can't you look for your own username rubbish do4 rinokopera nezita Mai do4 baba do4 imba yese mado4 shame on you coni wezanu you're such a disgrace vote wisely vote NELSON CHAMISA
Ba Dee · 1 year ago
Zanu mbavha dzoga
Queen of success · 1 year ago
ko ED aripi
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
ngarivhume atorara izvezvi na Skhala, Job and Jacob nice names partners in crime hallelujah
Jim Munkuli · 1 year ago
thus why we're saying VOTE FOR CHAMISA CCC ❌
witty pastafarian taktician · 1 year ago
because Chamisa haabe. Mwana wedu anoteerera fani. Super honest. Akasiya anti banana Tsvangi asare achitora chimuti pavakange vari vaviri muHospital... unfortunately vaTsvangi vakabva vafa Asi iye akabva angosuma vamwe mashoko emushakabvu. "Mushakabvu vati ndini ndinofanirwa kutonga..."
Ivhi iri · 1 year ago
Varikudya vana veZimbabwe vachitambura ndizvo zvakarwirwa Hondo ere?
Zupco · 1 year ago
ed pfeeeeeee !! inini Zupco wekadora ndadaro
da ko · 1 year ago
zvekuba zvichashaikwa pamberi apo Taurai zvenyu ZACC
Chief Bonolo · 1 year ago
Chamisa waurikuimba naye,aburitsirwa zvinhu panzekkkjkkk atadza kubhadhara rent kkkkkķ saka mungatonge Ani muchitadza kubhadhara rent chaiyo kkkkkkkk
Tateguru · 1 year ago
RG was smarter than he seemed, no evidence, no proof but allegations because of the Bona - Simba wrangle.
coni · 1 year ago
anodya ndearipachigaro vana bhanguza , chero ccc ikatungamira still vanenge vachingodya vanezvigaro kwete povho yese so tidzikamirwei zvenyu muti tyoooo nkt munongohukura chete muchit ccc ASI hamuna chamunofa makawama kn uriwenhamo uchangofira munhamo. learn kutongwavhangwavha musiyane nekuswera pa pindula muchingoti vote for Nero . hazviunze sugar Mumba hamawee instead kutoswera uchitengesa mabanana nescania unoswera watoita bag kudarika vanemadegree. think twice kn nzinzarako tisina chinhu never mind kt hurumende uchakuvigira food Mumba wether it's ccc or zanu,,,, u hv to work hard for yourself hakuna bato rinozofa rakachinja upenyu hwemunhu zviriko muAfrica yese not Zim yega
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Problem ndeyekuti unofunga kuti vanhu vari kuda kupiwa mari negovernment or nehutungamiriri. We are not asking that government ngaitipe chinhu, kwete. Nyika ngaingotongwa zvakanaka zvinoita kuti iwe uite mari nekushanda kwako, nesimba rako, nemaskills ako. Right now its not the case, zvauri kufara nazvo iwewe hakusi kuwana upfumi kuri straight, deep iside you there is a part that knows kuti zviri wrong, you are just using your thick skin kuramba the truth. Don't say its the same the whole of Africa, kunyepa, that is why kungoyambuka kubuda munyika inochete pothole ratosara, salary yeskill rako yatokwira, mamahospitals mave nemushonga nemaDr nemanurse...... Imi muchingovukura pfee pfee pfee, kupinda muchipatara chisina mushonga, chisina nurse, chisina Dr here? Sure munhu kukwira bhazi kubva muHarare kuenda kunorapwa kuLusaka? KKkkkkkkkkkkk, hapana kungwara apa kana usingaoni zviri pachena zvakadai.
👌 · 1 year ago
kamoto kamberevere kakapisa matanda mberi kwakunzi zvinebasa reyi isu tichitadza kuudzidzisa vana kuraphwa nhasi migwagwa yedu tofa zuva nezuva anway pamberi nezanu pakubha hupfumi wenyika yedu povo yaramba enough is enough tosvika chete
sad emoji1
mune nduwe dzakabooka · 1 year ago
ndiyo net worth menu mese vanoverenga zvemahara
Kind · 1 year ago
Ndosaka tirikuti vote pana chamisa chete manje matofo asingafungi anamusoro bhangu vane maDzoro akazara mat.u.z.v.i anongoti Ed pfee
Me · 1 year ago
~jmp~ · 1 year ago
kkkk · 1 year ago
ko Dambudzo Emmerson hamuna kutaura nezvake wani
Jinn · 1 year ago
These were revealed in the courts, especially pama divorce apa
zigo · 1 year ago
wabva zvazoita sei
Citizens · 1 year ago
Tabva taziva kuti asi maSanctions, its greediness
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Zvinei nesu izvi,
Me · 1 year ago
Those are reason why tiritambura iwewe neni
Anonymous · 1 year ago
How did those affect you personally? How were you entitled to what you claim, you were short changed?
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
saka uchaita sei. shandawo zvako. kana usati wanzi wakaromba kana kuba ziva kuti hauna chaunacho
'Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Its aa matter of time, i continue work for Zanu-PF until they reccognize me and award me a plot

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