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HomeCrime and Courts

Juvenile Rape Cases Rise In Harare

1 year agoThu, 25 May 2023 12:38:42 GMT
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Juvenile Rape Cases Rise In Harare

Police in Harare have expressed concern over an increase in rape cases involving minor children.

ZRP spokesperson in Harare Province, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza urged parents and guardians to be vigilant and take proactive steps to protect their children from harm.

He also called upon parents to monitor their children’s online activities and ensure they are not exposed to potential sexual predators. Said Insp Chakanza:

In one of the cases, police arrested and released a 15-year-old boy into the custody of his guardian for raping a 9-year-old girl.

The boy once stayed at the same house as the girl in Kuwadzana.

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Sometime in September 2019, the girl’s mother went to meet her brother at a footbridge in Kuwadzana 3 leaving the girl alone at home.

The accused person took advantage and invited the girl to their room and raped her.

He threatened to assault her if she disclosed the matter to anyone.

On another date in October 2019, the girl’s mother went to town leaving her at home, and the accused lured her to the bathroom and raped her. He threatened to kill her if she told anyone.

In the same month, the boy followed the girl to the toilet and raped her.

The matter came to light last month when the girl visited her grandmother in Masvingo for the school holidays when she disclosed the matter to her.

A report was lodged on May 20 leading to the arrest of the accused person.

He was released into the custody of his guardian and the victim was referred to the Family Support Clinic for medical examination.

He said in another case, a 12-year-old boy raped a 10-year-old girl in Glen Lorne. Said Insp Chakanza:

The girl and the boy’s uncle are tenants at a house in the suburb.

The boy visited his uncle for last year’s December school holidays.

The boy invited the girl to play with him in the garage.

He raped the girl and threatened to assault her if she told anyone.

The boy returned to Glen Lorne for the April school holidays and raped the complainant again in the garage.

The boy told his friend what he did to the girl and the friend told the girl’s mother.

He said the Police have a zero-tolerance policy towards child abuse and will ensure that rapists are arrested and prosecuted.

More: Pindula News



bhuruwayo · 1 year ago
kugangile okungabantu lokhu
Sorojena · 1 year ago
There's a need to revise the legal age of consent as most girls by 15 they'll be mature enough to indulge in adulthood. The frequency of this is overwhelming it calls for the revision of laws.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ini kumahumbwe vadikana vakazopedzesera vakuramba kuti ndiite baba. zvanzi PK anoita zvemashuwa shuwa.
help · 1 year ago
charumbira akazodiiwo neyake.
cde · 1 year ago
haaa 12yrs ne10yrs avo kutamba mahumbwe uko
Rita · 1 year ago
okay 😊
Bhari · 1 year ago
huya tione GOT hako iwe
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
@Rita yes babe, you deserve the best and to be treated with love and respect. Uri mudzimai chaiye chaiye anofanirwa kuratidzwa rudo everyday.😚😚😚
Rita · 1 year ago
wanga usingatonzwivo iwewe @Epworth
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
@Rita sweety wangu, times have changed becoz of the advancement of technology. These ama2K vakuziva zvakawanda and they watch zvese pama fone. If I marry you Rita i will do my best to be the best father to our beautiful children tichibatsirana to raise them zvakanaka.
Bhari · 1 year ago
the probability that you'll marry a lady from pindula is 25%. kana urikuda Shona translation bvjnza Tinashe Mugabe
Rita · 1 year ago
ko kungoti 0%
Bhari · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂 unondirovesa nemheni
Führer · 1 year ago
VanaAva vanobhinya vana vema ccc Kuwadzana I constituency ya chamisa
TICHAREVA · 1 year ago
hapana rape apo ndopanotangira Love
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😑😑😑😑😑😑😑Nyaya yekupa vana ma fone asina kuitwa mentored kuzviparira, they end up watching po.rno vakaisa pa mute. They even receive forwarded x-rated videos from friends. Ma WhatsApp groups e po.rnography akawanda ende vanenge vachioona zvese. Do u know kuti viewership ye Game of Thrones was so high nekuti teenagers where watching futi. Po.rnography industry rakes in multiple billions of dollars every year, inoita mari yakawandisa including ma views anotorika emamwe ma musicians. Vabereki pano you will faint mukaona vana venyu zvavanazvo muma phone avo. Zvinotoda Mwari
Gammue · 1 year ago
aikaka, GOT ine pono
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
@Gammue yes inotoratidza ma bhebhi achipidigurwa
Bhari · 1 year ago
dai-tsvaga 🤣
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
@Gammue i hope u are having a nice Africa day😊
Hokage · 1 year ago
Haaa ende Phillimon Kambiro haudi kuregererwa shuwa nayi , ndaita research pamusoro pako iwewe bh.inya , wakatanga uchib.hinya mombe nezvipfuyo zvaukatorera varungu iwewe , wakatozoregererwa nekuti wakafaileer psychiatric test , wabuditswa kwakubhinya futi vana mumunda , asi haudizerve kurarama pamwe chete nevanhu chiona zvivana zvako zvihalf mombe half munhu zvirikubhinya vanhu , todii newe Phillimon , ukuwo ndirikunzwa kuti musoro waTapiwa wakadya , uri munhu akaita sei Phirimoni? fok.oro shi.t mhani , let us unite Zimbabweans and kill Phillimon Kambiro .
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
Hahaha kkkk apa patukwa kkkk😂😂.
Dark 🌑 Retribution Dark 🌑 · 1 year ago
Zamhu · 1 year ago
Hapana rape apo kupanana zvinhukwe vana
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤔Chinonetsa ndechekuti mweya hwekubhinya unobva pana PK or rather Philimon Kambiro nekuti haana kana netsitsi. Saka akatoita rape vanasikana anotoseka kuti kari kuchemei nekuti haasisina kana ne tsitsi mumoyo wake. PK akati parira hubhinya munyika yedu ye Zimbabwe. Zvese izvi zvinotobva ku Zanu PF
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
@bhomora huya nemuzukuru wako ndirapire
good fighter · 1 year ago
panenge pane anenge akafurira mwana.The child maybe in most cases abused somewhere somehow so he becomes the abuser himself
Bhari · 1 year ago
aiwa, kashoma kusangana nezvakadaro mazuvano. these days tozviwana muma4n menyu nema movie. iyo movie iya yaikisana vanhu yakatomutsa zvirere. besides me new curriculum iyi, topic ye reproductive system yakuitiswa at an early stage tokurs tichiziva

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