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Electricity Prepaid Token Purchase System Restored

1 year agoSun, 07 May 2023 07:37:33 GMT
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Electricity Prepaid Token Purchase  System Restored

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) has said the prepaid vending system has been restored and customers can now use the platform to buy electricity tokens.

Earlier, ZETDC, a subsidiary of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), had said the system would be down from the 5th to the 6th of May due to scheduled maintenance. It said:

This notice serves to advise all Valued Clients on the unavailability of the prepaid electricity token purchase system from 5 May 2023 at 1630 hours to 6 May 2023 at 2400 hours. This is to allow for major system maintenance on the prepaid vending system.

Clients are therefore advised to make arrangements to purchase sufficient electricity tokens to sustain them during the service disruption period.

In a public notice issued on Saturday night, ZETDC said the prepaid vending system has been restored. Said ZETDC:

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Good evening, our valued clients nationwide. Kindly take note, the prepaid vending system has been restored, you can now purchase your electricity tokens through the usual vending platforms.

Some ZESA customers have experienced challenges when buying electricity tokens.

The problems encountered include delays in receiving tokens, incorrect token codes, unavailability of tokens and poor customer service.

More: Pindula News



and price? · 1 year ago
and whats the new pricing structure? eh ?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
How much did Zesa make by panicking consumers into buying electricity? Minting money legally. 🙀
Tea Inonaka · 1 year ago
V for Vegetta · 1 year ago
Vote for Zanu Pf for prosperity. We shall graze on pastures greener tha green - meadows running across scores of plateaus. Vote Zanu Pf vote for peace.
Grandpa Rick · 1 year ago
ZANU has been ruling ever since so there is no need for campaigning 😂.
· 1 year ago
Thank you @granpa. And we haven't seen any prosperity for povo in the last 43 year. Neither have we had peace. Every election people are murdered in the name of ZANU. People are murdered for protesting electoral theft (read August 1 2018), and are mowed down by guns for protesting against spiralling cost of fuel (read January, 2019). What prosperity when 43% of the population is in abject poverty? What peace when we condone coups and soldiers murder civilians with impunity?
GG · 1 year ago
good fighter · 1 year ago
magetsi anogara kusina saka anopera uchiiteiko

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