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"Marriage" Ends After In-laws Demand Lobola Top Up

1 year agoFri, 19 May 2023 07:48:57 GMT
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"Marriage" Ends After In-laws Demand Lobola Top Up

A Mutasa couple was reportedly married for a few minutes before the bride’s parents broke off the union after finding out that the man was not a virgin, and was in fact, a divorcee.

The man, Prince Stefano (30) of Mandeya Village, told The Manica Post that he paid a bride price of US$345 for 21-year-old Chiedza Mudzedze who is said to be a virgin. He said:

I paid US$345 as the bride price. That is what had been communicated to me. However, when we went for the bride price-paying ceremony, they demanded US$800, which I did not have.

They said they would only give me my wife after paying the full amount, but these were only delaying tactics.

They did not want me to marry Chiedza because they had found out that I have a nine-year-old son.

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Stefano said he paid the bride price on 3 March this year but the Mudzedze family recently informed him that they would refund him his money. He said:

Chiedza is a virgin, I understand, but her family is just bitter. Her bitter sister sent me voice notes saying I was a pauper and that as a family, they had agreed that I will not be able to take care of her sister.

He said he has approached Chiedza’s family to get a reimbursement, but they seem reluctant to refund him.

Chiedza, who is from Nyatsuro Village, Honde Valley, told The Manica Post that she is worth more than US$345 as she is a virgin. She said:

I am a virgin and where in this world have you heard of a virgin being married for that lousy amount? I am still young.

I am only 21 and will eventually find someone worthy of me, someone who has never been with another woman.

Prince wasted my time and lied to me that he was a virgin too. Had I not probed him, he would not have told me of his previous marriage.

I will not compete with another woman for him. Do you think his ex-wife will be happy if she hears that he married me?

We will give him his money but on our own terms. He should stop sending people here. You can also tell him that he is a loser.

Chiedza’s sister, who refused to identify herself, said Prince disrespected her family for showing up for the lobola ceremony dressed in a pair of ripped Denim trousers, a work-suit jacket and some crocs slippers. She said:

It was shameful for him to show up like that. What sort of dressing is that? We will not have it as a family.

It shows that he is very disrespectful. We will refund him when we feel like it.

As it is, we feel as if we deserve that money because they did not even bring any groceries, save for one chicken.

We prepared them our food, yet they had come with a car. They pretended to be well up, yet they are not.

Prince’s aunt, Tsitsi Munyebvu Stefano said her family is planning to report the matter to the traditional leadership of the area so that they get a refund. She said:

This is a family of crooks. They should have told us that they had decided otherwise before accepting Prince’s money.

I don’t know why Prince went for the lobola ceremony while donning a pair of ripped jeans and informal shoes.

What I know is that he is a good man. He did not know that he had a son until last year when his ex-wife told him.

Can that really be held against someone? I do not think so.

The families should find each other so that we can move forward. We love our daughter-in-law and I believe she also loves Prince.

In Zimbabwe, virginity is highly valued as a sign of purity, chastity, and moral fortitude but in most cases focus is on the bride rather than the bridegroom.

It is believed that a virgin wife will be more faithful, loyal, and submissive to her husband.

