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Mutsvangwa Explains Why ED Missed Photoshoot With King Charles III

1 year agoTue, 09 May 2023 08:45:35 GMT
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Mutsvangwa Explains Why ED Missed Photoshoot With King Charles III

ZANU PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa said that President Emmerson Mnangagwa was not part of the heads of State and government who had a photo opportunity with King Charles III because Zimbabwe is not a Commonwealth member.

Mutsvangwa said this in response to reports Mnangagwa was snubbed during King Charles III’s coronation in London on Saturday.

Speaking on the sidelines of the burial of national hero Abraham Kabasa in Harare on Monday, Mutsvangwa said:

We are not a member of the Commonwealth, the President is determined that we should be readmitted into the group of nations.

Mutsvangwa added that Zimbabwe does not have the right to get close and personal with the king as it is not a Commonwealth member. He said:

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But as for Zimbabwe, we did not have the right because we are not yet a member of the grouping.

When we become a member, we would be part of those who will be close to the king.

We want to engage with countries that we have cordial relationships and re-engage those we have had frosty relationships with in the past.

Our President always says we are friends to all and enemies to none.

We were happy that our President was invited to King Charles III’s coronation.

When he was still a prince, he lowered the Union Jack (British flag) and raised the Zimbabwean flag after we had won the liberation struggle in 1980.

It’s a person who we like a lot and it was imperative for the President to attend.

This shows that the engagement between Harare and London is going in a good direction.

Meanwhile, other African leaders who attended Charles III’s coronation had the opportunity to meet Prime Minister Rishi Sunak but Mnangagwa got to meet the United Kingdom’s Minister for Africa, Andrew Mitchell.

Mnangagwa also met Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland who emphasised Commonwealth values in their discussion centred on re-admission.

Scotland said she was “pleased o welcome the President of Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa to Marlborough House for a courtesy call.”

She said they discussed a range of issues, including Zimbabwe’s ongoing application to rejoin the Commonwealth and reaffirmed the commitment to the values of the Commonwealth.

