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Mnangagwa Hails UK "Trip Of Shame"

1 year agoMon, 08 May 2023 12:36:47 GMT
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Mnangagwa Hails UK "Trip Of Shame"

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has described his meeting with the United Kingdom’s Minister for Africa Andrew Mitchell as an opportunity to work on the full restoration of relations between Zimbabwe and Britain.

Mnangagwa had travelled to the UK to attend the coronation of the new British monarch, King Charles III and returned home on Sunday. Mnangagwa tweeted:

During my trip to London, I had the fantastic opportunity to sit down with the UK Minister for Africa, [
Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP].

Understanding what steps the UK thinks we must take and developing the relationship between the UK and Zimbabwe is an exciting opportunity for all of us.

However, Team Pachedu, a group of data analysts active on Twitter, derided Mnangagwa’s trip to London, calling it “a trip of shame.” They wrote:

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ED was snubbed by both King Charles and the Prime Minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak.

He only met the UK Minister for Africa and the Commonwealth Secretary General, both of who expressed concern over the worsening Human Rights situation in Zimbabwe.

Other African leaders had the opportunity to meet Prime Minister Rishi Sunak but Mnangagwa got to meet Mitchell.

Mnangagwa also met Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland who emphasised Commonwealth values in their discussion centred on re-admission. Said Scotland:

Pleased to welcome the President of Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa to Marlborough House for a courtesy call.

The President and I discussed a range of issues, including Zimbabwe’s ongoing application to rejoin the Commonwealth and reaffirmed the commitment to the values of the Commonwealth.

Since Mnangagwa came to power in 2017 on the back of a military-assisted transition, a euphemism for a military coup, he has attempted to mend relations with the UK.

But despite his unexpected invitation to Charles III’s coronation, relations seem not to have thawed between Zimbabwe and its former colonial master.

