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Malema Calls For A Government of National Unity In South Africa

1 year agoWed, 24 May 2023 16:11:33 GMT
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Malema Calls For A Government of National Unity In South Africa

Julius Malema, leader of the opposition party Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), has called for the establishment of a Government of National Unity (GNU) in South Africa to resolve the current economic crisis.

In an interview with BBC, Malema criticised the African National Congress (ANC)-led government for its inability to address pressing economic concerns. He said: 

The president is not carrying the national agenda. We need a Government of National Unity constituted by all of us who are not driven by political party interests but the interests of South Africa to resolve this immediate crisis which will affect all aspects of our lives.

South Africa is currently facing a multitude of challenges, including an electricity crisis that has been worsening over the past 15 years. The power shortages have been attributed to inadequate investments in the country’s ageing coal-fired power plants.

Julius Malema‘s proposal for the establishment of a Government of National Unity (GNU) coincides with the announcement by South Africa‘s state power utility, Eskom, that it may need to increase power cuts to an unprecedented level this winter. Said Eskom Group Executive for Transmission Segomoco Scheppers in a media briefing:

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This is going to be a very difficult winter.

Many households and businesses in Africa’s most industrialised economy are already facing scheduled electricity outages of more than 10 hours a day, largely due to breakdowns in Eskom’s ailing fleet of coal power stations.

The gap between supply and demand is expected to increase in the coming winter months as people turn on their heaters, putting additional pressure on the grid.

Eskom has not yet gone beyond “Stage 6” power cuts, which require 6,000 megawatts to be shed from the national grid. Scheppers said this winter it may move to “Stage 8” which would require up to 8,000 megawatts to be shed, translating to 16 hours of outages in a 32-hour cycle.

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vbj · 1 year ago
Now you can see kuti Malema muANC opposition strategic.You call for GNU when Elections are around the corner. So that yu disrupt the election from going on. it wllb another 5yrs or 10 of GNU then the opposition collapse. ANC still in power
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kungotaura vese hava voti ava. Akavota ispoiled ballot hapana vanomuda. Rikakwira kwedu tinoti ipai ccc , ccc yoti hatidi mapenzi adzingwa ku pfee.
chief Bonolo · 1 year ago
kkkkkkkkk Chinozikanwa naMalema nezvekutonga nyika hapana,saka arikuda kudzidza kubvaANC kana apinda mugvt yeGNU,akanowinha anopusa nayo nyika kkkkkkkkkk,vatovenenguva vachizeya zvakataurwa 3 months ago ndopavaonana apo
Chaka · 1 year ago
@chief bonolo handiwirirani nemashoko enu kuti Malema akaita president anotadza ku tonga nyika. Asi kuti angatadza kutungamira, nyika yopedzisira yaita seZimbabwe. Chero imi mungatadza here kuisa mitemo yokutonga
Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
An ANC and EFF coalition will run South Africa to the ground; population will be overtaxed and land will be expropriated without compensation
Dispenser · 1 year ago
Our situation and SA is different. In SA when a pothole arise e natives rise alarm. In Zimbabwe it is normal. In SA ey are talking of load sheding wc is triggered by ageing power plants of wc they are not used to. In Zimbabwe load shading is a habit. The 15yrs wc are being talked of are just mare occasions. It's like a child complaining of not receiving brand new uniforms and shoes during e start of a term. Complaining that this year where is my Christmas present. #new clothes!! Here in Zimbabwe what are those?? Rural ple in South are capable of taking a loan to buy a BMW not a farmer, but simply an ordinary person. Here in Zimbabwe what??
doug · 1 year ago
Some people should thank the existence of strong opposition parties, otherwise they would be jobless. Just check yourself and see if you could be getting paid or getting something at the end of the month if there was no opposition party.
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Power is elusive for the Malems pressure group, at least it'll be better they try Gnu.
Shumba Mhinhi · 1 year ago
Attainment of absolute power is impossible. Attainment of full control of Governments is a process & not a one day's event. the ANC has been in existence for over 100 years, whereas the EFF has not even attain 15 years yet. In time the EFF will take over because the ANC is destroying itself slowly.
Hokage · 1 year ago
It is true Unity is key towards moving forward with pace , fighting only stalls progress , 1 will is strong but a thousand wills are invincible
CIO Harare Province · 1 year ago
Kuno zvakamboitika but mdc leader takamupa ka die forward
Hokage · 1 year ago
@CIO 😂😂😂kkkkk, Ice cream bebeee
CIO Harare Province · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 company yainzi Alpha and Omega diaries
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
kkkkkkk😂😂 tea hobvu nema polony nesugar yepa Brazil
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
Alpha and omega kwaishanda chamisa achi deliver kuna tsvangison achibva amuita die forward.
Hokage · 1 year ago
😂😂😂kkkkk haaa ndakaita politician I will only eat what I kill , Huku yandinenge ndauraya ndega , dovi randakuya ndega
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
Nothing will change for the better in SA if EFF and ANC unite. There might end having a Zimbabwean experience of the 2000s hehe.
zxie · 1 year ago
zvekupinda NEMA elections zvotonetsawoo izvii, uzoona wega kuti hazvishande weswedera wega
Sir Vast · 1 year ago
Malema ngaabike Doro mudzimu yamurashaa, ZANU YEKUSOUTH HAIBVUMI IZVOZVO
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
Yes Mia u are right, but zvema ritual zvinobva zvatomudonhedza worse. Politics is a very ugly game and there is always blood
tino · 1 year ago
Malema is always blubbering lots of hullabaloos but chabuda hapana
Hokage · 1 year ago
what Julius has proposed this time will not be ignored
tino · 1 year ago
his EFF party is South Africa's third big opposition, political party. i dont think zvobuda its like having dialogue na Mwonzora
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
malena is right he wants to avoid dividing people. along political lines. muno vana biti they just oppose for the sake of apposing asi zvisinga batanidze vanhu
the mechanic · 1 year ago
@inini. l don't agree that Mwonzora 's mdc- is the third largest party in Zimbabwe. lt absolutely has nothing. Mira ma elections aitwe uone kuti mdc- t is dead and buried
tino · 1 year ago
yaa true saka lets say its the third opposition name chete😂
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zvamunonokera Malema ave kuda kudhlawo 😜 How can somebody just wake up and say we want a GNU from nowhere ?
inini · 1 year ago
usapenge iwe, aona kuti vanhu vashupika zvee
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vanhu kushupika kudii? You can't run a country like that Just forming a GNU because Malema said so Iwe @inini ndiwe urikutopengaaaa
zigo · 1 year ago
one think tank is essential for the nation and development going forward...hope the spirit spreads
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
opposition kutonga muno here. shaaa mutsa muka ubike doro

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