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Side Marketing Of Cotton Should Attract Jail Terms - Minister Masuka

1 year agoThu, 25 May 2023 16:17:57 GMT
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Side Marketing Of Cotton Should Attract Jail Terms - Minister Masuka

Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Minister Anxious Masuka has called for stiffer penalties for individuals or companies engaged in the side marketing of cotton.

Speaking during the launch of the 2023 cotton marketing season in Mahuwe on Monday, Masuka said side marketing of cotton should be made a criminal offence so that those found guilty do not escape with a fine but are jailed.

Masuka said jailing side marketers will protect one of the country’s foreign currency earners and source of livelihood for many Zimbabweans. He said:

Last year, seven side marketing breaches were recorded with the culprits being fined over US$10 000.

In terms of deterrent measures, we must go beyond this and make side marketing a criminal offense.

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Jail is the only effective way to curb this practice.

My ministry, through the Agricultural Marketing Authority, continues to implement measures to curb side marketing.

These include the Memorandum of Agreement by all contractors for the establishment of cotton buying points, maintenance of good business practices and registers of each contractor at each buying point.

Side-marketing is when a contracted cotton grower sells his or her crop to a third party in breach of a legally binding contractual agreement that states that contracted cotton shall only be sold to or bought by the licensed contractor who provided inputs to such a grower.

In 2013, side marketing almost collapsed the cotton industry after private merchants stopped financing farmers due to poor debt recovery.

The following year (2014), output plunged to 28 000 tonnes, the lowest in nearly two decades.

The Government intervened by providing farmers with free inputs under the Presidential Free Inputs programme.

The Herald reported that almost 350 000 farmers were contracted to grow cotton under the Presidential Inputs Scheme last year.

250 000 hectares were put under cotton and 152 000 tonnes are expected this season.

More: Pindula News



aaaa · 1 year ago
aaaa · 1 year ago
murimi anoita zvaanoda nezvaarima anotengesera waanoda nekti ndiye anoziva kurwadza kwebadza kwete kutimanikidza kti tiite zvamunoda imi muchitidzvinyirira majaira kuda kudya zvevapfupi nekureba pamberi neside marketing ✊✊✊
Gokwe yajamuka · 1 year ago
kana uriwe waka sakura neku sprayer uchatisunga
Mazuva · 1 year ago
So sad that we treat our people this way. These farmers must know that they are on their own until we have a government
Sorojena · 1 year ago
Contract farming of cotton must be abandoned because it's akin to slavery. Farmers must always avoid such ventures with a command clause in it as it leaves them with nothing bheghi ratorwa by the commanding authority.
GG · 1 year ago
I wander what kind of leadership Zimbabwe has . You put 1000 laws and no one will comply with them. Why can't this monkey find ways that appeal to the cotton growers. Suppose they stop growing cotton will he still arrest them? monkey.
kwachu · 1 year ago
toda Mari amasuka or something like that chatoda Mari u give us Mari no side market kwete zvamurutaura izvo hatdye izvozvo isu todya mari bambo
tribe mkosho · 1 year ago
zvamanje manje murimi we donje arikutanda botso ..guys after all the suffering .wobva wabhadharwa peanuts .uchinzi ukada kuziva ziva tokukanda muzandom kkkkk.. cotton industry yazodhakwa manje
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Arresting those who engage in side-marketingof cotton? Those are small fish indeed The likes of Mayor Wadyajena are walking scot-free after looting funds meant for cotton growers for the usual reason 'lack of evidence' The funds 'millions' of USD cannot be account for
doug · 1 year ago
That law is not there yet. They should have started wi tobacco a long time ago. It is easy to talk, but putting talk to action is a different thing altogether.
Hokage · 1 year ago
Number 1 Government Agenda : people must not survive
000 · 1 year ago
you can't force or tell anyone where to sell their personal produce. it's their constitutional right to choose.
Chaka · 1 year ago
Pane munhu here angada kunzi per Kg tinotenga labour yako ne0ne thousand bond, ipo pane vamwe vanokwanisa kutenga ne0ne dollar us per Kg. Just an example.
mahuwe · 1 year ago
hamusi kubhadhara murimi wacho nenguva ka izvozvi donje makapihwa but shalato hapanai
good fighter · 1 year ago
and the list continues those who speak against Zimbabwe on international platforms those who negotiate sunctions those those vanoti tinozvidira jecha the list is endless

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