More: Pindula News



Mkomana · 1 year ago
Everything is clear across the world,so what miracles (of anything good)you expect from who you disappointed ,xaaa
Huge · 1 year ago
Ma1 atanga
Blot · 1 year ago
for a moment l thoughtche was the cameraman kikikik
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Taisvoderepi dai King vakaita competition yekubhara miriyoni kkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
At least we are 100% sure kuti Ghoridhe redu harina kupinda mu ndege yakaenda ne ED ku UK.Ma Zimba tendai Mwari
Anti sanctions · 1 year ago
*Dai Munangangwa abva vangogadzirisa nyaya yemasanctions kuBritain kwavari uko pane kuti tizoenda kunoita Gala rekubvisa masanctions kuNational Sports Stadium ivo vatombowana mukana wekusangana neboys ravanoti ndiro rakatitemera masanctions acho.* Hameno mukupaonawo sei guys ipfungwa yanguwo pamwe ndadhakwa hameno🤷🏾‍♂️
Bonzo · 1 year ago
That was without doubt an Olive branch.All else shall follow.Commonwealth has opened doors
· 1 year ago
You wish...
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
the fact that they're acknowledging kuti ED is the president of Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 says a s...
· 1 year ago
There are de facto leaders who do not have mandate. The label means nothing. We know ED Shweeee illegitimately ascended the throne via a coup, set the 2018 election. He may be a de facto president but legitimacy he doesn't have.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tipeio video yacho dont tell us pfungwa dzenyu tinodziziva nekare. Technology yaveko haichadi kutaurirwa asi kungotora kavideo nesmart phone yako woti tsve pamedia zvapera to analyze toga. Fambai nenguva boys ambuya vangu vari kumachonyonyo uko vane smart phone havatodi ngano dzemarovha.
jo2 · 1 year ago
he is always a loser Think you know that
truth be told · 1 year ago
saka Mnangagwa akahwina muchadii nhayi nekutaurisa kwedu
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
@Black Adam ✈✈🍌🍌I agree with you, a great leader has to be a model of a president. If the UAE Sheiks or the Singaporean government is given Zim to run... our nation will become best country in Africa. But if you give ED and Zanu any super power, or even Germany chaiyo the Germans will call us kuno vachiti torai President wenyu he is corrupt and he is abusing our human right. Izvi ndizvo zvinoratidza kuti ED haagoni kutonga. #RESPECT!!!
@bvu bvu · 1 year ago
haurevi nhema iwe
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
Yeah kana Japan ingasachema here ikatongwa na ED lol. Kuzoti Mangudya akaita governor of the Reserve Bank of Japan haahhaha
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
You don't appreciate chete ndoo Probhrem you have @bvu @vabhomba In this new dispension you now can exercise your freedom of expression without fear, one of the many achievements under Ed's leadership
Anonymous · 1 year ago
'Without fear @Miss Jessica really? Are you serious? People who can only exercise their freedom of expression in its true sense are people like you who belong to Zanu Pf How many people have been persecuted for not towing the line and having different viewpoints from Zanu Pf? You must be out of your mind madam
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Miss Jessica, you cannot win any argument with people who have positioned themselves in life to be servants. They are forever looking for a master.
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
🤣🤣Jessica u are running away from the issue here. @Anonymous did u see that kuti that Zanu anonzvenga nyaya. I said if ED was given UAE or Sweden those nations would fall economy under Zanu. Bvu bvu agrees with me. If Zanu was so good we would praising it to the point that we would say it change any economy for the better. So Jessica come on girl u already the truth that Zanu is the worst of the worst.
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Yes the Zimbabwean constitution allows freedom of expression but that right must not be abused either :under Section 61(5) and you will be convicted
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
@blackadam I did not digress from the issue raised but I'm also saying you need to also appreciate noticeable achievements done by the new dispensation under ED. Not to only see its flaws some of which are a propaganda from various institutions pushing for regime change in Zimbabwe. And I've stated one difference from Mugabe's era and now, which is the freedom of expression you all enjoy now...
Black Adam ⚡ · 1 year ago
@Jessica so u agree with the point that ED and his government will ruin economies of nations that are progressive right? U must be living under a rock, there is no freedom of expression, do u live in Zim? WINKY D CAN'T EVEN SING THE SONG IBOSTO. WINKY D WAS FORBIDDEN.
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
I always thought you were better than this @blackadam Both the government and zanu pf have spokespersons who handle communications and if winky was banned those would be the channels right. To digress and to disagree have completely different meanings my friend.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
