
Pay Teachers Decent Salaries, ZIMTA Tells Government

Pay Teachers Decent Salaries, ZIMTA Tells Government

The Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) has urged the Government to alleviate teachers’ suffering by paying them decent salaries.

ZIMTA acting secretary general Goodwill Taderera said that the employer should do away with RTGs-pegged salaries and pay teachers in US dollars. Said Taderera:

Things are so bad and teachers are suffering. We are getting into continuous borrowing to augment the poor salaries.

The call comes as the Zimbabwean dollar has lost value on both the formal and parallel markets which has resulted in sharp price increases.

Moreover, most manufacturers, retailers and other service providers are now demanding US Dollars.

ZIMTA has been demanding that the government reverts to the 2018 salaries which were pegged in US dollars when teachers were earning between US$500 and US$600 per month.

Other unions representing civil servants are asking for US$840 per month for the lowest-paid Government employee.

More: Pindula News
