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BRICS Attendees, Including Putin, Granted Diplomatic Immunity By South Africa

1 year agoMon, 29 May 2023 15:00:42 GMT
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BRICS Attendees, Including Putin, Granted Diplomatic Immunity By South Africa

South Africa has granted diplomatic immunity to attendees of the upcoming BRICS summit which Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to attend, according to Businesstech.

South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) has gazetted a declaration recognizing two meetings that will be covered by diplomatic immunity under the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act. The first meeting is the BRICS Ministerial Meeting to be held in Cape Town on 1 and 2 June 2023, and the second is the 15th BRICS Summit to be held in Johannesburg from 22 to 24 August 2023.

The immunities and privileges granted under the United Nations Convention grant immunity from personal arrest or detention. However, no immunities are given under the Rome Statutes, and Article 98 of the Statutes does not apply to South Africa as a member nation.

The planned attendance of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the summit has created a difficult situation for South Africa, which has an outstanding warrant for his arrest from the International Criminal Court for war crimes related to the Ukraine invasion. As a signatory to the Rome Statutes and the ICC, South Africa is obliged to act on the court’s arrest warrants. 

The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) declared:

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It is hereby published for general information that the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, in terms of section 6(2) of the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act 2001, has recognised (the meetings).

In accordance with section 6(1)(a) of the said Act, the immunities and privileges to be accorded to the participants of (the meetings) are those provided for in the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialised Agencies, as may be applicable and for their effective participation in the Ministerial Meeting and the Summit.

According to international law expert Dr. Hannah Woolaver, South Africa has limited options regarding Putin’s arrest warrant, and this situation is a significant test for international law.

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kranko · 1 year ago
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cde · 1 year ago
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zimbo · 1 year ago
chikwadi kana usingaziwi SHUUUUT UP ! GEORGE BUSH AND TONY BLAIR TOILET , LIED 65 TIMES that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and they murdered Hussein bcz of those lies . zvaiwepo ndezvekuti Bush just wanted to avenge the HUMILIATION THAT HAD BEEN INFLICTED TO HIS FATHER AND NATO DURING THE 1992 GULF WAR BY SADDAM
Jane Moyo · 1 year ago
America inojaira,ikozvino Israel inouraya maPalestinians haisungwi nemhakayei?NATO ngairove Israel panezvainoita muPalestaine.Zvinoreva herekuti America neshamwaridzayo ndovanotenderwa kuraya nekutemera zvirango KuAfrica,Asia,,ko KuEurope havaresvi here?Board ye UN yakonewa zvachose.Putin urikugona Ukraine ndeye Russia,America neshamwari dzayo ngaiibve pagakava iri hapasipayo uye hsisiriyo MwariTodakuona anosunga Putin.America haifaniri kungopinda paisingafaniri.America yakadii kupinda muDRC,Sudan ,kundonyaradza?
I'm a Jew · 1 year ago
Israel is protecting what belongs to them.
Jane Mazvaidza · 1 year ago
Inizvinondishamisa,Putin haanafanirwi kusungwa nekutu Ukraine ndeye Russia kubvaku History.Ok America,Britain,,France ,German,ndivovanotenderwa here kurova dzimwenyika vasingasungwi?Gadaffi we Libya,Saddam we Iraq ,voseava vakauraiwa vasinamhaka,America,neshamwari dzayo vakasungwanani?Irosangano re UN ngariputswe nekutiravakuita avido zve America neshamwari dzayo.Hapanakujeka NATO inoitabasa rokuuraya vanhu asihavana kusungwa,panekuti vanyaradze hondo dzakaita sedze DRC,Boko Haram,Renamo.Putin urikugona America ngaibve pagakavairi haikwanipo haisiyo Mwari
Jack Roller · 1 year ago
tatayena mujeri
tino · 1 year ago
mukaona akastika,sungai!!!!👮‍♂️
Y2K · 1 year ago
Putin wacho mhosva yake ndeyeiko???muno takaiswa on sanctions bcoz we regained what has been taken from us our land.Israel invaded Palestine while the Americans were cheering.Nuclear weapons were nowhere to be found in Iraq yet the Americans invaded that country killed Saddam and looted the oil.
Sorojena · 1 year ago
His being in South Africa is not safe for Poo-tin, Americans and Ukraineans are on his tracks. He is even not safer amongst his own people
The Empress · 1 year ago
Some quick thinking was required! Lawyers for the win! Why borrow trouble? If they want him they should go get him themselves in Russia! 😂😂
Chikwadi · 1 year ago
Muparamuro tsvagisisa nyanya ye Iraqi va nyika zhinji dzakatenderana be kuti itakwe nehondo Ndiyosaka va malinda nyika dzakatio isangoti ukwahwa panotaura vamwe newe sikasika va Putin ari wega
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
@Chikwadi iwe ndiwe urikufanira kuita tsvakurudzo nekuti watorakidza kusaziva. USA attacked Iraq on the pretext that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that it would use them against other nations. They convinced the rest of the world and some countries were coerced or bribed to vote in favour of the attack. You need to expand your reading
Ziiiii Zvangu · 1 year ago
Isn't this harbouring a perpetrator of mass destruction? 😜😜😜
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
ICC is one big joke, it failed to act when USA committed war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, has failed to act against Israel on its war crimes in Palestine but wants to act on Russia. Bias does not get worse than that. The world is an animal farm where some animals are more equal than others for sure. Yet you see people of the oppressed world cheering the Americans as they commit atrocities allover the world. Brainwashing has done wonders for the imperialists for real
The Empress · 1 year ago
This is why countries should be careful of signing any all international agreements. You can get stuck in some tricky situations.... South Africa was nearly trapped into taking sides in a situation where there was nothing to gain except trouble..... The ICC is meant to be a place to get justice for the victims from the perpetrators of genocides, crimes against humanity and the like....whilst it's a good idea in theory in reality it's nothing than an excuse for Europeans to lecture the poor and let's the common European citizen feel good about themselves, whilst conveniently ignoring the centuries of open nd current hidden misdeeds that led to the very same tragedies occurring in the first place......The USA doesn't recognise the ICC and has stated categorically that any attempt to try any of it's citizens in the court will be met with punitive measures.... in plain english the USA will sanction all countries involved into abject poverty and the option going to war isn't off the table either!
Maparamuro · 1 year ago
@Empress you understand world politics much better than most here. Well said. ICC is a big joke. USA uses both economic and military power to force the developing countries into signing these deals as a way to control them, unfortunately because we are brainwashed we don't see it. We think if it comes from USA it's good for us.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
America plays the game smarter; send troops on a peace keeping mission and the indigenous pple will be made to believe that their government(s) is/are their enemy which is a recipe for uprising. At the end of the game the indigenous will be credited with overthrowing their goverments through a civil war. Few of these circumstances do we see Uncle Sam being involved directly like the Osama/Iraq scenarion.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
No country can mess with Russia,Cape town mayor see you august,BRICS meeting
ini zvangu · 1 year ago
What's the reward for delivering him to the International Criminal Court, ndi****va chibhanzi?
Gammue · 1 year ago
eataura vulgar 😂
Dispenser · 1 year ago
South Africa can't afford to arrest Putin. Otherwise they are afraid Russian military. Apart from that ey are a member of BRICS nations.

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