'We have no hard feelings towards the Queen The guy we didn' t like is that young man Tony Blair I don't know where he is now' ED once upon a time boasted😂😂😂 How circumstances change He is now boasting that he went to Britain met and shook hand with Tony Blair !!! He now seems to know where to find him
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
@Miss Jessica 🤣🤣I know you don't have airtime and ED has dissapointed you coz he failed to deliver for the past 5 years. Zanu cannot make Zim a great nation. CCC will make it great. With Zanu there are many Gold mafias and Diamond smugglers. We have many minerals that are being smuggled out almost every day.
me · 1 year ago
not to mention multiple Farm owners
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
@bigdhara haaa Honorable Ed has done exceptionally well as President of Zimbabwe Under the circumstances.
· 1 year ago
@¹Miss Jessica, sure he has done wonders - as patron of Gold Mafia
El Chapo · 1 year ago
@Miss Jessica kusas....rwa uko
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Only if people know that the so called snub will be used as a propaganda tool. It is not good for the country. Those who celebrate the snub are very short sighted and will never learn anything.
· 1 year ago
Call me any and all the names you want, but I am one black Zimbabwean celebrating the snub.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
There was no snub. It is an imagina of the haters like Pachedu who, the gullible believe have the ability to tap on confidential conversationas.
Water Miner · 1 year ago
@Anonymous, kana uchiti hapana snub apa unoreva waide adirwe mucheka here?
· 1 year ago
ko ambassador Angel akavaona here
· 1 year ago
uyo akahwanda kuDubai
chigubhu · 1 year ago
Are they 2 Patriots in this group?
Me · 1 year ago
Yea, one real patriot and the other, a ZANU jingoist.
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
@Jeko Spero That is the plague Dependency Syndrome . A nation is able to built itself and become self sufficient on its own. You are correct when you say every Zimbo is born in debt - a mental deficiency an inferiority complex that we should move away from and become the great Nation without western and Britain's ideology ...
· 1 year ago
... you can start by abandoning writing especially in the King's Language. Secondly, return from literature to orature (oral history) because the west brought the ability to read and write. Kana waanhume yaMambo inoshevedzera dare nemuromo wozoedza kuti paridzira kushata kwevarungu.
Passion Java · 1 year ago
Ngeiii, twaaabam, ED mbambaira, tswibi. Holy hundred. Ndakapfeka bhachi re 20 000usd asi iwewe une nzara. Honouring
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
@Pachedu He is boasting about the discussions he had of which we are not privy to know the contents but one thing are know for certain is that he emphasised that reengagement was going to be on our terms and conditions NOT being told what to implement so as to be part of the commonwealth. On the note I see no relevance of the commonwealth league ,it has become redundant like the association for war veterans .....
· 1 year ago
If :we are not privy to know the contents.." how come you are so certain that Garwe emphasized reentry on his terms? If he was powerful enough to bulldoze his way into the Commonwealth why hasha done so in the past 6 years? Usangogwauta sembwa yaTarumbwa mhani. Usataure nezvekwausina kuswera
Patriot · 1 year ago
ed was given goat skinning job whilst ana kagame doing meaningful discussions what a shame
Anonymous · 1 year ago
And you think that is great for the country. You will pay for that
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They are very naive, they actually gave him the treatment that he wanted
· 1 year ago
No, they gave him the treatment he deserved
coni · 1 year ago
at good fighter don't be angry about bvu bvuu bvumbururu ye ndege he is not the one in charge of uk affairs instead blamed ed and zanupf for poor governance vote wisely vote Nero yellow
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
coni waka verenga here nyaya yake yane zuro ya bvu bvu? It was entertaining
Patriot · 1 year ago
Thank u Mr President. You are a diplomat par excellency. The UK is now beginning to realise that it made a huge mistake by sanctioning Zim as evidenced by their invitation of cde ED. The ball is in the British gvt hands to take full advantage of this opportunity to mend ties with Zim and shame sell outs and puppets like CCC and Nelson Chamisa. The re engagement policy is starting to bear fruits for real as witnessed by our economy which is on an upward trajectory.
· 1 year ago
Taneta nekunzwa mashoko enyu ekuzvisimbisa. Recently you were on cloud 9 because ED Shweeee met Tony Blair. Nhasi mavara azara ivhu because mwana wemuIndia harambe kukuonaika? Seka hako Shumba MadyaMombe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is nonsencical. The event was about the Mornachy, not thre government. Obviously you have no clue about the structure of power of the Unted Kingdom. After all, Sunik is only in a caretaker capacity, pending the next elections. I doubt if he has any good brief about Zimbabwe.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
On the contrary it's you @Anonymous who is clueless Who told you that Sunak(not Sunik as you say) is there in a caretaker capacity? And what 'good brief about Zimbabwe' are you talking about?
