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Zimbabwe Introduces A 1% Tax On All Foreign Payments

1 year agoTue, 30 May 2023 11:32:25 GMT
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Zimbabwe Introduces A 1% Tax On All Foreign Payments

The Zimbabwean government has announced that starting June 1, 2023, a one percent (1%) tax will be applied to all foreign payments. The move announced on May 29, 2023, is one of several measures adopted by the government to address months of economic instability, rapid depreciation of the Zimbabwean dollar, and significant price hikes. Finance and Economic Development Minister, Professor Mthuli Ncube said the Treasury will:

• Introduce a 1% tax on all foreign payments.

The tax on all foreign payments in Zimbabwe can help the economy in multiple ways. Firstly, the revenue generated can fund public services and infrastructure development, addressing social and economic challenges. Secondly, it can reduce the outflow of foreign currency that depletes foreign exchange reserves, thereby managing its availability and flow, and reducing dependence on external sources.

Additionally, the Zimbabwean government is introducing a system to trace the origin of gold, both commercial and small-scale, in line with international standards. This follows the release of the Gold Mafia documentary by Al Jazeera, which exposed gold smuggling and money laundering involving senior government officials, Fidelity Printers, ZIMRA, and RBZ. The country reportedly loses billions of dollars annually due to illicit gold trading through porous borders.

Ncube also stated that Treasury will now fund the Zimbabwean Dollar component of the 25% foreign currency surrendered by exporters to eliminate the creation of additional money supply. He said banks will no longer withhold any foreign currency surrendered by exporters, and all liabilities to the banks will be settled through Treasury.

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The minister also stated that the Treasury will maintain the USD Cash withdrawal tax at 2%. This tax was introduced in May 2022, where the Foreign Currency Cash Withdrawal Levy for amounts above US$1,000 was reviewed from 5 cents per transaction to 2%. 

Ncube also said excise duty on fuel will now be paid for in foreign currency. This is a departure from a directive issued in 2019, as published in a Government Gazette Extraordinary dated 20th May 2019. At that time, Ncube reduced the rate of excise duty on leaded petrol and unleaded petrol to a uniform rate of $1.15 per litre and the rate of excise duty on diesel and power kerosene to a uniform rate of $0.90 per litre. The new rates were expressed in the local currency, not the US dollar. 

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mthuli just needs to be fired simple
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Total waste of paper. Penalising those who use official channels. All this does is push more into the informal and black market. The 4% IMTT tax on forex to 2% and the other 2% has been "hidden" in other taxes and charges. But it is for the greater good?! Talk about kicking a dead horse. Go after the problem, not the symptom, Mr Ncube. And the circle continues. Looking left, looking right. Haven't we been here before?
XXX · 1 year ago
Tired of the reforms that are meant to cause the poorest majority to suffer chimbopaiwo vanwe chimuti tione. Plus futi kulooters mukorovera Bhora mberi !!!
God Knows · 1 year ago
Kubva rinhi vachiita izvi? We always change our policies that is why tirikushaya. Obvious hazvisi kuzoshanda izvi, My question is * vachaita sei manje? Chaora chinhu ichi
God Knows · 1 year ago
Back to 2008, uku ndiko kuparara kwenyika! havachamborikwanisa kudzikamisa rate? Ndopaunoona rimwe zimunhu richisapota chimwe chipati chaora zvacho! Apa maCivil servants anongoti haawedzerwe mari! Tirikutongwa nedemo guys dzangu!
Sydwell · 1 year ago
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Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Mthuli dai adzikisawo PAYE its too much
ibvai · 1 year ago
hakusiriko kugadzira problem uku nxaaaaa
Stepfather Manyama · 1 year ago
kuda mari yekutengera machief mota nedzekutenga mavotes ikoko
SC · 1 year ago
kwasara 5% on all lobola payments
seer · 1 year ago
ko Angel akadzorera Mari yaakaburitsa hazviite here?
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 1 year ago
yooooh , today s rate shoots 2 500 at RBZ official rate
g · 1 year ago
atanga mtuvi uya, ko ma civil servants waramba wanyarara nezvavo wani
Pritchard Chuma · 1 year ago
I think kuda kugadzirisa nyika netuma 1% utwo kuda kungodzvinyirira vanhu, mati inobuda ku gold mafia per week was more than enough to address the country's situation, dai nyika ino isina kana chikwereti, dai zvese zvirimuno zviri worl class , manje iiiii hapana action!
Noob Saibot & Ken & Ryu · 1 year ago
Lip 💋 service if they knew all this why not implement when the rate was 1US:10 Bond. This is useless. Why are we always reactionery - we aren't PROACTIVE IN OUR POLICIES
Hokage · 1 year ago
this move solves nothing
· 1 year ago
It's just another way of fundraising for his coffers. The country is broke, and he has removed certain duties, so his inflows into treasury are low. He has to find a way to finance the bloated civil service, this election and obviously mnangagwa's globetrotting in the new Executive Jet.
Hokage · 1 year ago
@X2 🤣globetrotting eh ?
Nimrod · 1 year ago
@Bob you are making sense. lt means cost of services will increase when you make payment using official channels. Which means if you wanted to pay something for $100 it will now cost you $101 US, a dropin the ocean. The question is, pandinonitora ka nostro kangu ndino chajiwa 1% yacho here. Vanoita payment my informal sector hacabhadhariswe mari iyi Saka hapana zvaitwa ba Mutuvi
aaaa · 1 year ago
iii hurumende iyi ndaneta nayo hainete kudyira vanhu mari iiii 🤔🤔
Bob · 1 year ago
lt doesn't make sense. 1% tax will only apply to payments made through official channels. Most business is now done in the informal sector. Kuda kungobatira mari VA sevenzi pavanotora tumari muma bank
Fifi · 1 year ago
Kuvhara chigamba ne chimwe chigamba
Rita · 1 year ago
at least better
VaBhomba · 1 year ago
Rita sweety, I missed u. The best lady😚😚 ndinokufarira zvekuti bhebhi.
Prominent · 1 year ago

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