More: Pindula News



siya mwana aende kumurume iwe · 1 year ago
uyo atova mkadzi wemunhu tichitarisa African tradition. as long baba vasina kudzosa mari yose vatoita ngozi svinu. uchaita musha wemaVirgin
ras · 1 year ago
$350USD yimali encane kakhulu for a virgin, maybe ngabe ukhuluma nge$2000 coz I still remember mina ngikhipha R17000 for the first time
lobola does have fixed amount · 1 year ago
as long as they took that little amount its confirm she is taken
Patriotic citizen · 1 year ago
l agree with you
jb · 1 year ago
Ngavape munhu Mari yake aaaaah imbavha dzevanhu vaimboigamuchirirei in the first place
Chief · 1 year ago
Kkk munhu haana mari kkk,
chaurura · 1 year ago
kuenda kundoroora wakapfeka faded jean rakachekwa chekwa mumabvi nemasilopa ( mavandiragudo) apa wouya nemota une $345 ,pamusoro pekunyepera vanhu kuti uri jaya iwe une mwana ane 9yrs anofanira kutoripa sabhuku Mari $20 yekunyepa mudunhu ravo uye kupfeka kwakafumuka izvozvi zvikada zvaive zvimajean zviya zvinosungirwa mumabvi
👀 · 1 year ago
Chokwadi ndechekuti haaa zverudo hapana hapana. Ngaaende hake mukomana , it's not a bad thing kupihwa advice from your family ndivo vanomira news. ukaenda ku interview warova dressing iyo ungasvore company here uchiti but ndatoshandisa mari yangu ye transport kuuya ku interview. A 30 year old adult haaa, hadzidhonze zvachose
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The guy played it wrong. He should have impregnated he girl. That way , he was going to marry her on his own terms. She might noit be a virgin afterall.
👀👀 · 1 year ago
Proverbs 27 vs 12 handina kuwedzera kana kutapudza
signor · 1 year ago
haaa 345 kuti akutenga Galaxy s10 5g here
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
This family was incensed by the fact that the man is poor, they want to use their daughter's virginity to attract a rich man. In their minds, a rich man is waiting for a virgin out there. I don't see anything wrong in a single father who make it a requirement that his bride has to be a virgin; as long as he is paying lobola, he has the right to demand what he thinks his money is worth
Kule Kule · 1 year ago
aikaka!!! uku ndiko kunohi kugwara njere chaiko. kukara kwenyu uku ka, de mari yacho ichidhliwa nomuridzi we vhijiniti yacho zvaitombo hwikwa.
Rita · 1 year ago
agara asingade mukomana wake zvekuti Mari kana kuti anga akapfeka zvakadii hazvina kana basa inini chero asina Mari love itoripo zvinotondiitira iro ritori **** kuda kupfumisa vanhu vekumba kwavo vangani vakaroorwa vasina kubvisirwa kana kuti murume anenge ane vana vake vakawanda wani
inini · 1 year ago
virgin haitaurwe nemuromo mhani imi kamwana aka kari kufurirwa nevanhu ava iyo family yacho yese yanga yakaungana vakaroora nekuroorwa vari virgin here musha wemapenzi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Asi muface akatadzawo kutsvaka 5 dhombi kuti isvikewo pa350 here? 😂😂😂😂
NHUBU · 1 year ago
@ Anonymous vandipedza wena hahahahhahahahahahaha, ini ZVANGU I don't support tsaga uyo wekuuya kuzoroora nemota iye akapfeka manyangiradahwa, no 345, kuwunganidzira vanhu 345, apa kutozouya vakapfeka jangi futi
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Sisi mukana uyu muchaudemba zvenyu. Kuroorwa makore ano haasi ma funnies.
Grandpa Rick · 1 year ago
Ko roora ye less than 1ndekupi uko
Ano · 1 year ago
Imbavha idzo paakauya akapfeka marengenya wangadai wasina kutambira mari yake they are too proud of themselves. MaGold digger akaona muti mwana wawo imhandara ndiani
Tanie · 1 year ago
ka sisi kacho kanzenza kana kakapenga kadii kakaroorwawo family of crooks indeed muchamudemba divorcee ivavo
coni · 1 year ago
kaskana ako kanotodada hako virgin inoshamisireiko..variko izvezvi vatorimo mudzimba vakapinda ne virgin iyoyo asi akuna kana cent rakaendeswa watowana anotobvisa shoma oda kudada siyai kakadaro akana acharoora ako kachamitiswa zvivana zvisina baba Mwari vadhakwe you sold your destiny to the devil uchamushaya achakubvisira 10us$ chaiyo mark my words
