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Opposition Leader Elisabeth Valerio Says Acquisition Of Air Ambulances Commendable

1 year agoSat, 20 May 2023 14:32:58 GMT
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Opposition Leader Elisabeth Valerio Says Acquisition Of Air Ambulances Commendable

The leader of the opposition United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA) party, Elisabeth Valerio, says there is nothing wrong with the Government buying air ambulances to capacitate the country’s health delivery system.

This comes after 18 out of 32 helicopters purchased from Russia were officially handed over to President Emmerson Mnangagwa at RGM International Airport in Harare on Thursday.

Twelve of the choppers were designated as air ambulances and six were assigned to the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).

The helicopters were reportedly delivered at a cost of US$10 million each, but some reports claim that the true value of each plane is US$2.5 million.

Valerio told Pindula News that UZA does not have sufficient information on the cost of the planes but be that as it may, the acquisition of the helicopters is commendable as long as they are used for the intended purpose. She said:

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We as a political party, and the public in general do not have sufficient information to assess the terms or cost-benefit analysis of this specific acquisition.

We do not see any problem with the acquisition of the helicopters as long as they are being used for their intended purpose.

The purchase of these helicopters on the surface complements the Sendai Framework for disaster reduction.

If it is good for the country, UZA has no reason to be in opposition to the development. The main concern we would have is around how this acquisition is being funded and how our country is paying for the helicopters.

In all developments, we as UZA are concerned about whether it is in the best interests of Zimbabweans and their national health service, and how that determination was made – or whether in truth the decision was driven by political or personal interests.

We also are skeptical, given the nature of such contracts, about whether this partnership is designed to support our woefully mismanaged rural healthcare system or is in fact targeted at medivac services for the political elite and wealthy at the expense of the majority of Zimbabweans.

The government of Zimbabwe should also prioritise service delivery, especially in the health sector for all citizens.

As a nation, we need to know our priorities and stop prioritising the politics of the day at the expense of the majority.

It is our fervent hope that the newly acquired helicopters will be used for the benefit of the citizens.

There is not much that we as UZA can do about this purchase now that the helicopters are already here.



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mafungiro emvana dzenyika haashamise...!
Bret · 1 year ago
Those so called ambulances are campaign tools for ZANU. Moving from Tsholotsho to Nkayi to Binga to Plumtree to Kwekwe. It has nothing to with health 🤣🤣🤣
Fae · 1 year ago
Basic things first equip medicines in hospitals pay the doctors and nurses wasted money who ever brought them is heartless shem
kwachu · 1 year ago
it's a pity many road ambulances could we have bought with the $380 million ....l weep over the death of my zimbabwe
stick · 1 year ago
learn to use our money wisely you go buy a selfie stick while your armpits really needs a shaving stick... u buy a bloototh speaker but you dont have a planket tikakwira ndege tatopora ere asi ndozvamofunga
faux · 1 year ago
we got chopers to go where, there is no medicine not even paracetamol , we go buy choppers we only have 1 working endoscopic machine in karanda mountdarwin everyone is supposed to use that on waiting list ,so even if u go by chopper to get your cancer scanned you will be scanned after a week or more so this whole thing is a haux
Crde Van Gal · 1 year ago
Why vesina kutanga vatenga mishonga yekurapa vanhu .nekubhadara ma Nurses.. Varwere vacho vatakurwa nezvima helcopter zvwacho vacharapiwa nei sezvo kusina mishinga
ini zvangu · 1 year ago
Matoto ehuku anokonzera Cholera here?
SC · 1 year ago
zvatinya ka, mukumatengesa marii ku masvingo uko😂😂
Cde · 1 year ago
Eriza you are a zanu project,we know you one murungu asina brain
Ishmael Ziyera · 1 year ago
spot on @sugar boy it doesn't make the slightest sense
cid · 1 year ago
UZA ndeip iyi😏? vakatowana mari yeku contester here ava
sugar boy · 1 year ago
it doesn't make any you are lifted by these ambulance to taken to hospital where there is no drugs and machine, still you will die.
gabon_viper · 1 year ago
kkkkkk apa wataura ...kwese kufa
ding dong · 1 year ago
ambulance yaive nane pakuti unogona kuisa ten litres yediesel murwere wobatsirika manje chopper inoda mafutazve
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
dzidza kufunga iwe ding dong.
Tinotenda Gutuza · 1 year ago
inenge yakutora kupiko hauna marii inokwana kuHire the chopa
wizzie fizzier · 1 year ago
Kambiro....stop praising zvinhu zvisingaite. zvipatara zvakawanda vaitoshaya diesel rekubatsira varwere tisat tasangana neissue yemachopper iyii. mira hako uone kt zvinongoshandiswa nevashoma. the rest nhambu tambuu
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
If they are going to be available to all citizens that's fine but as it is the road ambulances are not affordable to the masses so wonder what of the air ambulances
Tinotenda Gutuza · 1 year ago
point ipapo
bounty hunter · 1 year ago
she won't be a presidential candidate coz she lack the amount required by zec ... valerio, madhuku , chingoma, hosiah chipanga etc kkkkkkk
Ricov · 1 year ago
why don't she gather all the relevant info then make an intelligent statement . How on Mother earth is she hoping to run a country .
Zuze · 1 year ago
Is she capable of making an intelligent statement?
... · 1 year ago
It goes to show she will be a bad leader. Corruption cannot be justified. We need leaders of integrity.

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