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Zimbabwe Saved US$300 Million After Record Wheat Harvest - Mnangagwa

1 year agoFri, 26 May 2023 04:46:51 GMT
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Zimbabwe Saved US$300 Million After Record Wheat Harvest - Mnangagwa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa said that the country has saved up to US$300 million in import costs following a record wheat harvest in 2022 of over 375 000 tonnes.

Mnangagwa made the remarks during a roundtable meeting on Zimbabwe’s arrears clearance and debt resolution in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, on the sidelines of the African Development Bank annual meetings. He said:

I am pleased to highlight that Zimbabwe is now food secure.

We are self-sufficient in wheat production, since 2022, saving up to US$300 million dollars annually, in import costs.

A maize bumper harvest, attributed to favourable rainfall, increased irrigation capacity and agronomy support all supported by Government programmes, is now the norm.

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Pfumvudza/Intwasa Climate Proofed agriculture, a model focusing on the efficient use of inputs, labour and water resources among small-scale and communal farmers has had tremendous results on household food security, nutrition and incomes.

Zimbabwe requires about 360 000 tonnes of wheat annually to ensure an adequate supply of flour for bread and confectionery.

This year, the Government is targetting 85 000 hectares, compared to 80 388 hectares planted in 2022.

In Zimbabwe, wheat is grown entirely under irrigation in the winter and is therefore not affected by rainfall patterns so long as the rainfall is adequate to fill up the dams which supply the irrigation.

More: Pindula News



Stones · 1 year ago
kkkk yaah Zimbabwe land of the warvets
Mazuva · 1 year ago
Nyaya yamadrugs inofanira kutanga kupedzwa kuhutungamiri hwehurumende yeZanu Pf. I just don't know what they smoke, sniff, drink and inject. Zvavanoita nokutaura makes them behave like Zimbabwe is some madhouse.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Nekunze kwenyika anongorotomoka zvakare...
tk · 1 year ago
if e alleged wheat harvest saved $300m it wouldn't need any presidential announcement however it shd hv been reflected in local bread prices radically falling, otherwise if a loaf still costs $1 then don't talk of any savings. if they decided to export e wheat then the country's import bill shd reflect that. economy yakasiyana nemombe yedhaka inokumigwa ,inozviratidza yoga n to e laymen just check e exchange rate n u r answered
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
It is good to be self sufficient as what His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa told delegates at summit in Egypt, he fell short of telling them that bread is still costly in ZImbabwe. [ [ ALL ZANU PF GOLD MAFIA CRIMINALS MUST BE VOTED OUT OF POWER AT THE HARMONISED ELECTIONS ]. Yes ZImbabwe is self sufficient in wheat production, but our bread costs rather too much. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ].
Patriot · 1 year ago
Let's clap hands for our gvt.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ngaatibvire apa Angaenda kuEgypt kunotaurira vanhu zvePfumvudza chii ichocho?
Fidzi · 1 year ago
kutambisa fuel hake
Fidzi brainless · 1 year ago
kana usingazive nyarara Fidzi Kuti engagement inoitwa sei nedzimwe nyika dzokera Ku CCC kwavanogwauta vasinga zotonge
Patriot · 1 year ago
learn to read between the lines people ... this is politics at play the enemy wants arnarchy in Zimbabwe ..asi tinovaka Zimbabwe yedu sevene vayo✊️✊️✊️
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Haha you seem captured as well. Where did you get that article? Is it from the western websites as well? Then you need to equip yourself with the necessary information not all that rubbish. BTW, I didn't read that all...
Sabhuku · 1 year ago
hapana kuSaver apa when we are loosing billions thru minerals smuggling. 1 step frwrd 50 steps backwards
¹Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Your cynical analysis will stop you from seeing all the good works being done. It's also not your fault...
Sabhuku · 1 year ago
@¹Miss Jessica zanu pf has corrupted your thinking to an extent that your can't distinguish lies from the truth. Urirombe remudzimai, ane nhamo munhu anokubvisa bhrugwa

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