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Mnangagwa Saved King Charles III’s Life, Claims George Charamba

1 year agoSun, 14 May 2023 08:49:29 GMT
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Mnangagwa Saved King Charles III’s Life, Claims George Charamba

Presidential spokesperson George Charamba has claimed that President Emmerson Mnangagwa saved the new British monarch, King Charles III’s life, from Rhodesians who wanted to kill him during the colonial era.

Posting on Twitter using one of his accounts, Tinoedza Zvimwe, Charamba claimed Mnangagwa was invited to Charles III’s coronation on 06 May 2023 after he saved the latter from assassination by Rhodesians. He wrote:

Charles, now King Charles III, would have been killed by Rhodesians, except for a tip-off from a Rhodesian intelligence officer to the current President, then as state security minister.

That all explains why ED had to be at King Charles’ coronation, and why relations with the UK are fated for a reset under President ED! Enjoy!

Meanwhile, some social media users mocked Mnangagwa saying he was snubbed during King Charles III’s coronation in London on Saturday.

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However, ZANU PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa said that Mnangagwa was not part of the heads of State and government who had a photo opportunity with King Charles III because Zimbabwe is not a Commonwealth member.

Speaking on the sidelines of the burial of national hero Abraham Kabasa in Harare on Monday, Mutsvangwa said:

We are not a member of the Commonwealth, the President is determined that we should be readmitted into the group of nations.

Mutsvangwa added that Zimbabwe does not have the right to get close and personal with the king as it is not a Commonwealth member. He said:

But as for Zimbabwe, we did not have the right because we are not yet a member of the grouping.

When we become a member, we would be part of those who will be close to the king.

We want to engage with countries that we have cordial relationships and re-engage those we have had frosty relationships with in the past.

Our President always says we are friends to all and enemies to none.

We were happy that our President was invited to King Charles III’s coronation.

When he was still a prince, he lowered the Union Jack (British flag) and raised the Zimbabwean flag after we had won the liberation struggle in 1980.

It’s a person who we like a lot and it was imperative for the President to attend.

This shows that the engagement between Harare and London is going in a good direction.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Chigrade chiri kuputwa naGeorge Charamba...Ka ...Ma1...!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
After reading all the comments and the article i made a finding that Africans will never dissociate from colonial bondage and zimbabwe will never be free from it. What has zimbabwe have to do with the monarchy when it claims to be a democracy. Something is not right here.
Hombre · 1 year ago
Ask the 'sworn' enemy of the West who suddenly gets so excited about being invited by our fairskinned brethren from the Buckingham Palace. If it was Nero who had been invited, a law would have been fast tracked outlawing invitations by colonialists. We needed whites to hold the Lancaster House talks. We needed Lord Soames to takeover power from Smith as Governor. We needed Prince Charles to lower the Union Jack. Putting the past behind, black, white, brown, red, green, we all need each other. The West needs our resources and we need their money.
Mutadza · 1 year ago
What is George Charamba smoking these days
· 1 year ago
Hillbillies Auctioneers · 1 year ago
ED Mnangagwa was not a government official during 17 April 1980 but was Robert Mugabe's personnel head of security ( Senior Bodyguard ) the fact was the intact Rhodesian Special Branch ( future Zim C10 ) was sharing intelligence information with a black majority winning party ZANUPF and on Mr Mugabe resuming government leadership portfolio as a leader Mr ED Mnangagwa was appointed as Prime Minister's Private Secretary the same position given to Mrs Grace Marufu nee future Mrs Grace Mugabe
Citizen · 1 year ago
Ekzekrii. Ndizvo chaizvo. Wagona. Zanu yanga isati yotonga. There was the Rhodesian government that time. Jojo is trying to rewrite history. I wonder how many times Zanu has changed the history of this country. Ndikajoina Zanu nhasi ndichirova povo chaizvo havanonoki kundinyepera kuti ndiri muwar veteran.
5 · 1 year ago
ko anonyeperei kudaro
Gono · 1 year ago
Some people steal credit even from the devil. Their works are void of any credit.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They want relationship with the west but they call opposition puppet of the west is this not hypocrisy
Anchorage · 1 year ago
nope, it's pure politics
Mr Man · 1 year ago
it's politics...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
George Spy if I understand you well, it's not ED who saved the now King's life but a Rhodesia Intelligence Officer. Who informed the Minister as per protocol. If the Rhodesia Intelligence Officer decides not to do his work like what's happening today with you George and other CIO the King' who have been killed. Hats off to the Rhodesian Intelligence Officer. The King has to honour him not ED.
· 1 year ago
aikaka nanhasi nyaya yekusatorwa pikicha naking ichiri kukunetsai anaJoji.makutozvipa pressure mega ikoko 🤣🤣🤣🤣
coni · 1 year ago
joji anonyepa we don't listen to nonsense hogwash msg he was snabbed chete
Anonymous · 1 year ago
👋👋👋👋Well tried Jojo Tinoedza Zvimwe but very few people will believe you...even the Zanoids on this platform @Patriot and company I believe are also saying you are talking nonsense 😂😂😂😂😂
Hokage · 1 year ago
It would have been better to stay a colony , now just as Smith predicted the Blacks have ruined everything
Mr Man · 1 year ago
speak for yourself.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He did.
· 1 year ago
I feel the same as @Hokage
Fae · 1 year ago
Jojo chenjera
doug · 1 year ago
A few weeks ago it was reported that a white man who had served in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe security services had saved the life of the prince (now king) and that of our country 's first president had passed away in the UK.
Vusa · 1 year ago
He is the white Rhodesian officer mentioned in the article
Sir Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
Kkkkk ko chii chanetsa futi haudiwe haudiwe full stop
Bluewhales · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂Joji huya pano
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Why are people making a fuss about the presence of Mnangagwa at King Charles' coronoation and his absence from the group photo. Was Mnangagwa the only Head of State absent from that photo?
· 1 year ago
Warwadziwa nei? The fact of the matter is that the man was snubbed, no matter how much whitewash his acolytes want to apply. Anyway, what Jojo Chiramba fails to inform us is why he wanted to keep Robert Mugabe in Maputo at the crucial time when should have been leading ZANU from the front ahead of the 1980 plebiscite.
Musafare · 1 year ago
True. Akaenda hanzi aendereyi akatorwa pic hanzi atorerwei, akasatorwa imhisva futi. Kuend kwaakaita imhisva akasaenda imhisva pekare. Tikasazvirespecta pachedu no one will respect us. The hate we have for each other and our leadership even June hondo chaiko hakuna zvakadaro.. Mweya weruvengo nekusafunga zvava gomarara chairo kune vamwe vedu.
👁️ 👃 👁️ · 1 year ago
ngu**** loooooo 😂😂😂😂
Dladla · 1 year ago
kkkkkkk ayi into zezimbabwe zinkwethu
Ba Dee · 1 year ago
Shame. E d will never be a friend of Charles due to his cruelity to his fellow Zimbos

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