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Results Out On Drivers Of Price Hikes, Impact Of Import Duty Removal

1 year agoTue, 23 May 2023 10:22:18 GMT
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Results Out On Drivers Of Price Hikes, Impact Of Import Duty Removal

The Competition and Tariff Commission and National Competitiveness Commission conducted a joint study on the pricing disparities of basic commodities, cost drivers of recent price hikes, and impact of import license and duty removal on price stabilization.

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development recently implemented measures to stabilize Zimbabwe’s exchange rate and macro economy, including lifting restrictions on importing basic goods. The Ministry also listed 11 basic commodities benefiting from the policy: maize meal, rice, milk, flour, salt, cooking oil, sugar, petroleum jelly, toothpaste, bathing soap, and washing soap.

The study, conducted by various government agencies, assessed pricing disparities, investigated cost drivers of recent price hikes, monitored the movement of basic commodities into the informal sector, and tracked the impact of import license and duty removal on price stabilization. 

Summary of Findings:

Price increases of basic commodities in Zimbabwe have been witnessed in local currency (ZWL) terms, while remaining stable in the US$ informal market, indicating that the exchange rate is the primary driver of price increases. US dollar-denominated cost drivers were relatively stable compared to those charged in ZWL, suggesting a positive relationship between the depreciating exchange rate and increases in ZWL-denominated cost drivers.

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The lower prices in the informal market are due to local manufacturing discounts for US$ and attractive cash purchase terms over ZWL purchases. Smuggling of basic commodities such as toothpaste, washing powder, and bathing soap into the country is evident, finding their way into the informal market.

The removal of import licenses and duties on basic commodities may strengthen price stabilisation in US$ terms in the informal sector, but it is unlikely to stabilise ZWL prices due to the pricing models of local manufacturers heavily linked to exchange rate movements. Removing duty and licenses on imports of basic commodities will harm local industries producing maize meal, toothpaste, and washing powder as these products are not competitive against imports. For maize, the producer price set by the government is higher than in countries such as South Africa and Zambia.

The report made the following recommendations:

  • liberalize the exchange rate to allow market forces to determine prices and attain efficiency,
  • properly fund the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) to purchase export surrender in a money supply-neutral manner,
  • carefully manage large payments to contractors to avoid surges in local currency liquidity,
  • monitor all sources of money supply growth by the RBZ to contain exchange rate movements,
  • reverse the opening of imports for mealie meal, toothpaste, and washing powder in the short run to protect local industry gains and domestication of local value chains in line with NDS1 aspirations.
  • The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) must strengthen measures to combat smuggling of imported goods, which could reverse the country’s reindustrialization. ZIMRA should also conduct post-clearance audits to ensure that foreign goods sold on the local market follow customs procedures properly.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
As a nation we need to dollarise again, we need to to promote use of plastic money (In USD currency). We need to have price controls. A govt basic commodity parastatal need to be created so that it supplies the nation with basic commodities
Tr2023 · 1 year ago
Management by crisis,,, rubish
Patriot · 1 year ago
Mthuli is a genius par excellence
Kule Kule · 1 year ago
Wati Mutuli chii? Ndiri kuresva kuverenga here? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
zigo · 1 year ago
local retailers fear the scrapping of the import duty simply because they are overpricing comodities in both local and foreign currency..importation of commodities liberise our supply hence allowing citizens to buy on a willing-buyer-willing-seller basis...Local goods are over priced because of the unavalaibility of alternate supply
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Local industries need no protection against imports of essential commodities. They get protection from gvt and go on to hold consumers to ransome by charging outrageous prices.
TBN · 1 year ago
We hav reached a situation were by rtgs$ will only serve GVT transactions,parastals and rural schools.We are having a currency crisis,atina chibatiso senyika kuti tinomborema zvakadii( exports/mining/agriculture& manufacturing) within the international sphere.The little manufacturing which was going on,needed incentives to boost production and lowprices through no duties but VAT on non availability raw materials &RBZ Credit lines ,so that we atleast trap something from everyimport done & tax these firms,staff an retailers.The cash available is draining away to RSA,Zambia,Botswana and Mozambique faster than before leading to shortage of cash very soon.Prices will definately fall,but real cash will be scarcey for an ordinary person like what happend in 2008/2018 wether its western union or not.Retailers importing are not accepting rtgs pushing the rate of inflation on local currency higher.GVT can only control informal influence through law that control imports& being the lagest employer they cannot afford to pay in USD for workers to afford basics in USD. In short demand for rtgs is fall heavy creating a crisis we have gone through the past 15years.
Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Just recommend the throwing away of the rubbish bond rubbish
cid · 1 year ago
so pa dollar unoda 40 ma hundred bond? imagine uchipuhwa pay yako ari ma fifty bond unotoda saga,,,
cid · 1 year ago
Kkk @va firimoni izvi hamungazvihwi dzava economics,kkk ingotii pamberi ne Zanu as usual
Aj · 1 year ago
@Cid wakanyanya 🤣🤣🤣
NHUBU · 1 year ago
@ cid ndokumbirawo kuti uite shamwari yangu
Philimon Kambiro Philimon Kambiro · 1 year ago
Rugare mapindulians hndin kuhwisisa nyaya huvhinyi
Chimodho · 1 year ago
Zvoda ma economists imi imboitai zvemutoriro nemujolo
Aj · 1 year ago
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
iwe wanyora apo uchizviti Phillimon undikwanirewo.

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