cid · 1 year ago
. Why blame the guy for his failed marriage maybe his first wife was wrong,,,,ngavamupe Mari yake zvopera,,,so pa vakati awedzerwa 800 dai akavaka zvaizoita aite virgin here? NXAA dzinza rembavha. Ngavamupe 345 yake anoroora mvana ka hantie havamudi
. · 1 year ago
kuda kungotora wonoita zvawakaita wekutanga kuramba nxaaa ngaaroore mai vake vakamugona apa murombo futi asina kana chinhu mari yemajiggis ndoyaanounganidzira vanhu
Swae Lee · 1 year ago
haha😂 the bridegroom must be a virgin as well , that's an ok rule , too many whore men out there , my fellow men take lightly cheating and are not loyal and faithful, they are dogs those type of men , dogs I tell you they shame us all
gaffer · 1 year ago
The inlaws are right, i wouldn't want my virgin daughter go for less $350🙄...to some old folk. If it was my sister i would side with my father if he does that...#respectTheGirlChild she's Worth better
Swae Lee · 1 year ago
@gaffer , finally someone who actually respects women , these other fools would give away their girl child for pind of beer
the agent · 1 year ago
vhijini chiiko the entire concept behind the paying of lobola its not right. some of the prices anozotaurwa kaa munhu anosara akatotanga business nemari yeroora
APOLITICAL · 1 year ago
lobola it's not about money, it's about building relationship between two family. The mistake that we have these days is people value money more than the relationship that is yet to be established. Demanding more money for lobola it doesn't show that you value your daughter, on the other hand becareful of that system for it will seem as if you are selling your child or exchanging her for money. Don't mis interpret lobola that way,the use of money is means of showing you appreciate what your soon to be inlaws did by taking care of your soon to be wife. look at western countries culture they value relationship more than money for bride price. A relationship between two families in western countries can be simple be built without exchange of money. The problem is people value more money, you see lobola as a means of financial stability or breakthrough. Less charging doesn't mean your daughter is valueless no, you prioritize building relationship than money
Big Boy · 1 year ago
haaaaa iweeeee chimwe chimari hachiiti mheni aaaaaaah apa uridhara, mwana ane9 Yrz aaaaah musikana angaasata akuziva chinonzi mukomana,APA iwewangawatove neMwana
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Virgin yokudii ko. Haiwavo. Ko kana akazora zvimafuta zvekuti pashinye. Ngaazvibvise virginity yacho. Anopenga. Dai vakagara varega kutambira mari yemunhu
Mm · 1 year ago
usabvume munhu vasiri virgin... Tiza neupenyu hwako
the agent · 1 year ago
vhijini vhijini kudiiko😂😂 Kane presha kamwana Ako watowana munhu anouya nesomething woti hee ndiri vhijini kkkk
Puluzuzu · 1 year ago
Musikana ngaaende hake ku Roman Catholic Church aite Sister (nun with a sealed nunu). Everyone loses virginity at some point or another. Hakuna anofa nayo. Mariya amai vaJesu ndivo chete Virgin yakambozvara. Nyaya ndeyekuti vane undyire nemakaro. Vaida kuitengesawo mwanasikana kuti vapfume. Marriage kukechwa for the rest of your life, but the money goes to your parents. Zveshuwa hurombo huroyi. Spiritually, she is already someone's wife because the bride price was received and never refunded. Manje vachagara nako kaVhejaz kavo kusvika kaxhembera kasina murume...
.😳 · 1 year ago
mese amuna kukwana how can you publish your matters, what will it change by letting the world know about private life. 1) you have embarrassed the girl yet to be married, she will live in embarrassed facing mockery daily. something's you need to first think about the negative impact on it all. 2)The one who was yet to be the son in-law you are the most craziest one, you should have denied to comment, to avoid your names being tarnished like that. publishing your failures to the world won't solve anything,

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