More: Pindula News



Patriot · 1 year ago
Yaa tell them Chris . These gyz ma CCC they don't understand politics
Hondo · 1 year ago
Vanhu vose vano sapota Zanu pf vakadyiswa **** evakuru vakuru ve Zanu pf pfungwa dzavo handicha shandi mushe sa Mutsvangwa nemukadzidzi wake wavano sheyana
Remember the Glasgow Scotland · 1 year ago
Aaaah the same nepaya pakambo nyepwa kuti i had a face meeting na Boris Johnson paya ku Glasgow Summit gore riya onwhich the secretary to Boris by then refused that filth
JAY · 1 year ago
hjjk · 1 year ago
Saka toziva sei kuri maiveko nhai kiri
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I thought Zimbabwe did not want to have any connection with the Imperialist Dogs? You change your tune to suit your mood, if you are not getting your way you castigate and now you hold out the hand looking for Commonwealth funds.
Hokage · 1 year ago
indava soo uchitaura ma dho dho , shuwa ungati Britian Imperialist dogs?? asi wakazvarwa ku North Korea kani?You sound as if Kim Jong Un has been shoving his propaganda up your as s since you we're born.
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
Ndarota zi Garwe 🐊 richibuda kubva murwizi rakapfeka scarf but riri wounded. This injured big crocodile then died and then vultures surrounded it and feasted on its flesh. Suddenly a yellow eagle flew above it singing wadonha wadonhedzwa nevamwe vako
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
chimuka ubike doro unwe wangu chero chi one day. zviroto zviroto
f c uk z a n u · 1 year ago
f u c k y ou and f u c k z a n u
z a n u s t i nk s · 1 year ago
z a n u p f st i nk ss a lot
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Kuchemera selfie naMambo. Nde zve ku mama
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
🌘🌙🌙 🌬️ ndarota Chamisa zvichinzi ahwina ,68% winning margin
Patriotic citizen · 1 year ago
2023 election results : Zanu PF- 37% CCC- 61% MDC-T - 1% Other parties -1% Chamisa will win. l assure you 100%.Takaenda kunovhotera nero yellow aka @Change Champion.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
muka ubike doro
good fighter for law and justice · 1 year ago
@¹miss Jessica kkkk munhu kusvika pakuzvim@mir@ celebrating kuti president wake haana kutorwa photo naCharles
Patriotic citizen · 1 year ago
Vote for Nelson Chamisa nero yellow. Nyika icharamba ichitambura if you vote for ZANU PF so vote for Chamisa Chete Chete(CCC) *Kupika naMai vangu Nero ndomuda* *ZveZanu ndozvandisingade mumba mangu*
good fighter · 1 year ago
i have a feeling bigger than before that we are still colonised mentally.The white people left but they didn't decolonize our minds . whole people jumping up and down happy that their president was snubbed by the uk PM and the king ...Whose king , what King Which Kingdom, where??????? I'm hurt
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
U are the one who is still colonised in the mind because you support Zanu, u are a slave to ED. Wakapaata plus u aren't an intellect. U love suffering
Hokage · 1 year ago
@good Fighter the King is Charles the Third and he is the King of the greatest monarch on earth , He is the King of a great nation called England , He is an extremely powerful person , able to influence anything in any territory
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Especially @X² akaita seachazviwetera nemufaro, kufarira zvinhu zvemhanga-mhanga
Hokage · 1 year ago
@Yoyoyo 😂😂😂 it's true , good fighter you should change your name to evil fighter , because you're extremely evil , also you're addicted to poverty and suffering, You're satisfied with your life even though you have never lived to your full extent, you're a pathetic little fool who will die suffering in a hospital that is ill equipped and also you'll die alone because all your relatives will die on their way to visit you because of the horrible state of our roads , I wish you the worst and hope you burn to death.
good fighter · 1 year ago
@hokage you are prisoner yourself because one who has no love and respect for his neighbor is a miserable person and have peace.he is a prisoner of his own deeds.i wish you joy and happiness and happiness and above all i wish you Love
Water Miner · 1 year ago
@good fighter, akain**** ndiye achiri nhapwa yevarungu. aindo batei ikoko?
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
@Yoyoyoooooo , 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa is ruing the failure of his boss to be taken a photo together with King Charles Iii. [ UNTIL ZIMBABWE PERFECTS ITS HUMAN TIGHTS RECORD, IT SHALL ALWAYS NOT MIX WITH THE KING OF ENGLAND ] I must however admit that the President is making sure that he reminds youths to be peaceful as we go into Harmonised Elections. I humbly request the President not to preach peace by day and preach violence by night. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If the photoshoot was for Commonweaqlth heads of State and Governments , why fussing about it. I am sure there are many more invited guests to the occasion who don't appear in that photo.
Patriot · 1 year ago
the photoshoot was meant for people who value the rule of law who are not corrupt and who never launder money so you see why your ed was snabbed neva given the chance to get close to the prime minister and king Charles
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 @Yoyoyo nhasi ndaseka zvangu. Patriot dai watomboenda hako in hiding. Nice one Yoyoyo #RESPECT!!!
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
whats new about photographs, unofunga age ya ed ichiri kuona maphotos sechinhu chinebasa here.
Ziggy · 1 year ago
pamberi Na VaMnangagwa, Pamberi ne Zanu Pf ✊✊ tarisa kunaka kwaita Zimbabwe mwana wevhu , usakanganwe kwakabva nyika , Gore rino tinoda kuti bato redu ratinodisisa reZanu Pf rihwine zvakare tiite dzimwe 5 years dzakanaka kwazvo , udzanai udzanai muvhotere Zanu Pf , gore rino tirikuda 5 mirion vhotsi hatisi kuita zvekuutamba , tarisa uone kunaka kuri kuita Zimbabwe , yohwe maihwe kani😭😭😭 shuwa pasi pano hapana hurumende yakanaka kudai . VOTE4ED VISION 2030
Bhoso s · 1 year ago
Dzitorimo ere kna dzakatamba nepwere nhai bhangu.
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
👏🤣🤣🤣Ziggy hahaha, @Yoyoyo ndiye anechimuti
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Asi unogara kumapfanya kai
coni · 1 year ago
we have miss jessica here also hu*re rinongoda madhara achembera kunge kusina vakomana shame on you vote out machembere a miss jessica wezanu vote wisely vote Nero yellow
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
iii hehehe
Tatesha · 1 year ago
did you know that you can chat on the pindula app including joining chat rooms
Hwisiri · 1 year ago
Which icon is that dear
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
@Tatesha hw ???
Patriot · 1 year ago
haà mutsvangwa anoreva nhema zvese zvaataura kunyepa chaiko unonyadzisa nxaa anyway go and vote wisely vote Nero yellow we CCC
Sir EEZY · 1 year ago
Ukwane iwe chiClown cheZanu hindaa uchiita kunge ****
Citizens Coalition of Clowns AKA CCC · 1 year ago
Britain yacho hatina kana Basa nayo chero dai President ED vasina kukokwa haana chatinobva zvekut he was snubbed izvo I bullsh3t
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Makadiyi kuramba. Maifunga kuti munosvotesa CCC. Hamuna brain, really dunderheads. Britain haina basa nemadunderheads. Mbavha cannot be friends of go on dreaming
zamunda · 1 year ago
Hooo nhai
zamunda · 1 year ago
Urikuda kutisimbisa here mutsvagwa, 🤣🤣🤣
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Zvaitwa nePindula on this article ndoozvatinoti kufadza njere, especially dze the minority group -Coalition of Confused Clowns (ccc). Headline and the story itself are completely different Hahaha.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Are we reading the same story @Miss Jessica or maybe I am missing something? Mutsvangwa is explaining that we are not in the Commonwealth and that's why Mnangagwa did no participate in the photoshoot and that's what the headline says What then are you talking about?
Puluzuzu · 1 year ago
Zvidhara nezvi sekuru zveZANU zvakuona kuti LOOK EAST and you we see Chinese Eating snakes& dogs. Look up to Russia and you'll see war mongering oligarchs drunk on VODKA. Britain & USA are the real deal. That's why the old people have their tongues so deep inside Britain's butt-crack, licking profusely, begging to be re-admitted into the rectum of the British Commonwealth. The British used to build real infrastructure & through British companies like Old Mutual, BP, Shell, BAT, Ango-American Corporation, Rio-Tinto, Standard Chartersed etc etc, they used to make real investments. Unlike the squint eyed Chinese who are never seen in a local bank.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
For your inormation, Western Europe is looking East more than any other region of the world. HAve you got any idea of how much Chinese investment there is in UK, USA, and other countries.?

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