Patriot · 1 year ago
team pachedu is right this is a trip of shame if it was fruitful like ed said he should have meet sunaki and king Charles vacho anyway ngaapinde hake MKOMANA takanonanganisa Pana Chamisa ipapo vote wisely
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
Why should we let Britain and the West be the authors of our destiny? What is so important about that brat Sunik and the King Charles? Dependency syndrome! A Great Nation is made by you and me , we the people of Zimbabwe, we refuse to be puppets and remain insignificant in world affairs. Big up the Gold Mafias who always find ways to circumvent sanctions and live blissfully in this nation. Woes to the puppets of the worst ,woe to Chamisa , may you and your followers continue to stink in poverty and die with the delusional hope that Chamisa will be President and the country will be whole again kkkkk Nyika inowakwa nevene wayo
Pachedu · 1 year ago
Why is he boasting about attending when he is aware that the British are brats? Why is he keen on being readmitted to. Commonwealth if we are to go by your rantings?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ask him? I am not bothered to be out or in.
Jeke sparo · 1 year ago
No country lives in isolation, every Zimbabwean born today is born in debt
Captain Jack Sparrow · 1 year ago
Why should we let Britain and the West be the authors of our destiny? What is so important about that brat Sunik and the King Charles? Dependency syndrome! A Great Nation is made by you and me , we the people of Zimbabwe, we refuse to be puppets and remain insignificant in world affairs. Big up the Gold Mafias who always find ways to circumvent sanctions and live blissfully in this nation. Woes to the puppets of the worst ,woe to Chamisa , may you and your followers continue to stink in poverty and die with the delusional hope that Chamisa will be President and the country will be whole again kkkkk Nyika inowakwa nevene wayo
· 1 year ago
Dyoooo, zvagwabvura. Zuro uno maipembera kuti Gule waNkulu ashevedzwa naMambo wevachena. Ko nhasi?
SC · 1 year ago
pindula has improved picture quality
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
kkkkkkkk , sure they improve their pic quality, look musoro waKembo kani , kkkkkkk imika
Me · 1 year ago
ko waiye? ne face yacho? Ini ziiiii zvangu semunhu mukuru.
@zupco · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ndanga ndisina kuupihwa musoro uyo haaaaaaa surrender mhani
Muderedzwa · 1 year ago
Zimbabweans are not donkeys who can b abused without someone rising a red flag. Simba rekubvuta rinoremera mubvuti
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌Patricia akaramba ku pfee pfeedzwa naED. She knows ED is a crocodile, i am happy kuti hapana chakabuda, very good UK. ED is not my president. Chamisa is the true president of Zimbabweans. Under ED Zimbabwe will never be added into the commonwealth. Well done Prime Minister for snubbing Mudhara uyo anonhuhwa mukanwa, he is 80 years old he should be in a retirement home. He couldnt even illustrate how to write 2,5 million hahaha. #RESPECT!!!
good fighter · 1 year ago
get away.... Chiii chinonakidza ipapa.The current situation is affecting us all and ukufarira kuti hapana chakabuda.heeee Chamisa heeee Chamisa kudiiko kwacho
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Hahaha The revolutionary party yaitisa vanhu mafindipfuwa shuwaa, how can His Excellency ED.M be snubbed at an event he was formally invited to? 🤣 This Coalition of Confused Citizens are a bunch of clowns!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Its because they don't know the meaning of invitation and the meaning of snub.
· 1 year ago
Being formally invited and being given a cold shoulder are two totally different things. Yes, he was invited, but in the process was given a cold shoulder (snubbed).
Anonymous · 1 year ago
But how do you know , he was given a cold shoulder. Was he not there at the coronation. Your ignorance is appalling. If the British government had time for each of the heads of state and government attending the event, they would have need WHOLE MONTH TO ATTEND TO EACH ONE OF THEM.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ko mungati kudii ma ccc. muri kurwadziwa. uk prime minister assigned others to meet munangagwa on his behalf. PM had a tight schedule. pasi na chamisa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂 Firimoni ndiwe wave neschedule yaRishi Sunak wave kuti anga aribusy Zvaurifuza chairo
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
@X² you type with so much absurdity, His Excellency was the one in attendence and if he acknowledges that it was a success then it was a success. Speculation dzenyu dzepasi pemuti idzi, ndedzeikoko
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If your grandfather smell from his mouth don't think every 80 years old does. In the scheme of things, what is the Commonwealth. There are more countries outside the Commonwealth than those with in it.
· 1 year ago
So if the Commonwealth is a non entity, why is your president so eager to join it?
Truth · 1 year ago
So other presidents and heads of state got to meet the prime minister of UK and H.E Mnangagwa didn't 🤔 , huh

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